Don't marry HER if

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👍 it’s 2007…not 1957…yikes, guys…that is such a neaderthal thing to say…‘she has to know how to cook.’
You’re right. She can learn how to cook after she gets home from the homeymoon.

Don’t marry her if she demands a lot of expensive presents in order to feel loved.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you!
You’re right. She can learn how to cook after she gets home from the homeymoon.

Actually, I will give my husband some credit here because I did learn a lot more about how to really cook from him than I did in all my years of growing up.
  1. the dog doesn’t approve of her…
  2. if she argues a lot with her other personalities…
[Oooh! Oooh! It’s one of those infamous [thread=129648]out of context quotes[/thread] 😃 ]

Especially her mother – Because that is who you will be married to in 30 years.

Or to phrase as the thread:

Don’t marry her if you wouldn’t want to be married to her mother.

Who loves his mother-in-law, and always has
Also: don’t marry her, if you’d rather marry her mother.:bigyikes:
I’m a great believer in the dog test. 👍 As Woodrow Wilsom said; “If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.”
I posted this in the “Don’t marry HIM” thread, so I will post it here as well, changing the genders as appropriate…

Don’t marry her if she is not eligible to be married in the first place (like already married, or divorced w/o annulment).

Don’t marry him if she has already shacked up with someone else…I heard on Dr. Ray Guarendi’s program years ago that cohabiting with someone whom you don’t end up marrying QUADRUPLES the chance of a divorce.

Don’t marry her if you’re a virgin and she is not. Our archdiocesan right-to-life director, a chastity speaker, quoted a figure that the lowest rate of divorce is among two people who are both virgins when they marry.
cooking shouldn’t have anything to do with marrying a woman. a woman shouldn’t marry a man, if he is a chauvinist.😉
How absurd! Is that how you define chauvinism? Is it really a bad thing that a man have some expectations of his future wife?

Why is it OK for the “Don’t marry HIM if …” thread to list that he ought to be willing to get a job; but if a guy expects a woman to have some minimal culinary skill he’s a chauvinist? Seems like a double standard to me.

I’ll tell you what. It makes it a whole lot easier for me to “provide” for my family because my wife CAN cook. Our whole family enjoys good healthy meals almost every day. And on the days when my wife can’t cook I notice it. I come home at 5, very hungry, and then it falls on me to come up with something to feed the family. It is a blessing that my wife can cook. She’s not Martha Stewart, and I don’t have a particularly picky palate, but her meals are not aweful, they’re not burnt, and they fit within our means. Our children are healthy, energetic, and not overweight.

Now, is it an absolute necessity for a good marriage? Maybe not. Perhaps if the man has a huge income, they can hire out the cooking. Or perhaps the man wants nothing more than to come home and start putting together a meal.

But to accuse someone of chauvinism because he offers culinary skills as a bit of wisdom to a prospective husband is silly. It smacks of High-horse Feminism. As if cooking is somehow beneath a woman’s dignity. Give me a break.
Consider that some of these may point out that you’re not fit to marry anyone…

Don’t marry her if you wouldn’t want her without some changes, or if her current faults grew a bit worse.

Don’t marry her if you can’t find any fault with her.

Don’t marry her if you’ve never had a peacefully-resolved disagreement.

Do not marry her if she’s ever sought in any way to excuse herself for abusing you, verbally, emotionally, or physically. Do not marry her if she ever has committed serious abuse or is in any way habitual about minor abuse.

Don’t marry her if you think she’d allow you to abuse her.

Don’t marry her if you wouldn’t live in a house whose color you hate, just to make her happy.

Don’t marry her without remembering that her family will be there with you for every major holiday, wedding, and funeral.

Don’t marry her if you think her ideas about parenting are nuts.

Don’t marry her if you can’t see how the duties of your household will ever be accomplished tolerably well and without resentment.

Don’t marry her if you haven’t come to a meeting of the minds concerning finances, children, and friends of the opposite sex.

Don’t marry her if the trivial terms of your marriage are non-negotiable: I hate to say this, but I mean if the place of sports, shopping, hobbies, or any other matter of opinion can never be brought up for re-examination. If it isn’t in your vows, she needs to be worth giving it up, and you need to be, too.

Don’t marry her if she hates your friends, or if you can’t stand hers. You will be closer to some people than she is, and vice versa, but you should only have “our” friends, not “his” and “hers.”

Don’t marry her if she believes in divorce or in pointing guns at people.
… she can’t change a tire.

… she can’t drive a stick shift.
WOOAH!!! i love my standard. You wouldn’t believe how it was to get it though. The guy at the dealerships keep trying to stear me towards an automatic. Guess they didn’t think women like to drive standards. But most of the guys i meet find it cool that a women perfers to drive a standard.
I would also have to say don’t marry a women or man who is willing to compromise their faith/morals to be with you. God comes first.
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