Dow Hits 30,000 First Time

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Well, you admitted that the current administration was the source of the problem,
The current administration is the source of the cure. This is all about the vaccines and therapeutics coming from Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration project.
so let’s give the new one a chance to fix it.
He gets his chance starting January 20, not sooner. By then, vaccination will be well underway.
Couldn’t do much worse.
Take a look at New York City and state, New Jersey and California and you’ll see how much worse it will be under a progressive.
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The current administration is the source of the cure. This is all about the vaccines and therapeutics coming from Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration project.
Wait, what? But you just said that the problem was caused by this administration. Which is it?
Take a look at New York City and state, New Jersey snd California and you’ll see how much worse it will be under a progressive.
Seriously? Take a look at the GOP-run states. Not only do they have similar virus problems, but they also suffer from a myriad of social ills. This old saw that the blue parts of the country are ___ holes only works in fact free zones.
Wait, what? But you just said that the problem was caused by this administration. Which is it?
Provide the quote where I said that. I said shutdowns will kill the market. Republicans generally have learned from the earlier mistake of shutdowns. They don’t work. The current administration has said never again. It is progressive Democrats who are continuing shutdowns, destroying small businesses, permanently hurting all children but particularly those at risk.
Seriously? Take a look at the GOP-run states. Not only do they have similar virus problems, but they also suffer from a myriad of social ills.
They have essentially the same vivid problems without the shutdowns. Proof that shutdowns do not work. The virus doesn’t care about shutdowns. This fact is proven worldwide.
This old saw that the blue parts of the country are ___ holes only works in fact free zones.
Fact free zones are wholly owned subsidiaries of progressives. I didn’t say that, though the evidence in New York and California indicated their governors’ policies fit your description.
The highest unemployment rates in the country as of October were New York, New Jersey, California and Louisiana (hit by multiple tropical weather events). That’s not because the people in these states are less capable. It’s because of their economic shutdowns.

Further the top four states in terms of deaths per hundred thousand related to Covid are New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
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Take a look at New York City and state, New Jersey and California and you’ll see how much worse it will be under a progressive.
Let’s also look at the progressives in New Zealand, if you want to go there.
I only wish I’d gotten started younger.
I got started when CDs were paying 12%. Now you have to look past the volatility just to average 5% in the Dow Jones stocks.
Inflation and interest rates were higher, too, but I do remember when a CD was a good investment tool
Inflation and interest rates were higher, too, but I do remember when a CD was a good investment tool
Corporate bonds are good now but cost a premium to buy, offsetting any good return you can get on them.
Let’s also look at the progressives in New Zealand, if you want to go there.
I don’t think they put infected seniors back into nursing homes in NZ. But there are a couple of points regarding the rather isolated island nation.
All borders and entry ports of New Zealand were closed to all non-residents on 19 March 2020, with returning citizens and residents being required to self-isolate.

The projected president elect said Trump was a racist when he did similar with China.
Although the unemployment rate fell, the under-utilisation rate – a broader measure of how much spare capacity the labour market has – rose to 12.0%. Many workers across the economy stayed employed, in large part due to the wage subsidy, but were working fewer hours than they had previously.

NZ is unique in its location and ability to isolate.
The Dow was 18,000 when Trump took office. The economy has been growing at a reasonable rate with Trump’s policies. It was close to 28,000 prior to the Covid-19. The problem is the Dow has been stimulated artificially by a 3 trillion stimulus because of Covid-19,… Obama also stimulated the economy in 2009 by printing money to the tune of 4 trillion.

Who benefits from the Dow, people like Bezos. Regulate citizens also benefited from their 401k investments…

Prior to this year, the economy was fine… Unemployment was low.

I can’t imagine what the economy would be like under Biden. probably another stimulus and then how about all those new green deal programs no one can pay for.
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Obama also stimulated the economy in 2009 by printing money to the tune of 4 trillion.
Actually $800 billion. Bernanke made a lot of QE purchases to the tune of several trillion to bring interest rates down afterward.

FWIW, the Fed has still not cleaned its balance sheets but I will give credit to Trump for keeping home prices up.
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Obama also stimulated the economy in 2009 by printing money to the tune of 4 trillion.
Actually $800 billion. Bernanke made a lot of QE purchases to the tune of several trillion to bring interest rates down afterward.
Obama printed money, trillions, and yes the feds did QE one after another, and interest rates have been zero( 0 )for regular savers for the last 12 years. We were just getting our economy going when Covid-19 hit.

The national debt went up 9 trillion under President Obama.
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Provide the quote where I said that.
The virus didn’t do this. Government did.
Since the first mistake in shutting down (at the behest of the medical experts), the administration learned not to do it. It is state governments that continue to repeat or maintain shutdowns, primarily (but not exclusively) in states with a Democrat governor.
So no, I’m not blaming the Trump administration. They’ve done a remarkably good job.
I can’t imagine what the economy would be like under Biden. probably another stimulus and then how about all those new green deal programs no one can pay for.
The economy was moving along just fine under Obama. Also under Trump, until he completely botched the COVID response. It will also be fine under Biden. Presidents get both more credit and more blame than they should for economic issues. They mostly matter when the miss the moment to intervene and prevent catastrophe - as we have seen.
Who benefits from the Dow, people like Bezos. Regulate citizens also benefited from their 401k investments…
The vast majority of the benefit of a rising stock market goes to the wealthy. Trump’s economic accomplishment was continuing the increasing job market/decrease in unemployment. Both Obama and Trump did little to nothing to decrease increasing wage gap, however. Most people are missing out on the economic expansion because wages are flat while productivity soars - with the benefits of increased worker productivity going mostly to the wealthy. Can Biden do anything about that? 🤷‍♂️ Maybe, maybe not. As I said, presidents get more credit for such things than they should, which are mostly built into our system.
The national debt went up 9 trillion under President Obama.
You realize the debt went up WAY more under Trump than Obama? Trump was the worst president in history from a fiscal responsibility stand point.

Edit: take a look at this graph:

Even if you take out 2020 because of COVID, you can see that Bush came into office with a surplus, but pretty much right away went back to deficit spending. Under Bush deficits went over $1 trillion a year. They went back down under Obama, with the last four years of Obama under $500B. With Trump - right back up. This is what we have seen for decades. The GOP preaches fiscal discipline, but when they get in office they go spend crazy.

Look at the numbers, not the rhetoric.
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The GOP preaches fiscal discipline, but when they get in office they go spend crazy.
This is exactly correct. They act like Democrats Lite. But that’s at least marginally better than acting like actual Democrats
As an aside to that - those that have jobs should try to help those that don’t this Thanksgiving season. There are a lot of charities providing meals and rent assistance.
A lot of that has been suspended due to the virus. It’s a real shame. Boys Scouts annual food drive was cancelled. The women’s shelter where our parish cooks and serves has suspended our services.

Needs don’t go away during a pandemic.
A lot of that has been suspended due to the virus. It’s a real shame. Boys Scouts annual food drive was cancelled. The women’s shelter where our parish cooks and serves has suspended our services.

Needs don’t go away during a pandemic.
I have been giving to Jose Andres (World Central Kitchen), Feeding America, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Relief Services, and some local charities like the DC Diaper Bank.

Every bit helps.

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