Yes, LOVE is important in our salvation, but ought to be a part of the CrossOur Lord’s greatest invitation is to co-operate with Him by loving Him and everyone else on earth and in heaven.
Often, what we consider the enjoyable things in the world is a stumbling block for following Christ.There is a vast difference between living for worldly things and enjoying the good things in this world
Christ was overflowing with LOVE! Not miserable per se, but a most serious goal of our salvation.Do you believe Jesus was a miserable person?
Christ wants us to follow in His footsteps to achieve salvation. Sacrifice, including the acceptance of pain and suffering, is key to salvation.The joy of the Resurrection should be paramount because that is the reason why Jesus suffered and died for us. Suffering in itself is of no value.
NATURAL IMPULSECode:Please explain what you mean and justify your assertion.
THE good impulse (yetser tov) and the evil impulse (yetser ra) are pictured in Jewish literature as wrestling in perpetual conflict within the heart of man. Satan is usually identified with the yetser ha-ra, the evil impulse. In the book of Job, Satan’s function is described as that of testing the sincerity of men’s characters. In Talmudic literature, Satan’s function is to strengthen man’s moral sense by leading him into temptation. It has been said that every man living shall assuredly meet with an hour of temptation, a certain critical hour, which shall more especially try his mettle.
According to a midrashic statement (Genesis Rabbah 9:9), the existence of the yetser ha-ra in the heart of man and the struggle to overcome it lends high value to the good that emerges from the inner battle. The two conflicting impulses, the good and bad tendencies, are said to be implanted in man as a consequence of his having been formed from the dust and endowed with a soul (Genesis 2:7).
According to rabbinic thinking, the evil impulse is to be found in man at birth; the good impulse begins to develop when he is thirteen years old. The teachings of the Torah are referred to as the antidote to the yetser ha-ra. Similarly, Ben Sira (21:11) states: “The man who keeps the Law controls his natural tendency.”
In commenting on the two yods in the word " ", (Genesis 2:7), the rabbis declare that God created both the yetser tov and the yetser ra (Berakhoth 61a). The command to love God “with all your heart” they interpret to mean “with both your impulses” (Berakhoth Ma), since both human elements can be employed in the service of God. “Were it not for the yetser ha-ra, no man would build a home or get married or follow an occupation” (Genesis Rabbah 9:9). The phrase “very good” (Genesis 1:31) is therefore explained, as alluding to the yetser ha-ra, frequently used in the sense of the productive urge.
Taken from the Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts
Genesis 1:31
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day.
But there’s still the vital need for our salvation.We live in a world redeemed by Our Lord.
Code:*1. Is there nothing else that is truly good?
- What is the purpose of this life if heaven is our destination?
- Why are we given bodies if they are merely a source of evil and temptation?
- Has God set a trap for us?*
- In the end, just God
- Again, the purification of our soul and God’s divine plan for our salvation.
- The body is not evil in and of itself, but prone to the forces of evil.
- NO! Satan set the trap.
Again, the body is not evil, but prone to the forces of evil, including our walking in folly.Since God created us in His image and likeness we cannot be intrinsically evil.
Why do we have a body if the only purpose of this life is purification of our soul?
You have stated that God alone is good.
If the body is merely a source of evil and temptation God shouldn’t have given us a body…