Does God "TEST" us....?

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To understand why God tests us read the story of Abraham, God’s “test”.

Abraham builds an altar on which to murder his son and burn his corpse.

He ties his son up and is about to slit his throat, when an angel tells him it was TEST of faith. He then kills a ram as God loves burning flesh. Abraham is rewarded and revered ever since as passing the test.

If Abraham pulled that stunt today he would be committed to a mental hospital for LIFE.

But we are told this is an example of God’s love. 🤷 You decide.
I don’t think God would ask Abraham to ‘pull off such a stunt’ today. It is a case of different places and times, methinketh.
Repentence, my friend. God will give you the stregnth.

Didn’t work. God didn’t provide the strength. Hence, I still have concupiscence, and hate it.

So, how do I get my concupiscence healed? I want it gone. I want that mystical can of RAID to spray on the cockroach of concupiscence.

Didn’t work. God didn’t provide the strength. Hence, I still have concupiscence, and hate it.

So, how do I get my concupiscence healed? I want it gone. I want that mystical can of RAID to spray on the cockroach of concupiscence.
Don’t give up. Keep trying. This is a test - you can pass it!🙂
Don’t give up. Keep trying. This is a test - you can pass it!🙂
First, I failed.
Second, I can only pass with help from the Big Boss, who does not want to help.
“The Teacher remains silent during the Test” goes the saying.

So, to pass the test, I must have my concupiscence healed.
  1. Sin.
  2. We are held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors and others.
  3. No. Why should I?
  4. No.
Now,answer MY question.

WHY are we held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors, others and the sin of Adam and Eve?

We are NOT in the Garden of Eden! We are not in paradise!

You don’t have the answer why we are still being temporally punished.
We are not being punished. We are the victims of the sins of our ancestors because we are not isolated individuals but members of the human family who are deeply affected by the way others behave. “No man is an island…”

It doesn’t matter how much we love our children we cannot prevent them from being influenced by their siblings - for better or for worse. To think otherwise is to live in a dream world and ignore the harsh reality of evil. Why do you lock your door at night?
First, I failed.
Second, I can only pass with help from the Big Boss, who does not want to help.
“The Teacher remains silent during the Test” goes the saying.

So, to pass the test, I must have my concupiscence healed.
It is ironic that a few days before Good Friday the “Big Boss” is supposed “not to want to help” and “remains silent”. Rather than an odd view for a Christian to hold…
. . . So, to pass the test, I must have my concupiscence healed.
Hopefully, this makes some sense: What I hear above is pride.
Salvation is to be found in Christ.

At the basis of the commandments is Love.
God created all this through His Love.
We can consider ourselves as existing in the ocean of His compassion.
We don’t see it because of sin.

Give of yourself; pray to be a more loving person.
The concupiscence will fade; that is until you reflect on how holy you’ve become - and it starts all over.

It’s something like that.
We are not being punished.

God punished Adam and Eve because of their sins, and the punishment was banishment from the Garden of Eden.

We have that same punishment enforced on us.

If God did not mean to punish us as well, He could have said to Adam and Eve “OK, as soon as your kids are born, take them to the Garden of Eden and I’ll let them in.”

God did not do that. Why?
We are the victims of the sins of our ancestors because we are not isolated individuals but members of the human family who are deeply affected by the way others behave. “No man is an island…”
What I see here is a one way street.

OK, we are members of the human family, so as a result, we are required to have bad things happen to us. Suffering. Pain. Horrible things. No good things allowed.

HOWEVER - We’re also supposed to be adopted children of God, and as such, we are to be provided for. We are in the family of God. So does this change anything in a temporal way?

The reality is that on earth: We have the obligations (bad things happen), but not the benefits (healing, temporal blessings, etc.).
It is ironic that a few days before Good Friday the “Big Boss” is supposed “not to want to help” and “remains silent”. Rather than an odd view for a Christian to hold…
Then how do I get God to talk to me so he can tell me his will?
I want prayer to be a conversation, not a monologue.
Hopefully, this makes some sense: What I hear above is pride.
I agree. I have a self. Since pride is evil, so is the self.
At the basis of the commandments is Love.
God created all this through His Love.
We can consider ourselves as existing in the ocean of His compassion.
We don’t see it because of sin.
God’s compassion and mercy are infinite in the spiritual sphere. Divine Mercy revelation shows it is an ocean.

When it comes to temporal things, sometimes God’s mercy bleeds through from the spiritual sphere to the temporal realm and good things happen.

When it does not…then I cannot say God’s compassion and mercy is infinite.
until you reflect on how holy you’ve become - and it starts all over.
It’s something like that.
Interesting view. When one reflects on God, one becomes Holy because God is Holy.
When one reflects on the self, one becomes more evil because the self is evil.
My co-worker is muslim, and sometimes we have discussions about God. When talking about life, daily events, and decisions, he mentions mostly that God tests us.
An example: Something did not work out as planned, so God is testing us to see our response. Do we thank Him anyways, or maybe become unhappy, or bitter.

So, does God test us? When bad things happen, is a test from God? Does God see it this way?

I feel like God ‘testing’ us, is an inappropriate view of God. I know God allows evil to bring Himself Glory, and that it can benefit us.

I am in RCIA, so very new to the Catholic faith- Your thoughts are appreciated., and if you can help me respond to the belief of ‘tests’ from God. Also, I know his view of God is very different than ours.
Yes, look at Job. He told the devil he cannot take away one thing our free will.

I believe God tests us to make us better and stronger people. Sometimes it takes some of us to experience things to become more passionate to others.

While we cannot always understand God and his ways, we know and have enough faith in him to trust him and know he will always protect us.
This assumes we are 100% able to know what we are doing. We have 100% of the knowledge of the effects of our sin, and 100% knowledge of the reasons why it is a sin.

Based on your statement,

Adam & Eve knew that they would be kicked out of the Garden of Eden and condemn the rest of humanity to horrible suffering, pain, heartbreak, and other evils. They knew this in advance, and they did it with full purpose, without any sense of compunction. These two were 100% sadistic types who enjoyed knowing that 7 billion + people are suffering on a daily basis.

They committed a mortal sin and were unrepentant.


Of course, I disagree.
Think what you are saying. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They wanted to be gods. So do you really think anything would have stopped them.

They believed when they ate the fruit they would become God, so why would they care about what could have happened?

I’ll give you a command. No explanation. No reasoning. Don’t think. Don’t speak. Just do it.

Is that a loving act from me? I’d say no.

Will you do it? I doubt it.

Where is the love in withholding that information? I’d say no love there.

This is not an emergency where Adam and Eve had to not do something in 5 seconds (i.e. take your hand off that hot stove!).

Maybe Adam and Eve were stupid, and didn’t ask the right question to God : Why would we die? What would happen? Didn’t God take that into account?

If the serpent was 50 feet tall being very intimidating, they had every right to fear. What else would you expect from weak humanity? They’re not supermen!

Where was God? Why didn’t he protect his children from the serpent?

An ordinary human parent would see their baby heading toward a snake and rush to pick him/her up. Why wouldn’t God do better than that? He loves FAR more!!!


It is all about love.
So why does God still hold us temporally responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve? How is that loving?
Huh? This is lent, This is the time Christ died and by his death we are all released from Original Sin, which is of course the sin of Adam and Eve.

So my question to you is this, Do you deny the Cross of Christ? If you do, then you must realize he died for Original Sin and its no longer held upon us.

You truly need to read the story of Adam and Eve again. They had everything, they choose to disobey God and become gods. They sinned, they did not want God in their lives so they got what they wanted separation from him.

Its no different today, when we sin, we separate ourselves from him.

Why are you blaming God for the sin of Adam and Eve?
I think St. Paul can guide us in this discussion:
Romans 8:1-17: Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s judgment. Because of what Christ Jesus has done, you are free. You are now controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit who gives you life. The law of the Spirit frees you from the law of sin that brings death. The written law was made weak by the power of sin. But God did what the written law could not do. He made his Son to be like those who live under the power of sin. God sent him to be an offering for sin. Jesus suffered God’s judgment against our sin. Jesus does for us everything the holy law requires. The power of sin should no longer control the way we live. The Holy Spirit should control the way we live.
So don’t live under the control of sin. If you do, you will think about what sin wants. Live under the control of the Holy Spirit. If you do, you will think about what the Spirit wants. The thoughts of a person ruled by sin bring death. But the mind ruled by the Spirit brings life and peace. The mind ruled by the power of sin is at war with God. It does not obey God’s law. It can’t. Those who are under the power of sin can’t please God.
But you are not ruled by the power of sin. Instead, the Holy Spirit rules over you. This is true if the Spirit of God lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Christ. If Christ lives in you, you will live. Though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life. The Spirit does this because you have been made right with God. The Spirit of the God who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. So the God who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your bodies. He will do this because of his Spirit who lives in you.
Brothers and sisters, we have a duty. Our duty is not to live under the power of sin. If you live under the power of sin, you will die. But by the Spirit’s power you can put to death the sins you commit. Then you will live.
Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. The Spirit you received doesn’t make you slaves. Otherwise you would live in fear again. Instead, the Holy Spirit you received made you God’s adopted child. By the Spirit’s power we call God Abba. Abba means Father. The Spirit himself joins with our spirits. Together they tell us that we are God’s children. As his children, we will receive all that he has for us. We will share what Christ receives. But we must share in his sufferings if we want to share in his glory.
First, I failed.
Second, I can only pass with help from the Big Boss, who does not want to help.
“The Teacher remains silent during the Test” goes the saying.

So, to pass the test, I must have my concupiscence healed.
Well you know what they say: God helps those who help themselves!

Many Christians fall into the trap of inactivity. Many Christians ask God for help, but then expect God to do everything Himself. They excuse this by pointing to the fact that God will provide according to His will and in His timing. However, this is not a reason for inactivity. As a specific example, if you are in need of a job, ask the Lord to help you find a job - but then be active in actually looking for a job. While it is in His power to do so, it is highly unlikely that God will cause employers to come looking for you!

Read more:
. . . When one reflects on the self, one becomes more evil because the self is evil.
Appropriating what is God’s, and we belong to God, is evil.
It causes a brokenness within us.
Narcissism and self-hate are the two sides of a broken self.
Think what you are saying. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They wanted to be gods. So do you really think anything would have stopped them.

They believed when they ate the fruit they would become God, so why would they care about what could have happened?
So they were sadists.
Huh? This is lent, This is the time Christ died and by his death we are all released from Original Sin, which is of course the sin of Adam and Eve.
Spiritually, this is true.
Temporally, we are yet to be. (Romans 8:23)
You do notice we are not in the Garden of Eden?
So my question to you is this, Do you deny the Cross of Christ? If you do, then you must realize he died for Original Sin and its no longer held upon us.
Yes, Jesus took care of the Spiritual part of that. Temporally, we’re still outside of the Garden of Eden.
Why are you blaming God for the sin of Adam and Eve?
I don’t.

I ask why we’re held temporally responsible for their sins.
I ask why we’re held temporally responsible for the sins of others.
So they were sadists.

Spiritually, this is true.
Temporally, we are yet to be. (Romans 8:23)
You do notice we are not in the Garden of Eden?

Yes, Jesus took care of the Spiritual part of that. Temporally, we’re still outside of the Garden of Eden.

I don’t.

I ask why we’re held temporally responsible for their sins.
I ask why we’re held temporally responsible for the sins of others.
Why do you think suffering the consequences of others’ sins is the same as being held responsible for them?
Why do you think suffering the consequences of others’ sins is the same as being held responsible for them?
Before: Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden - no suffering.
After: Outside of Garden of Eden, suffering.

How did they get out of Garden of Eden? They sinned. And God punished them.

Now, the children (us) are outside of Garden of Eden. We have the same penalty, same punishment.

If God was not holding us temporally responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve, we’d be in the Garden of Eden.
Before: Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden - no suffering.
After: Outside of Garden of Eden, suffering.

How did they get out of Garden of Eden? They sinned. And God punished them.

Now, the children (us) are outside of Garden of Eden. We have the same penalty, same punishment.

If God was not holding us temporally responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve, we’d be in the Garden of Eden.
Sounds like you are using a different meaning of “responsible” than most use. What is your definition of responsible?
Sounds like you are using a different meaning of “responsible” than most use. What is your definition of responsible?
I agree. To say we are responsible for Adam and Eve’s sins is backwards. The first parents are responsible for mankind’s sins. Because they sinned, man was a slave to sin and death. However Jesus was the ransom for Adam’s curse to mankind. By sacrificing his perfect life in flawless obedience to God, Jesus paid the price for Adam’s sin. Despite our sinful condition, we can enjoy priceless blessings because of the ransom, such as forgiveness of sins, a clean conscience before God, and the hope of everlasting life.
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