The Divine Essence does not have a source but is it not true that everything the Son is and has comes from the Father, including the Divine Essence?No. The Divine Will is the Divine Essence. The Divine Essence has no source. It simply is.
The Father is the source of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
From the Council of Florence:
“The Latins asserted that they say the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son not with the intention of excluding the Father from being the source and principle of all deity, that is of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, nor to imply that the Son does not receive from the Father, because the holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, nor that they posit two principles or two spirations.”
“The Latins asserted that they say the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son not with the intention of excluding the Father from being the source and principle of all deity, that is of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, nor to imply that the Son does not receive from the Father, because the holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, nor that they posit two principles or two spirations.”