Steven Merten:
The Pope has been teaching that we recently have been approaching sex from the perspective of selfishness and not its original intent. It should be selflessness - until this foundational teaching reaches its critical mass again, people will not understand contraception being a sin.Does the Pope ever look at a profit and loss graph when considering the use of the “Keys to the Kingdom” to hold bound or hold sins loost? Does he say to himself, “Wow, Humanae Vitae can potentially add up to the heavenly loss of 900,000 souls of Christ’s one billion Catholics. The loss of Protestant souls to Humanae Vitae is equally horrifying. But I, the Pope, am still going to enforce condom use as a mortal sin with the ‘Keys to the Kingdom’. I still plan no preaching blitz to change such a tragic Church course”
In business or government such potential high losses to a primary goal would certianly cause great alarm and intense study on how to reverse such losses. Stock holders, citizens and owners would demand changes. What do you think the Church’s Boss thinks of such potential high losses of spiritual life to Humanae Vitae?
It is disscussed in this thread that Christians are not getting a proper amount of teaching from Church leaders to know that condom use will take their eternal life. If I were in command of one billion Catholics and potentially 900,000 of them could be lost to eternal damnation over condom use, this would become my number one priority. Capital punishment, war or any of the other physical death issues, that appear to be the Pope John Paul II priorities, seem to be but a drop of water compared to the ocean sized catastrophy of potential spiritual death destruction that Humanae Vitae appears to be capable of? If Humanae Vitae is capable of damning so many souls, I would think that Church leaders must make a full reversal on where the Pope spends his mass media opportunities, where Bishops spend their time shoring up weak areas and where Priests devote homily time at Mass.
This is, of course, if Church leaders truly believe that condom use and tube tying is as spiritually deadly as they say it is.
What do you think?
Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten