Donald Jr. says covid deaths are "almost nothing"

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Again I am not saying the two diseases as comparable!!! You could use car deaths instead. I am saying you can still have compassion and empathy and analyze statistics. Do you agree with that statement?
I think you’re at least indirectly comparing them when you say ‘we don’t shut down our economy because of the flu’. Yes, we can use statistics and have empathy - but I don’t see you doing that when you defend Don Jr’s statement. Statistics are inherently dehumanizing.

In the beginning of the pandemic, I used to write the latest cumulative number of deaths in the U.S. on a white board at home. Eventually I stopped because the number had gotten so large it became meaningless. People have a hard time grasping large numbers, which is why so many people play the lottery.
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Dismissing real deaths of real people so callously… you think that’s in accord with Catholic charity? I would stop and reflect…
Is the current death rate 1,000 people per day? That would be like 3 jet airliners crashing every day with everyone aboard killed. Would that be acceptable?
Depends, are jet airliners a naturally occurring phenomenon and dying in a crash by one something a large percentage of the human population has always died from?

Not all types of death are equal. Dying of a naturally occurring disease is sad sure, but pretending like it’s something we can prevent is the height of hubris.
2% statistically may be “nothing”, but people are not statistics. There are human beings behind these numbers, and their families are suffering. This was a really callous thing to say when so many people are hurting.
I see your point but I disagree that just because something is ‘natural’ (like the virus), there’s nothing we can do about it to mitigate deaths.
I think we have done what we can to mitigate deaths. The number was never going to be 0. It can’t be a zero sum game where any deaths more than 0 is abject failure or just do nothing and whoever dies dies. But at the same time there was always going to need to be an acceptable number of losses to balance the needs of the rest of the country. I think the response from the administration, which was largely letting states handle it, was the proper response. I’ve disapproved of my governors handling of it in Kentucky. I think it’s been over burdensome and caused more harm than good, but I am glad I don’t live in New York where it was even more so, but in a place like New York that may very well have been the right decision. We’re too big of a country and too diverse in regional differences and population densities for a one size fits all approach.
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I respect your view, even though I may not agree with all aspects of it.
Per the article, I have heard how deaths have severely declined. One might want to read the article. It’s a bit beyond just say, the death rate is so low. More headline to chat about but what does the story actually say?
In 2019, there were about 3000 deaths per day from crashes.
I bet there is at least a police report with each if not a downright investigation. Then if there is any kind of pattern the legislative bodies put up stop signs, reduce speed limits etc to prevent future crashes. Crashes aren’t ignored.
In 2019, there were about 3000 deaths per day from crashes. Is there going to be wailing in the streets demanding that all highways are to be closed
You’re also not going to hear anyone say the deaths are “almost nothing” to downplay the number.
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You’re also not going to hear anyone say the deaths are “almost nothing” to underplay the number.
What’s he suppose to say? “Deaths are way down”? Sure, he may be spinning it some but it has been on the news that deaths are way down, hence, I’m not sure if great offense should be taken at him saying this.
I’m not taking great offense. Just stating my opinion that how he expressed himself was insensitive.
The fact of the matter is that the world runs on mathematics and logic (people included), so when we need to make a value judgement about a given situation, statistics are a powerful and necessary tool.
Ha, now we’re touching on quantum physics principles and interpretations. Very good. 🙂
Who said I was dismissing death so callously? Do you dismiss vehicular deaths? If not why are you not in favor of banning cars?
But he isn’t saying the people are nothing. He is saying the deaths are next to nothing which at two percent is true. And we should have policy that reflects that. Again, you can view every life as important and still use statistics to determine best course of action in policy.
A 2 percent death rate is significant.

Say a school has 400 students. That means 8 children are dead.

Imagine that?

Or a wedding with 200 guests. 4 of those guests dead.
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