Does Satan have our world under a strong spell?

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Your experiences occurred when you were seeking God. And intercession works exactly this way. And much to souls unsuspecting surprise the first time.
Balance of the spiritual is always an issue here and for many. Your responsible for that. Doctrine doesn’t overshadow the spiritual unless you allow it to. The Doctrine confirms the spiritual
I’m lacking on Church doctrine. That’s perhaps why I’m here on CAF.
Why do you believe what you see is universal and not a personal trial? What do you mean by “see”. You mean see, as in understand though knowledge?
I can ‘see’ that it’s universal. It’s not ‘understanding through knowledge,’ but a larger spiritual schema that overpowers knowledge, and becomes etched into the mind in its own right. It has to do with knowing rather than thinking and incorporating a conclusion into the mind.

‘Seeing’ is hard to explain, but it involves the ‘eye’ of one’s spirituality. ‘Seeing’ is more like ‘knowing’ without having any prior knowledge.
Its a known “fact” in the Church …Lex orandi, lex credenda. And “yes” when you receive grace you became responsible for it.

You are reading “then” visualizing and then relating through your experience and placing it into context? Its transference to some degree, your experience is “unresolved” and in this his thinking becomes interactive with your experience. Also the mind omits trauma as if it never happened to protect itself.
You sound a lot like a psychoanalyst, which is a complement.

Again, it more like ‘knowing’ without normal cognitions like ‘thinking.’ It’s an experience within itself, but is not really tied to normal experiences or integrated into past experiences.
True, however spiritual pride is common also. Especially with those who first encounter the supernatural. Nor hard to see people filled with the holy spirit. You see it here daily. The fire dwindles when its not fed.

There’s a completely different responsibility with the Church, clearly understand this.
Pride is something that The Imitation of Christ very frequently warns against. I find that killing pride is an ongoing process. Just when I think I have ‘killed’ it, it pops its ugly head up again. I silently confess these occasions as sin, and I often feel like I have let God down.
Your interaction with souls “all of them” you are responsible for. Everyone in your family past, all friends of the past, and all interaction in the present and future. That’s what the “general judgment” is. You can intercede for all of them now. That’s how the communion of Saints is continued. Not because each individual has a calling from the lord. But because all who do send up their redeemable suffering and prayer for the sake of others, they intercede through the Lord, and in person when possible
I try to do this, but often I forget and get carried away with other spiritual matters. It’s tough, and I feel ever so overcome by sin. The more sin I confess, the more of it that I see within myself.
Anxiety and deception may be part of the transference and/or the attempt to fully comprehend. And “is” the point and issue with for example the OP “strong spell”
I feel little anxiety and deception when in a purer spiritual state, but much of them otherwise. I keep coming back to The imitation of Christ for peace and calm.
And you should take this literally, your responsible for the knowledge and to the Church. You were not blessed to be Gods nomad prophet speaking contrary to all Gods prophets and Saints…“Church”.
Yes, I take it very literally, and again, I feel a strong sense that God has a higher expectation of me.
This occurs because through the supernatural you see just how pitiful and wicked you are. And there reside’s your responsibility again…state of Grace. And you will know when your not in it and should be.

Being in a state of Grace and communication with the Lord are two different understandings. You can communicate and be communicated to by the Lord, and not be in a state of Grace. But its imperative you seek a state of Grace for all the reasons mentioned above once communication occurs. Humility and magnified responsibility become an absolute necessity. And a step forward with two back sometimes. Its a blessing and a trial.

Church is imperative, you will come to know the blessing if you walk through the trial.

Read the Saints, there is no one who can help you more, go to church and chase Grace as disheartening as it may be at times to catch. Continue to chase. Ask for a Spiritual director, and if you ask around where you are for recommendations you’ll find the one you need. A Catholic therapist of psychologist never hurts and its not a weakness to seek understanding of yourself. Fact is others at times see things clearer than we do. Its a truth that if you do not acknowledge will automatically work against you. …“humility”…“servant” descend, prayer, Church, Eucharist. Make it a “habit”.

There’s a difference in responsibility to “know” and to “believe” which brings strong conviction. Don’t allow your mind to doubt and diminish, which is a tool of evil, take the responsibility to heart. “Church”. I can’t imagine anything more alarming than to rationalize away a blessing in a counter path to sanctifying grace.
For whatever reason, I cannot read books or Church doctrine! It’s as if God (or Satan) wants me in a spiritual state, and become more contemplative. I become all tense and filled with inner distraction whenever I try to read. I read, but do not comprehend.
Then you admit you may be mistaken…
I’m not trying to “twist” anything but simply pointing out that private revelations should always be examined carefully in the light of the teaching of the Church because they have led to thousands of Christian sects and in extreme cases fanaticism. That is the value of having a spiritual director who can decide whether we are too scrupulous or too self-indulgent.
There is a vast difference between being asleep - which is natural - and being under a spell - which is supernatural.
Yes, obviously a big difference, but the fact that we can slip in and out of consciousness when sleeping can add profound insight into what may be easily possible when under a ‘spell.’

An exorcist is far more qualified to judge the extent to which we are under Satan’s influence than we are.
I take what a person writes at its face value. Precision is very important when it comes to our view of reality. It makes a big difference to our moral responsibility if we are all under a spell.
My writing and communication skills are limited, and so I can’t promise too much.

Your posts give the opposite impression. 🙂
And I appreciate your sincerity, Robert, but I don’t want you to overestimate Satan’s influence on us at the expense of God’s grace…

It seems to me that a lot of people underestimate Satan’s presence in this world. I think I can see where our entire mind is being constantly projected onto us, through external spirits. Free will would still be present, but our entire mind would be an illusion. Yeah, this is what I ‘see.’ I ‘see’ what I ‘see.’ There is nothing more to add to that perspective, so, no, there’s nothing to be mistaken about. But I guess you could twist things by getting me to admit that I have no reason to believe that I even exist, in which case I would have to say that I could easily be mistaken about a lot of things. It comes down to my having to know from what perspective you are viewing things.

You seem to have overlooked my last paragraph:

. or to underestimate the effects of original sin. There is no doubt about the horrific reality of diabolical evil in the world but I believe the vast majority of us are **weak and ignorant **rather than malicious and possessed. In fact your use of the word “illusion” is closer to the truth than “spell” because surely Satan wouldn’t be permitted to dominate the world to such an extent that his influence overcomes the power of the Cross, makes Hell much closer to us than Heaven and casts a dark shadow over our life on earth so that hope and joy are replaced by fear and - in some cases - despair. That is why it is important to emphasize the **Good **News brought to us by Our Lord.

I think the fact that you cannot read books or Church doctrine shows you need to communicate and discuss your ideas with others. Most of us are not intended to be contemplatives to such an extent that we lead a solitary life and spend most of our time in prayer and meditation. We should be part of a community not secluded hermits!
I’m not trying to “twist” anything but simply pointing out that private revelations should always be examined carefully in the light of the teaching of the Church because they have led to thousands of Christian sects and in extreme cases fanaticism. That is the value of having a spiritual director who can decide whether we are too scrupulous or too self-indulgent.
No, I meant ‘you’ in a very general sense, like ‘anybody.’ I should have said ‘a philosopher.’ So sorry!

Yes, they need to be examined carefully, and that’s partly why I started this thread.

I certainly have no intention of creating a sect.
An exorcist is far more qualified to judge the extent to which we are under Satan’s influence than we are.
You’re probably right about an exorcist, but I’m glued to my computer. I suffer from several mental illnesses that literally prevents me from leaving my office chair. It’s amazing! I have The Imitation of Christ scanned onto my computer, where I’m free to read it (I’m often able to experience great peace and calm reading it). I’m in solitude, and I seldom interact with anybody other than my psychiatrist. I cannot socialize with people. It’s Satanic, and I’m under a strange spell! It’s all a part of my cross, which I carry.
Your posts give the opposite impression. 🙂
Thanks! And I type using two fingers!
You seem to have overlooked my last paragraph:
I’m deeply affected by Satan, and unable to forget about him. I believe in God’s grace, and I feel greatly blessed.
. or to underestimate the effects of original sin. There is no doubt about the horrific reality of diabolical evil in the world but I believe the vast majority of us are **weak and ignorant **rather than malicious and possessed. In fact your use of the word “illusion” is closer to the truth than “spell” because surely Satan wouldn’t be permitted to dominate the world to such an extent that his influence overcomes the power of the Cross, makes Hell much closer to us than Heaven and casts a dark shadow over our life on earth so that hope and joy are replaced by fear and - in some cases - despair. That is why it is important to emphasize the **Good **News brought to us by Our Lord.

I think the fact that you cannot read books or Church doctrine shows you need to communicate and discuss your ideas with others. Most of us are not intended to be contemplatives to such an extent that we lead a solitary life and spend most of our time in prayer and meditation. We should be part of a community not secluded hermits!
I’m being forced to be a hermit, and I find in it blessings beyond telling. Why be natural when you can become a part of the supernatural? I feel like my intellect has been destroyed, and replaced with an inner voice capable of teaching me deep religious truths.

Sickness will surely take the mind
Where minds can’t usually go.
Come on the amazing journey
And learn all you should know.
-The Who

Rock music is a cult, for sure, but it helped lead me back to the Church after being an Atheist for so long. The above lyrics describe a part of my life that I otherwise could not put into words. How is it that these lyrics were written?
The more closely a man is united to You [Christ] in pure simplicity, the more varied and profound the matters which he understands without effort, for he receives light and understanding from heaven.
-The Imitation of Christ, Book 1, Chapter 3
No, I meant ‘you’ in a very general sense, like ‘anybody.’ I should have said ‘a philosopher.’ So sorry!

Yes, they need to be examined carefully, and that’s partly why I started this thread.

I certainly have no intention of creating a sect.

You’re probably right about an exorcist, but I’m glued to my computer. I suffer from several mental illnesses that literally prevents me from leaving my office chair. It’s amazing! I have The Imitation of Christ scanned onto my computer, where I’m free to read it (I’m often able to experience great peace and calm reading it). I’m in solitude, and I seldom interact with anybody other than my psychiatrist. I cannot socialize with people. It’s Satanic, and I’m under a strange spell! It’s all a part of my cross, which I carry.

Thanks! And I type using two fingers!

I’m deeply affected by Satan, and unable to forget about him. I believe in God’s grace, and I feel greatly blessed.

I’m being forced to be a hermit, and I find in it blessings beyond telling. Why be natural when you can become a part of the supernatural? I feel like my intellect has been destroyed, and replaced with an inner voice capable of teaching me deep religious truths.
Sickness will surely take the mind
Where minds can’t usually go.
Come on the amazing journey
And learn all you should know.
-The Who
Rock music is a cult, for sure, but it helped lead me back to the Church after being an Atheist for so long. The above lyrics describe a part of my life that I otherwise could not put into words. How is it that these lyrics were written?
You have my sympathy, Robert, and it is understandable why you find the prospect of the next world more appealing than this one. There are blessings in solitude because we become more dependent on God and the saints for company than people who have a busy social life. But you can socialize because you are doing so on this forum - and at a deeper level than in everyday chitchat. You have succeeded in making us understand the problems and difficulties of those who are less fortunate than the majority. Hopefully we will have more compassion even if we don’t believe Satan is at the root of most of the evil in the world. God bless.
You have my sympathy, Robert, and it is understandable why you find the prospect of the next world more appealing than this one. There are blessings in solitude because we become more dependent on God and the saints for company than people who have a busy social life. But you can socialize because you are doing so on this forum - and at a deeper level than in everyday chitchat. You have succeeded in making us understand the problems and difficulties of those who are less fortunate than the majority. Hopefully we will have more compassion even if we don’t believe Satan is at the root of most of the evil in the world. God bless.
Thanks! It’s been a pleasure interacting with you. 🙂
Didn’t pope Leo in 1898 I believe it was saw a vision that satan would attack the church for 75 years?
"The more noteworthy of the prophecies bearing upon “latter times” seem to have one common end, to announce great calamities impending over mankind, the triumph of the Church, and the renovation of the world. All the seers agree in two leading features as outlined by E.H. Thompson in his “Life of Anna Maria Taigi” (ch. 18): “First they all point to some terrible convulsion, to a revolution springing from most deep-rooted impiety, consisting in a formal opposition to God and His truth, and resulting in the most formidable persecution to which the Church has ever been subject. Secondly, they all promise for the Church a victory more splendid than she has ever achieved”

Promise, Church victory.

I was thinking of St John of the Cross the other day, the first 28-pages of Dark Night of the Soul came to mind, those 28-pages alone will help with more understanding of what is indeed occurring on a personal level and give a clearer overall perspective.
I watched this on a show last night, and they shied the footage where pope francis let’s go of a dove, and the dove gets attacked by a crow and rave. Some people might call it superstition, or coincidence or just bad luck, but when the Vicar of Christ let’s go of a white dove representing peace and a black crow comes and attacks it, I don’t think that’s coincidence.
One could argue that our world is no more corrupt then it was. We just are able to notice events all over the globe thanks to the information age and the internet. You could say the world was just as corrupt even during the highpoint of Catholic Monarchies in Europe, much of the rest of the world was pagan during this time. I think that our sins are just more noticeable now on a global scale. I do think that many people today lack loyalty, honor, valor and humility. The enlightenment thinking has created a more individual, self absorbed culture in the west. Im all for liberty but without Judo/Christian morals, liberty itself becomes a Pantheon with “Rights” as their gods. Without the foundation of Christ, all things crumble.
**Does Satan have our world under a strong spell?

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I really like Saint John of the cross. I read his works a while age, and should do it again do it again. I believe his insights, and I try hard to put them into practice. Our shortcomings are great.

Thanks 🙂
Are homosexuals under a strong spell?

Does the sex act involve a trance-like state?
I think regardless what vice and degree of involvement the key is that God first comes to us. The incarnation, and all that resulted from the incarnation, was an unequivocal demonstration of that love. I think at the moment this is conveyed on several threads here. We partake by cooperation in our own future in regards to divinization which is the goal.

So then if we view vice as a walk into darkness by refusal of cooperating with Gods grace, then too if we walk 20-miles into the darkness the return trip is also twenty miles. So in this terrible analogy one might at the twenty mile mark indeed believe they are under a strong spell. yet this is of their own device.
Not usually.
What makes you think this? Sex does not involve mental changes akin to a strong spell?

1 John 5:19 RSV
We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one.

How do you interpret the above passage of scripture?

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