You don’t decide how bible verses are interpreted. The Church does.
Neither does destroy mean annihilate. Even in our language the two are not the same.Immortal can’t mean indestructible - unless you think Jesus was lying when he said God can destroy both the body and the soul in Gehenna.
Why are we using non-catholic sources as an authority?The false prophet is the second beast from Rev 13: 11-16 Read the footnote on this passage…
Didn’t God provide the church for that purpose?I’m not asking you to trust me. I seek the Truth for myself and so far, you have added nothing to it. You did not bring up a single point that I have not already considered or failed to answer.
I don’t claim to have any superior knowledge; I simply rely on Mother Church. You, on the other hand rely on your interpretation.Do you have some greater knowledge about God? If so you failed to demonstrate it - spectacularly. I am a far better apologist for the annihilationist interpretation than you are for the the small “t” traditional interpretation.
Then we will have to look at the Greek to resolve this. I don’t have time at the moment, but I’ll get back to you.Luke6_37:![]()
Neither does destroy mean annihilate. Even in our language the two are not the same.Immortal can’t mean indestructible - unless you think Jesus was lying when he said God can destroy both the body and the soul in Gehenna.
I am citing the New American Bible Revised Edition which is the translation posted on the USCCB website.Luke6_37:![]()
Why are we using non-catholic sources as an authority?The false prophet is the second beast from Rev 13: 11-16 Read the footnote on this passage…
If we are discussing Catholic doctrine, Catholic authority should be the standard,
Given your lack of knowledge about what the notes are for in a Catholic Bible, I would say that maybe you are not well versed in your own faith. Who knows what heretical ideas you may inadvertently hold?Luke6_37:![]()
Didn’t God provide the church for that purpose?I’m not asking you to trust me. I seek the Truth for myself and so far, you have added nothing to it. You did not bring up a single point that I have not already considered or failed to answer.
This sounds like you are looking for some excuse to not follow God’s church.
All your silliness aside. We know that Pope Francis believes in Hell because he talks about hell and Satan. It is best not to trust this 93 yr old atheist to write the truth about what Pope Francis said or didn’t say.vz71:![]()
Given your lack of knowledge about what the notes are for in a Catholic Bible, I would say that maybe you are not well versed in your own faith. Who knows what heretical ideas you may inadvertently hold?Luke6_37:![]()
Didn’t God provide the church for that purpose?I’m not asking you to trust me. I seek the Truth for myself and so far, you have added nothing to it. You did not bring up a single point that I have not already considered or failed to answer.
This sounds like you are looking for some excuse to not follow God’s church.
All the more reason to avoid throwing stones.
Not sure why you’re quoting me. I don’t deny Hell exists. You are preaching to the choir.Luke6_37:![]()
All your silliness aside. We know that Pope Francis believes in Hell because he talks about hell and Satan. It is best not to trust this 93 yr old atheist to write the truth about what Pope Francis said or didn’t say.vz71:![]()
Given your lack of knowledge about what the notes are for in a Catholic Bible, I would say that maybe you are not well versed in your own faith. Who knows what heretical ideas you may inadvertently hold?Luke6_37:![]()
Didn’t God provide the church for that purpose?I’m not asking you to trust me. I seek the Truth for myself and so far, you have added nothing to it. You did not bring up a single point that I have not already considered or failed to answer.
This sounds like you are looking for some excuse to not follow God’s church.
All the more reason to avoid throwing stones.
no he has the church of Luke on his side.Do you have Patristics on your side?
Even that may be iffy. We know of some euphemisms because of their commonality, but let’s be realistic. It has been a long time since that generation. That is why it is needed and logical that Jesus established a Church as a continual guide. It is also why no doctrine should be built on a word, though I know Catholics and Protestants both seem to do this. Again, that is why authority beyond just Scripture is necessary.Then we will have to look at the Greek to resolve this
But it does demonstrate a problem with annihilation of the human soul. I mentioned earlier how we simply may not be able to understand all of God, and how mercy could allow for eternal damnation. However, this cannot be denied as happening, whether we see human people in Hell, or other people in Hell. The Church has always taught both the existence of angels, and that of demons and Satan. So if God created first, before Man, beings whose rebellion results in eternal punishment, it cannot be contrary to his mercy to do the same with Man.The devil, the beast and the false prophet are called the unholy trinity - none of them are human. So AGAIN this verse does NOT demonstrate your point.
Here is a link to the exact same Bible on the USCCB website.Bible Gateway is not a Catholic website.
Regardless of translation used, the commentary is what is being referenced.
That commentary does not appear on the usccb website.
Can you find an imprimatur on the comments you reference?
Let’s jump in right away with the strongest argument against the claims made by annihilationists: it’s condemned by Constantinople II. Yea, it’s a council from the 6th century, 1,000 years before that other Ecumenical Council, at Trent… but here’s the thing. The teachings of this council are just as true today as they were in 553, and will be just as true in the year 2553. Christ, as Head of the Church, is the same yesterday, today and forever. So here’s what Constantinople II said in it’s 9th anathema against Origen:Representing the teaching of Annihilationism and “Soul Sleep” propounded by Ellen G. White and condemned as heresy as early as the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D. [is] Phil Morrison resident Seventh-day Adventist.
Back to the article:If anyone says or thinks that the punishment of demons and of impious men is only temporary, and will one day have an end, and that a restoration will take place of demons and of impious men, let him be anathema.
Anathema to Origen and to that Adamantius, who set forth these opinions together with his nefarious and execrable and wicked doctrine and to whomsoever there is who thinks thus, or defends these opinions, or in any way hereafter at any time shall presume to protect them.
He then quotes several of the Church Fathers, notably St. Irenaeus:The following is an examination of what is commonly called “conditional immortality” – that a person’s “immortality” is conditioned on receiving eternal life. … The resurrected believer enjoys eternal bliss in heaven while the wicked or unbeliever is to be annihilated or extinguished or snuffed out of existence at the final resurrection. The penalty in this view is eternal death (meaning extinction) and not eternal torment. As we see from the above, three ideas are contrasted…
(3) Annihilation v. Eternal Torment. The main question to be examined – Which view is biblical? Before answering that, I want to deal with another important question. Which view is orthodox?
Back to the article:“When, then, is there left to call the mortal body, except that which was shaped, that is, the flesh, of which it is also said that God will make it to live? It is this which dies and is decomposed, but not the soul nor the spirit.” (St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5:7:1, AD 180)
In post 130, Luke mentioned that we’d have to look at the Greek to resolve what “destroy” means, specifically in Matt 10:28. Let’s do just that. The interlinear can be found here for reference. Brooks’ response continues:Now where did this idea of “soul sleep” and annihilation come from? It was first defended by Arnobius of Sicca (c. 327 A.D.), a/k/a Arnobius the Elder… Protestant church historian Philip Schaff says of Arnobius’ work – “As to man, Arnobius…DENIES his immortality. The soul outlives the body but depends solely on God for the gift of eternal duration. The wicked go to the fire of Gehenna, and will ultimately be consumed or ANNIHILATED.”…
Now that we have discussed the historical background showing the doctrines of “soul sleep” and its concomitant teachings of both conditional immortality and annihilationism (although they are not necessarily linked) are clearly not the orthodox teaching of the historic Christian church (neither Catholic nor Orthodox nor Protestant), we shall delve into the proposed biblical support for these unorthodox teachings.
Matthew 10:28 RSV:
“And do not fear those who kill [Gr apokteino] the body but CANNOT kill [apokteino] the SOUL [psuche]; rather fear those who can destroy [apollumi] both soul and body in hell [Gehenna].”
(1) The Greek word for kill is apokteino = “to kill” physically. See also Mt 14:5; Jn 18:31; Rev 2:13; 9:15; 11:13; 19:21.
(2) According to Mt 10:28 the person’s SOUL psuche CANNOT be killed. Why? The soul is not physical but spiritual and immortal.
(3) The “soul and body” together can be “destroyed” in hell (Gehenna). The Greek word here is apollumi meaning “to destroy utterly” or “to perish.” See also Lk 13:3,5; Jn 3:16; 10:28; 17:12…
(4) This word apollumi does not mean “annihilation” as some Seventh Day Adventist people argue. According to W.E. Vine the “idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but of well-being” (under “destroy”).