Manic,It’s like telling a black person you know what it’s like being black when you’re Asian, you just can’t understand the full scope of drug addiction if you have never been in that black hole. Even as a former drug addict it’s hard for me to relate to “tweekers” or AKA meth users because my drugs of choice are downers and in my youth hallucinogenic. They are two very different kinds of high, and the reasons for use of uppers is different than that of downers. Most tweekers are not diagnosed with depression but sever forms of ADHD and people who favor depressants tend to be diagnosed with sever forms of depression, Bipolar-Manic is what I was labeled as a teen then just sever bipolar with extreme SADD as I got older with slight manic tendencies. Someone who does not have this problem may be able to sympathize with me and diagnose me but truly understand and relate to me, will be very hard if not impossible to do.
It’s just harder to find a person whose life was destroyed by marijuana alone, unless they are dealing it and get popped for felony intent.
Well in both the rehabs I was in the counselors where former users, because it’s just easier to relate to a former addict who knows what you’re going though because they have been there too. One of the facilities was based on the 12 step principal, but I was giving meds in both places.
You focus on the drug use and not the underlying problem. People use things for different reasons and those reasons are common to humanity.
People are people regardless of color. Those that self medicate are people that have problems and medicate.
Diabetics don’t seek help from failing diabetics that don’t know how to handle their diabetes.
Cancer patients don’t seek help from physicians struggling with Cancer.
Schizophrenics don’t help Schizophrenics.
Do you align yourself with the theory of the disease model where addiction is touted to be a disease?