Does Satan have our world under a strong spell?

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If Satan has cast a “spell” over the world, they would be called “subjectivism”, “relativism”, & “indiscriminateness”.

“You decide what’s true.”

“What’s true depends upon different people at different times.”


“No one’s truth is any better or any worse than any one else’s truth.” & “Anyone who says otherwise must be intolerant and thus evil.”

Those are the modern ideas which are eroding society today.
“Originally Posted by Robert Sock View Post
SSA and gay marriages, abortions, porn, sexual promiscuity etc. What causes these things? It’s demonic!”

Frankly I find it odd you mention mortal sin and three conditions for what? NO-ONE IS GOING TO HELL 🤷 Why would anyone care about anything?

“Originally Posted by Robert Sock View Post
that none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell”
“Originally Posted by Robert Sock View Post
SSA and gay marriages, abortions, porn, sexual promiscuity etc. What causes these things? It’s demonic!”

Frankly I find it odd you mention mortal sin and three conditions for what? NO-ONE IS GOING TO HELL 🤷 Why would anyone care about anything?

“Originally Posted by Robert Sock View Post
that none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell”
Why would nobody be going to hell?
Why would nobody be going to hell?
You don’t know? Satan has cast a “strong spell” over the world “and none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell,”

Pretty much leaves one to rationalize and excuse their own transgression, course they wouldn’t think they transgressed anything anyway because “our free will is compromised by the trance-like state” and “we will be judged by how often we freely chose good over evil”. And that can’t be easy because “our free will is compromised by the trance-like state” so if John Doe wakes up tomorrow and kills 4-5 innocents, that’s pretty low here “we will be judged by how often we freely chose good over evil” He should be good to go, which is why as you said none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell, 😉
You don’t know? Satan has cast a “strong spell” over the world “and none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell,”

Pretty much leaves one to rationalize and excuse their own transgression, course they wouldn’t think they transgressed anything anyway because “our free will is compromised by the trance-like state” and “we will be judged by how often we freely chose good over evil”. And that can’t be easy because “our free will is compromised by the trance-like state” so if John Doe wakes up tomorrow and kills 4-5 innocents, that’s pretty low here “we will be judged by how often we freely chose good over evil” He should be good to go, which is why as you said none of us are hell bound because we are caught up in this spell, 😉
Yes, some of the culpability may be lessoned in certain situation for people under a trance-like state, but not fully in all situations. God can still create situations where the individual freely chooses between good and evil. Think of the trance-like states as a handicap, but not a handicap where culpability is 100% diminished in all situations. The conscience and sinful desires are still largely intact for people under a spell, and the ego still gets to choose which to act upon.
Yes, some of the culpability may be lessoned in certain situation for people under a trance-like state, but not fully in all situations. God can still create situations where the individual freely chooses between good and evil. Think of the trance-like states as a handicap, but not a handicap where culpability is 100% diminished in all situations. The conscience and sinful desires are still largely intact for people under a spell, and the ego still gets to choose which to act upon.
may be

not fully

God “can still” create {whew, good thing]

are still largely

the ego still gets to choose which to act upon

One question, you can’t rely on your conscience?

may be

not fully

God “can still” create {whew, good thing]

are still largely

the ego still gets to choose which to act upon

One question, you can’t rely on your conscience?

Rely on your conscious for what?
It may be interesting to note that our world being under an illusion is not unusual within rock lyrics:

Breath deep
The gathering gloom
Watch lights fade
From every room
Bedsitter people
Look back and lament
Another day’s useless
Energy spent

Impassioned lovers
Wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love
And has none
New mother picks up
And suckles her son
Senior citizens
Wish they were young

Cold hearted orb
That rules the night
Removes the colours
From our sight
Red is gray and
Yellow white
But we decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion
It may be interesting to note that our world being under an illusion is not unusual within rock lyrics:

. . .
Red is gray and
Yellow white
But we decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion
It seems to me that it suggests that it is we who decide whether we will live in greyness or in the brightness of the day. We choose which will constitute the reality of our life.
It may be interesting to note that our world being under an illusion is not unusual within rock lyrics:

Breath deep
The gathering gloom
Watch lights fade
From every room
Bedsitter people
Look back and lament
Another day’s useless
Energy spent

Impassioned lovers
Wrestle as one
Lonely man cries for love
And has none
New mother picks up
And suckles her son
Senior citizens
Wish they were young

Cold hearted orb
That rules the night
Removes the colours
From our sight
Red is gray and
Yellow white
But we decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion
Moody Blues are relevant to a period of thinking of cutting-edge liberal theories, and many incline to view the Bible in a different relevance than we have come to know in Catholicism today. 🙂
Some more lyrics off the top of my head with meaning consistent with Satan having our world under a spell. I realize it all can be explained away by doubters, but for others, it may be interesting to note.

Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what’s happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star…

Someday soon we’ll stop to ponder what on Earth’s this spell we’re under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands
-Rolling Stones

Let me take you down
Cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry Fields forever
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see
-Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

Many dreams come true and some have silver linings
I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold.

Mellow is the man who knows what he’s been missing
Many many men can’t see the open road.

Many is a word that only leaves you guessing
Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know, ooh!
You really ought to know…
-Led Zeppelin
Satan doesnt have us under any spell, he’s just a pro at exploiting our weaknesses and tempting us with what we are already naturally inclined to, which makes it seem like he’s stronger than he really is.
Satan doesn’t have us under any spell, he’s just a pro at exploiting our weaknesses and tempting us with what we are already naturally inclined to, which makes it seem like he’s stronger than he really is.
👍 Evil always strikes us more forcibly than goodness, a fact reflected in the relatively few number of threads about heaven and happiness on earth. Our blessings are often taken for granted and appear outweighed by our misfortunes.
👍 Evil always strikes us more forcibly than goodness, a fact reflected in the relatively few number of threads about heaven and happiness on earth. Our blessings are often taken for granted and appear outweighed by our misfortunes.
I believe that the promptings of the Holy Spirit and taking up the Cross of Christ are the most joyful things that a person can experience. To try and extract other pleasures from this world impedes our righteousness.

“Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.”
-1 John 2:15

Are you at odds with the teachings of the Bible?
Satan doesnt have us under any spell, he’s just a pro at exploiting our weaknesses and tempting us with what we are already naturally inclined to, which makes it seem like he’s stronger than he really is.
Satan is VERY powerful, in the bible, God tells Satan he is the most powerful being he has ever created, so Satan is not as powerful as God, but he is 2nd in that line!!! We can only speculate what a being with such power can do.
Evil always strikes us more forcibly than goodness, a fact reflected in the relatively few number of threads about heaven and happiness on earth. Our blessings are often taken for granted and appear outweighed by our misfortunes.
Robert, you seem oblivious of my statements. 🙂

Do you deny that evil strikes us more forcibly than goodness, a fact reflected in the relatively few number of threads about heaven and happiness on earth?

Do you deny that our blessings are often taken for granted and appear outweighed by our misfortunes?

Like Jesus we should appreciate the wonder and beauty of life on earth:
Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.…
The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.d] 20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22 **If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. **Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but **it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.**25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.
Philippians 1

To long for heaven to the extent where we devalue our life on earth implies we are useless, there is nothing we can enjoy and nothing we can do to help others…
This Sunday’s liturgy reminded us of Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John:* “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” *(John 10: 10).
Jesus wants us to have life.** He wants us to be happy. He wants us to have the best possible life here on earth. **He wants to fill us with his divine life, sanctifying grace, so that we may enter into his joy. He wants us to experience his peace. He wants us to be with him in eternal life in heaven. He only wants the best for us. This is why he wants us to open our hearts to him and let him enter in.
Have no fear of allowing Jesus to enter into your life. Do not fear the most exciting, most joyful and the most powerful relationship known to the human person.
“So often today man does not know what is within him, in the depths of his mind and heart. So often he is uncertain about the meaning of his life on this earth. He is assailed by doubt, a doubt which turns into despair. We ask you therefore, we beg you with humility and trust, let Christ speak to man. He alone has words of life, yes, of eternal life” (Pope John Paul the Great, homily, October 22, 1978).
We are made by God to live for ever. We have been given the gift of an immortal soul. *“For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made him” *(Wisdom 2: 23).
Jesus does not want us to live a life of sadness. He does not want us to wallow in doubt, frustration and uncertainty. He wants us to live. He takes the hand of Jairus’ daughter and says *“Talitha koum, which means little girl, I say to you, arise!” *(Mark 5: 41).
The Lord takes each of us by the hand and tells us to arise. Arise from your darkness. Arise from your doubt. Arise from your despair. Arise from your pain. Arise from your sin. Arise and live!
Robert, you seem oblivious of my statements. 🙂

Do you deny that evil strikes us more forcibly than goodness, a fact reflected in the relatively few number of threads about heaven and happiness on earth?

Do you deny that our blessings are often taken for granted and appear outweighed by our misfortunes?

Like Jesus we should appreciate the wonder and beauty of life on earth:

Philippians 1

To long for heaven to the extent where we devalue our life on earth implies we are useless, there is nothing we can enjoy and nothing we can do to help others…
I’m not too sure about the psychological effects that good and evil has upon us. You may very well be correct, but I find the promptings of the Holy Spirit to be quite ‘forceful.’

Are our blessing outweighed our misfortunes? Again, this sounds like a psychological question. If you’re including atheists, you may be correct, but as for the truly devout, we ought to be thankful to God for all our fortunes.

Since when did Christ appreciate the wonder and beauty of life on earth?

We should never devalue our life here in this world. Where did I ever allude to this? We ought to feel great LOVE!

Where do any of your quotes explicitly state that we should indulge in worldly pleasures?

How do you deal with all the Catholic teaching that are explicit in that we should not indulge in worldly things?

"The death of the just: Death will reach everyone, the good and the bad; but the destiny of each one is quite different. The just man sees himself in this valley of tears as a prisoner, serving a very hard term. He considers himself a slave in this world, suffering an extremely distressing servitude. He regards himself a sailor caught in a horrible storm. And as death means an end of his confinement, an end of his slavery, and is the port of his salvation, he ceases not to cry with David, ‘Woe is me that my sojourning is prolonged!’ (Ps. 119:5)… He ceases not to ask with the Apostle’… Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (Rom. 7:24)”
-The Golden Key to Heaven, by Saint Anthony Mary Claret

“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”
-John 12:25

“Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.”
-1 John 2:15

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee to we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

If only we were completely dead to self, and free from inner conflict, we could savour spiritual things, and win experience of heavenly contemplation.
-The Imitation of Christ, Book 1, Chapter 11

Oh, if only a man had a spark of true love in his heart, he would know for certain that all earthly things are full of vanity.
-“The Imitation of Christ,” Book 1, Chapter 15

1 Peters 2:21 “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps”

Mathews 16:24 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

These quotes cannot be ignored. We must integrate them within our belief system.

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