I believe the strike meet all four of the just war doctrine. Trump did nothing wrong.
many of those tests were in 2017, before US change in strategy was implemented.Just looked up the stats for “nuclear test” - missile launches, tests, etc:
74 tests by NK under Obama (8 years).
40 tests by NK under Trump (3 years).
NK officially rescinds nuclear limitation under Trump, and threatens to perform actual nuclear detonation tests.
You decide.
That would definitely end the US role as global policeman.Trump doesnt need congressional approval. He also doesnt have to inform them. That being said, I believe that congress needs to end the war powers act and to several limit action that any president may take unless an war has been declared.
Did I miss the time the President publicly announced to the world that he intended to capture or kill Qassem Soleimani? When was that?Trump doesnt need congressional approval. He also doesnt have to inform them. That being said, I believe that congress needs to end the war powers act and to several limit action that any president may take unless an war has been declared.
If this ill-advised and morally-indefensible assassination doesn’t result in a lot of unannounced attacks on us and our leadership, I will be utterly astonished.Any course that involves the US stepping aside is going to result in a lot of people dying. That’s why I always laugh at people who think they’re better off without our intervention. The US pulling out of world affairs would benefit ourselves more than anyone.
Expect Iran to use the same theory to justify whatever they do to us in the future.I believe the strike meet all four of the just war doctrine. Trump did nothing wrong.
And Donald Trump gave Iran justification to do whatever they want in retaliation.Let’s see
The Dems gave Iran $1.6 billion in pallets of cash
The Dems gave Trump two articles of impeachment
I’ve been asking when the President said he’d put a price on this guy’s head.Does the killing of 600 solders and countless civilian lives justify killing an Iran architect of these killings is another way of thinking about this post.
Do you think they haven’t already targeted generals and senior officials in Iraq.Expect Iran to use the same theory to justify whatever they do to us in the future.
It was believed that Mossadegh was colluding with the Soviet Union. Right or wrong, that was the belief at the time. There is no question that the king at the time had power to divest him of power. He fired Mossadegh, but the latter refused to leave.AFAIK, the just war doctrine does not allow for America or Britain to conduct a war or to support the overthrow of a legitimate government leader because his country has decided to nationalize its oil industry.
I don’t know that we can trust blog information. There are two main sources of information, one being the Lancet report whose source was actually Crowdstrike, and a governmental report. The two are hugely different, but neither (to my knowledge) specifies the number of children killed by U.S. forces. Given that U.S. forces were charged with avoiding civilian casualties and the terrorist forces were not, the likelihood is that the U.S. caused toll was quite small.There may not be exact statistics available, but please see the information given in the above post (approx #58) referencing a report in the Scientific American blog network.
Many people have seen many ongoing military actions on “both sides” as acts of war…Many people see the assassination of the top military officer of a sovereign nation as an act of war, whether or not it was declared to be a war by Congress.
Oh, sorry, let me clarify. When I write “I don’t care if it was ordered by a Republican, a Democrat, a Green or a Magenta. It was not morally defensible” and " It may have a precedent, but such an act has no moral defense. It is another black mark on the moral history of the United States government," I would think that implies I am not making excuses for anybody, including Barack Obama or HRC.I also don’t find you condemning HRC or Obama in Libya as act of war in which case there is no basis to condemn any other President as committing act of war for similar act
I’d say I’d call it an act of war. The President is trying to ignite a war, whether he’s with it enough to realize that or not. If Iran takes it as an act of war, I don’t know who could blame them.What would you call it when one nation takes out the political or military leadership of another nation with no defiance sent?
Again, no we haven’t. Only Congress can declare war.We’ve been at war with Iran for decades, this is just the latest action.
I would want to see this source, since I doubt even Jesuit journals would say such a thing. Nor do I think Pope Francis would say such a thing.Dec 2019 — According to a Jesuit journal — Pope Francis has compared U.S. President Donald Trump to the murderous King Herod who massacred innocent children in ancient Palestine while trying to kill the baby Jesus…
OK, so, other countries should just stand notified that they ought to expect that their leaders might be assassinated and their cultural sites targeted for elimination, if the President of the United States feels inclined to do it. He has the power, and he’ll do it if he sees fit. We’re going on record as being “that kind” of a nation…kind of like Napoléon’s France.Whether or not congress has declared war, we have been fighting against Iran for decades. Soldiers on both sides have died, our governments are opposed to one another. It may be a war fought in the shadows but the war is being fought regardless.
If we stick just to your claim that because congress hasn’t declared war, then the US hasn’t been at war since 1945. The last time congress officially declared war was in 1942. I don’t think you’re going to argue that we’ve not been at war since then.
I am going to think on this and get back, as it seems counter intuitive to Caritas in veritate and the need for cooperation in a world with increasing interdependence. But my intuition might be faulty. I do not see isolation and increased nationalism as compatible with Catholicism, whose very name is universal.The US should pull out of NATO and the UN.
Exactly. The overarching principle isn’t extinguished regardless of whether there is a precedent for it or not. We’re not arguing about whether or not ethics had anything to do with previous Presidents electing not to make such an attack. It does not matter how many previous Presidents violated moral law or how brazenly willing this President says he is to do so or how popular such a stand is with voters; none of this makes it right.Rather than risk a petty retaliation, I will not quote anyone, but the thread here is on the US Airstrike in Iraq. I know this is obvious to most, but bringing up other issues has one serious flaw in logic, for those who care about such things. This thread is not that thread. What other presidents do may well be equally immoral, though that discussion is not that discussion.
I cannot count how many times here a poster has assumed that someone who is criticizing this action must somehow have a double standard toward similar action. All this “what about” stuff is useless.
Divine law IS reality, those are the “rules we play by” and that is the subject of the thread.Write your congressman to repeal the war powers act. Trumps playing by the rules as they exist in reality.