Does Hell Exist? Pope Francis Says No (Warning: This title is misleading)

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You don’t get to decide that.
In the same way that people can look at a color and judge what color it is, or look at a cat and judge it to be a cat, people can look at the beliefs someone claims and judge them to be conducive to a specific religious belief.
In your case, the beliefs you defend are contrary to Catholicism.
No more contrary than the Pope’s. We have the same enemies, so I must be doing something right!

You are welcome to cling to the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment if it brings you joy and comfort. For me, it describes a God who is lesser than the one that I can imagine, and so it cannot be true. I don’t accept the God of Calvin or the God of Islam for the same reasons. My God is better.
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Indeed, there are a lot of non-Catholic Christians who are very scandalized by this.
Define “this.” We have no evidence of anything.

If by “this” you mean the initial article, then calling it scandal makes as much sense as saying the Church being accused of being the whore of Babylon of fundamentalist is a scandal. Neither are true and both are outside attacks.

I think some people just look for lies to get in a lather about. Maybe Jesus had the right idea of silence before his accusers, instead of arguing with liars. I would think Pope Francis knows a little bit about Jesus. Not every man of God likes to keep himself in the media spotlight every day. Some prefer a life of humility.
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Indeed, there are a lot of non-Catholic Christians who are very scandalized by this.
Define “this.” We have no evidence of anything.

If by “this” you mean the initial article, then calling it scandal makes as much sense as saying the Church being accused of being the whore of Babylon of fundamentalist is a scandal. Neither are true and both are outside attacks.

I think some people just look for lies to get in a lather about. Maybe Jesus had the right idea of silence before his accusers, instead of arguing with liars. I would think Pope Francis knows a little bit about Jesus. Not every man of God likes to keep himself in the media spotlight every day. Some prefer a life of humility.
Sadly, I think Cardinal Burke is the one who is creating the scandal. It is truely scanalous for an Archbishop to speak against the Pope in public and to the media this way. That is an inside attack.

His supporters need to learn that there has always been and always will be a diversity of legitimate personal theological opinion within the Church regarding the interpretation of doctrine UNTIL that becomes problematic to eccesiastical unity and a council or the Pope needs to issue a definitive statement declaring dogma or anathematizing heresy or both.

Regarding this particular issue, I am reminded of Pope Benedicts Regensburg Address and the scandal it created. After that, you would think smart Catholics would have learned to greet anything the media reports that sounds odd with some skepticism.

I am also reminded of one of the reasons Pope Benedict stepped down from his post. He is a theologian of the Nouvelle Théologie and wanted be able to complete his studies without people thinking that his personal theological opinions were to be taken as official Church doctrine. I am glad he did, because I love his work.

The old wineskins in the Church need to understand that what has been poured into them is good wine, but it is not meant to last forever. They should see the work of the new wineskins as the reason WHY Christ did not leave us a book, or set of commandments, but a living body to carry on his work of bringing light to the nations. The new wine is also good wine, but it needs time to ferment and push against the boundaries of Truth until it settles down and is good for everyone to drink. Then the process begins again with the next generation. This is how our corporate faith developes. It is a feature, not a bug.
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After that, you would think smart Catholics would have learned to greet anything the media reports that sounds odd with some skepticism.
That was actually the point of this whole thread all along. While I am tempted to question the intelligence of Catholics, I know that is not really the problem. Rather, the media is more savvy, even simply bloggers, and definitely those that employ algorithms to help determine the best way to deceive people into clicking on their stories.

The problem here is not scandal, but a lag of knowledge, call it a “gullibility gap.” The ability to fool people is more advanced than the ability of people to recognize manipulation.
The whole problem with this Scalfari interview isn’t media manipulation, but lack of the truth. The scandal is that 2 dogmas of the Catholic Faith: dogma of hell and dogma of immortality of souls, have (per Scalfari’s recollection of a conversation with Pope Francis) been denied by the One who was appointed by Christ to be the Chief Teacher and Ruler of Christ’s Church. He, who was given the commission to confirm us in the Truth and put an end to the divisions and disunity that are tearing apart the Bride of Christ, is choosing to ignore the mess.

The only clarification is a statement from the Vatican that neither affirms nor denies what the Pope really said. Pope Francis isn’t accusing his friend of any manipulation, who are we to judge?

It is unclear whether or not Pope Francis agrees with the novelty of giving new wine to the old wineskins of the Church, to push against the boundaries of Truth in order to bring light to all nations and develop our corporate faith….whatever that all really means is beyond this Catholic’s comprehension.
It is unclear whether or not Pope Francis agrees with the novelty of giving new wine to the old wineskins of the Church, to push against the boundaries of Truth in order to bring light to all nations and develop our corporate faith….whatever that all really means is beyond this Catholic’s comprehension.
Old wine skins should not drink new wine, because it will cause them to burst! Better that they drink the old wine, which is good wine, and leave the new wine for the new wine skins who are flexible enough to handle it.

Sounds like your Catholic imagination needs some work! Why don’t you try the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola? Perhaps that will help you better understand your Pope, who is a Jesuit after all. Here is a link to a book published in 1864. Is that old enough for you? The meditation on hell is on p. 246

The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, with meditations and prayers by L. Siniscalchi, tr. by a Catholic clergyman
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Which is hilarious because the real point of the thread shouls be to ask what Francis really said and why he continues to leak things
Why? Because some people are too stupid or too naive to read? Because some swallow every ridiculous story they believe that makes Pope Francis look bad? Even your little bit of twisting, inserting the word “might” to make the Pope look worse, is not much than what this atheist did. Yet it is so thinly veiled it so as to be obvious. The Vatican has been unequivocal in its denial. Why this is not good enough for you, or Cardinal Burke, is between you and God.
Gotta keep the first commandment of the Church of Nice
The reason the Church is the Church of Nice takes divine revelation that only comes through the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote to the original Church of Nice, the one that Jesus founded:

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
The whole problem with this Scalfari interview isn’t media manipulation, but lack of the truth.
This is easily solved. Do not seek the truth from atheists.
The only clarification is a statement from the Vatican that neither affirms nor denies what the Pope really said.
I am confused. What is wanted, is it clear doctrinal teaching, or is it engaging in the vanity of proving a negative? The Vatican has reaffirmed the teaching on Hell. Isn’t that the clarification most needed?
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That was actually the point of this whole thread all along.
Which is hilarious because the real point of the thread shouls be to ask what Francis really said and why he continues to leak things, I’m sorry, five interviews, I’m sorry story changed again, speak off-the-record with an atheist journalist who give times before this has “misrepresented” his words.

You say Catholics must be stupid for believing this story. I’m not even sure what we’re supposed to disbelieve. Francis didn’t deny anything specific. The Vatican just said: “He might have been misrepresented” about what? Who knows.

But I’m sure the good apostates at CAF modding team will delete this anyway. So really it doesn’t matter. Gotta keep the first commandment of the Church of Nice “Never allow the truth to go unmoderated”
This has been a lively discussion for sure, but as long as people are civil, why should the mods to censor what they say? If you can’t defend your faith, then either brush up on your apologetic skills or move on to another topic. There is a big world out there and the Church is either at a disadvantage or has no advantage when it comes to bringing people to Christ. We only have the truth of the Gospel. However, if all you can be is a “prophet of doom”, then don’t be surprised if you fail to win hearts and minds for Christ.
Gotta keep the first commandment of the Church of Nice
The reason the Church is the Church of Nice takes divine revelation that only comes through the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote to the original Church of Nice, the one that Jesus founded:

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Church of Nice?

I thought it was Avignon. 🤔
The reason the Church is the Church of Nice takes divine revelation that only comes through the Holy Spirit. As Paul wrote to the original Church of Nice, the one that Jesus founded:

" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
The Church isn’t the Church of Nice; our Lord and Savior had the habit of not doing nice things from time to time.
This is easily solved. Do not seek the truth from atheists.
But did the atheist represent or mis-represent the truth of the conversation? The Vatican didn’t say… So speculation is allowed to flourish creating accusations, disunity, and confusion.
I am confused. What is wanted, is it clear doctrinal teaching, or is it engaging in the vanity of proving a negative? The Vatican has reaffirmed the teaching on Hell. Isn’t that the clarification most needed?
Did I miss where the Vatican clarified the teachings of Pope Francis on the doctrines related to hell and the immortality of the soul? Luke 6_37 isn’t the only soul who seems to be confused.

God have mercy on me if I unknowingly harbor vanity. I have a sickness in the pit of my stomach knowing that many are deceived regarding the doctrines of our Faith. I take no joy in pointing out the need for clarification. Are you blind to the sufferings of the Mystical Body of Christ?
our Lord and Savior had the habit of not doing nice things from time to time.
“From time to time” is not the same as a habit. Twice in his life he turned over tables, while he was known for supping with the worst sinners. I know one who used this “Church of Nice” a lot in his videos, that lacked (in his videos) forebearance, kindness, gentleness, peace, and pretty much every one of the fruits that Paul said marked the handwork of God in the world today. So, we are told to judge by the fruits whether one is of the Holy Spirit. This name, “The Church of Nice,” is one of the oddest twist of Christianity I have ever heard, transforming the fruits of the Holy Spirit into a fruit of bitterness. It sounds more of a Republican talking point (against being “politically correct”) than Christian.
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Sounds like your Catholic imagination needs some work! Why don’t you try the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola? Perhaps that will help you better understand your Pope, who is a Jesuit after all. Here is a link to a book published in 1864. Is that old enough for you? The meditation on hell is on p. 246
May God bless you and lead you to the fulness of the Truth. I’m not seeking to better understand the Pope…God knows his heart and will judge all of us according to the graces He has given us and how we cooperate or reject His invitation to be conformed to Christ instead of seeking to conform Christ to our way of thought.
You didn’t say whether or not you are trying to follow the spiritual exercises of St Ignatius?..if so, may they aid you on your journey to the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
But did the atheist represent or mis-represent the truth of the conversation?
Why is this even a question? The Church has never issued a response to Jack Chick, even though he references what popes have done. He is simply known not to be credible.
Did I miss where the Vatican clarified the teachings of Pope Francis on the doctrines related to hell and the immortality of the soul?
The doctrine of the Church, is that of Jesus Christ, not of any Pope. Yes, they reiterated the doctrine of Hell. Pope Francis has himself affirmed the existence of Hell.
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