Does Satan have our world under a strong spell?

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Remember Job?
Didn’t Satan collaborate with God?
No. He was allowed to tempt him. He was not collaborating. If he was, he would not have inflicted the evil on Job that he did.
I believe that Satan has much control over our sexuality, and can bombard us with endless sexual impulses and images until we unwittingly give in to sex.
I believe your belief is unfounded and is a denial of the gift of free will. We cannot “unwittingly give in to sex.” Giving in to temptation is an exercise of the will. We are given sufficient grace to resist all temptation, no matter how great or how long lasting.
No. He was allowed to tempt him. He was not collaborating. If he was, he would not have inflicted the evil on Job that he did.
??? From the dialog, it sounds to me that God and Satan carried out a joint plot to test Job–both participated in Job’s ordeal.
My apology for not interpreting your post in the manner you wished.
You have not even mentioned most of the points in my posts, let alone interpreted them!
Listen and win!
Ironic considering that you have ignored almost all my statements.
Love and being under Satan’s spell are incompatible.
But I saw your argument, that Christ redeemed everyone, to hold water only if redemption was completely achieved in this world.
You are confusing redemption with salvation. Jesus has not failed and never will. Your negativity once again rears its ugly head…
I cannot fail to observe that you are with the few who do not see how we get closer and closer to the end days, but believe in liberty, equality, fraternity…It was an joke, wasn’t?

I think it is reasonable to expect to see those days…
Please cite a statement in the Catechism to that effect.
Satanic influence is all around us; if you are not seeing it is because you turn your eyes away.
Satan has always been in this world… That won’t change. We are, historically speaking, at a major high point… with poverty continuing to decline, no world wars, violence on the decline… Don’t be a doom and gloomer…God loves you!
Love and being under Satan’s spell are incompatible.
We live in a world of good and evil (not good versus evil). You tend to downplay the evil, as if this life was rosy. We, like Job, are loved by God, but tormented and deceived by Satan. The spell we’re under is not to negate the love of God! It’s all within God’s will for our salvation.

Tony, look at the great advances and population explosion that took place in the past 150 years or so. Could this possibly have happened by mere chance, or is there somebody who guides our world? It’s ridiculous to think that it could have happened on its own, with our puny innate wit. Good and evil are working together to bring the human race to salvation. Central to the task at hand is a grand illusion with us wandering around in a trance-like states. Contrary to what the idealist would want to think, people need to be under control while living in this rapidly changing world. In comes Satan.

We live in a world of good and evil (not good versus evil). You tend to downplay the evil, as if this life was rosy.
He has not done this. Why do you think so?
We, like Job, are loved by God, but tormented and deceived by Satan. The spell we’re under is not to negate the love of God! It’s all within God’s will for our salvation.
We are not under a spell unless we has chosen the slavery of sin instead of the love of God and neighbor.
Tony, look at the great advances and population explosion that took place in the past 150 years or so. Could this possibly have happened by mere chance, or is there somebody who guides our world? It’s ridiculous to think that it could have happened on its own, with our puny innate wit. Good and evil are working together to bring the human race to salvation.
Evil works against our salvation.
Central to the task at hand is a grand illusion with us wandering around in a trance-like states.
This may be your state. But I will claim that I am observing a reality that in neither grand nor an illusion.
Contrary to what the idealist would want to think, people need to be under control while living in this rapidly changing world. In comes Satan.
The control people must be under is self-control, personal mastery. Conquer evil with good. Grace abounds to this end.
I know I’m going to sound silly, but in the context of Christianity and Satan, what is a “spell”? I’m sure this isn’t a reference to magic, right?
Tony, look at the great advances and population explosion that took place in the past 150 years or so. Could this possibly have happened by mere chance, or is there somebody who guides our world? It’s ridiculous to think that it could have happened on its own, with our puny innate wit.
Ah, I recognize what’s being expressed here. Is this a refinement of the discussion of the “Open your eyes, see the lies in front of you” thread?
Strictly speaking, since God knows everything, he knows that no matter what Satan does to test Job, Job will not be seduced. This would happen again, as in today’s gospel, when Satan took Jesus to the top of the mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and promised to give them all to Jesus if he would bow down and worship him.

One wonders if Satan’s principle type of torture in hell is the anguish he feels realizing he can never seduce those closest to God.
We live in a world of good and evil (not good versus evil). You tend to downplay the evil, as if this life was rosy. We, like Job, are loved by God, but tormented and deceived by Satan. The spell we’re under is not to negate the love of God! It’s all within God’s will for our salvation.

Tony, look at the great advances and population explosion that took place in the past 150 years or so. Could this possibly have happened by mere chance, or is there somebody who guides our world? It’s ridiculous to think that it could have happened on its own, with our puny innate wit. Good and evil are working together to bring the human race to salvation. Central to the task at hand is a grand illusion with us wandering around in a trance-like states. Contrary to what the idealist would want to think, people need to be under control while living in this rapidly changing world. In comes Satan.

  1. Do you really believe God collaborates with Satan?
  2. Why do you believe God collaborates with Satan?
  3. Do you collaborate with Satan?
  4. How do you collaborate with Satan?
Strictly speaking, since God knows everything, he knows that no matter what Satan does to test Job, Job will not be seduced. This would happen again, as in today’s gospel, when Satan took Jesus to the top of the mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and promised to give them all to Jesus if he would bow down and worship him.

One wonders if Satan’s principle type of torture in hell is the anguish he feels realizing he can never seduce those closest to God.
Frustration is certainly a dominant feature of hell because Satan’s excessive ambition and lust for power are never satisfied. The more he has the more he wants yet there is obviously a limit to what he can get because he is not omnipotent.

We too can never be satisfied unless we forget ourselves and think of others. That is why the worst form of addiction is selfishness…
Ah, I recognize what’s being expressed here. Is this a refinement of the discussion of the “Open your eyes, see the lies in front of you” thread?
Thank you for bringing in this additional context.

RobertSock, your talk of a grand illusion at once reminds me of both Descartes’ evil genius and a Pentecostal/Seventh Day Adventist guy who tried to convert me while laying sod in my yard. He went into great detail about how Earth was Eden until the Fall. As a result of the Fall, God created a new Heaven where He now sits on the throne. When God left the throne of this former Heaven, Satan mounted it and rules with some sort of corrupted/perverse trinity. His principal tools are the illusions of science and medicine, which are a counterfeit for the only true healing obtainable through true faith in Jesus, etc etc.

My point is that if your self-description as a Catholic revert is correct, you have some astonishingly heterodox beliefs about the nature of both God and man. You cited the Catechism; I suggest you take a long look through it this weekend. There’s a lot of great stuff in there.

Yes, there are conditions under which culpability may be reduced or removed completely. Mental disorders, habituation, coercion, drugs, and many others. That’s why it is not the teaching of the Church that suicide automatically and in all cases results in damnation. That concept is far removed from what you are suggesting, which is a world ruled by Satan in God’s absence and in which some power of the devil compels us incontrovertibly to sin. That’s at odds with a lot of settled Catholic theology.
He has not done this. Why do you think so?
People will hold on to their naive beliefs as much as possible to reduce strong cognitive dissonance.
We are not under a spell unless we has chosen the slavery of sin instead of the love of God and neighbor.
Not true! The world in which we live is under the spell of Satan.

Revelation 12:9 RSV
And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world–he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

What does the above biblical quote mean to you?
Evil works against our salvation.
No, not always. Was Job’s salvation hampered by his torment by Satan?
This may be your state. But I will claim that I am observing a reality that in neither grand nor an illusion.
How do you know this? Did you somehow test it?
The control people must be under is self-control, personal mastery. Conquer evil with good. Grace abounds to this end.
Yes, we can sometimes fight evil with good, but what we commonly call reality is really just an illusion. Again, we live in a world of good and evil, and they often work together for the good of our salvation. We need to get the ever so popular notion that we live in a world of good versus evil out of our minds. In Judaism, it is believed that Satan serves God’s purpose.
Are you denying the assertion that Satan is full of lies which flood our world? People live this life in great denial!
I was asking a question. I have not said anything of the truth value of any assertions.
  1. Do you really believe God collaborates with Satan?
Do you know of a single corporation or business that runs itself? How absurd! Now, how much more absurd would it be that our extremely complex world runs by itself? Is our world guided and controlled in secret by humans? Somewhat, yes, but certainly not fully given our puny innate wit! Is it God? Now we’re getting somewhere, but we are stuck with a big problem because we believe that God is all loving, yet evil exists in our world. How about God and Satan, in collaboration, which is what is taught in Judaism? YES!!!
  1. Why do you believe God collaborates with Satan?
Because our world contains good and evil. If Satan worked against God, how absurd that an all powerful God would allow that. And to think that we live in a world of good versus evil, we are in severe error with the Church’s teachings; a world of good versus evil implies two gods in opposition to each other, but we believe in one Divine God! The only alternative explanation would be to view the world with Satan serving the purpose of God!
  1. Do you collaborate with Satan?
Unwittingly, yes sometimes, as do we all. (Perhaps even in my writing this!)
  1. How do you collaborate with Satan?
Do you believe that a person can sell their soul to Satan, and thus work for him? I believe we all unwittingly sell our souls to Satan at one point or another during our life.


(PS, who do you believe runs and guides our extremely complex world? How did it achieve the technology and population growth that we have seen over the past 150 years?)
I should have stated that Satan serves God in all the places where I said Satan collaborates with God. I should also say that I believe Satan and God oppose each other, but only in the sense that God is good and Satan is *evil. *

I should have stated that Satan serves God in all the places where I said Satan collaborates with God. I should also say that I believe Satan and God oppose each other, but only in the sense that God is good and Satan is *evil. *

If Satan serves G-d, how does Satan also oppose G-d? Are you saying that G-d uses evil in the person of Satan to cast the world under the latter’s spell, which in turn eventually leads to its redemption? This is contrary to both Catholic and Jewish belief although in different ways. Whatever your philosophy is, Robert, it is not orthodox (which is fine with me), just so you realize.
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