Don’t marry her if …
“Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Ruin Their Lives”
“Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Ruin Their Lives”
“Woman Power”
“Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage”
“Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”
Interesting perspectives on choosing well and behaving well, insteading of choosing badly and behaving badly.
The author of each of these books is Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
..... you haven't read all of the following books first:
“Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Ruin Their Lives”
“Woman Power”
“Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage”
“Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”
Interesting perspectives on choosing well and behaving well, insteading of choosing badly and behaving badly.
The author of each of these books is Dr. Laura Schlessinger.