Sounds like you are using a different meaning of “responsible” than most use. What is your definition of responsible?
Pay attention.I agree. To say we are responsible for Adam and Eve’s sins is backwards.
I did not say WE ARE responsible.
Not spiritually. Jesus took care of the latter. We are not held spiritually responsible.
We are held temporally responsible by God. He has given us the same punishment and penalty as He did to Adam and Eve.
However, we are not redeemed yet. We are waiting for our redemption and our adoption as sons/daughters. (Romans 8:23) - This indicates we have not gotten it yet.However Jesus was the ransom for Adam’s curse to mankind.
If we already got it, why are we waiting for it?
Jesus paid the spiritual price. That was infinite.By sacrificing his perfect life in flawless obedience to God, Jesus paid the price for Adam’s sin.
He didn’t pay the temporal price. You notice the gates of the Garden of Eden haven’t opened up and we are now having daily flights on El Air to the Garden of Eden.
Let me give you two examples.
You get a letter from the city. It is a parking ticket. Apparently you parked illegally in front of a fire hydrant. You look at the license plate and make/model of the car and recognize it as your neighbor’s car. You go to the hearing and plead your case, bringing evidence like your car’s registration. The judge refuses to accept your defense and fines you $100.
Now, you are not responsible for the parking fine, but you are HELD responsible for someone else’s action.
You are in the army. You are sleeping in the barracks. At 2AM one of the other soldiers in your platoon was caught sneaking out of the barracks without permission. The drill sergeant wakes you and everyone else up and orders everyone (including the sneaker) to do 20 push ups.
Now, are you responsible for the sneaker’s actions? No. But you are being HELD responsible.
In the same way, we are being HELD temporally responsible.
Now, given the fact we are not in the Garden of Eden (and the rest of the punishments God inflicted on Adam and Eve are also being inflicted on us) - we are paying the TEMPORAL price.