Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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Having a few drinks i.e. a casual drinker, such as one after dinner; no big deal IMHO. However, I have been a heavy drinker at times in my past and it was nothing but counterproductive in every aspect of my life, especially in my spiritual life; that’s an understatement; I had no spiritual life as a heavy drinker. Drinking excessively for me anyway, prevented Jesus’ grace from entering.

“For there a man makes greater progress and merits where he overcomes himself more and mortifies himself in spirit.” Imitation of Christ Great book; can be read on line.
Marijuana is illegal so it should be avoided. However, in my opinion alcohol is a lot worse in terms of altering one’s state. Legal marijuana is good for medical reasons e.g. cancer etc. It is legal now in some states and really helps with awful pain and nausea. God would not care in this particular instance IMHO.

Imitation of Christ can be heard online here…


Peace and God Bless,

Everyone including you can read a study that disproves your thinking…

This study doesn’t even address what we’re talking about, namely whether or not the immediate effect of marijuana is loss of impulse control. This study merely shows that people who use both tobacco and marijuana in large amounts are more likely to exhibit anti-social behavior later in life, not at the time of use (and I’ll point out that tobacco use is allowed by the Church, despite showing the same effects here as marijuana use, so this argument can’t be used to demonstrate that marijuana use by adults is morally wrong). Furthermore, this study is about adolescent use, not use as an adult, and I’ve already stated that marijuana is not safe for minors. Do you have any studies that actually address the topic at hand?
Check out this study in Africa…
Again, a study about predictive behavior and adolescent use. This has zero relevance to what we’re talking about here, which is the chemical effects of marijuana on the adult brain.
and this…
Peace and God Bless…
Yet another predictive behavior study for those who start using marijuana as adolescents, not a study on the effects of marijuana on the adult brain (or even the adolescent brain, for that matter, as predictive behavior studies merely indicate a life trajectory, and someone who breaks laws at a young age will always have a higher likelihood of behavior problems as an adult). We already agree that marijuana shouldn’t be used by adolescents (it’s one of the reasons I advocate legalization and licensing), and this material does nothing to show that there is an immediate loss of impulse control from using marijuana.

Peace and God bless!
Jesus wasn’t as anti booze as some fire and brimstone conservatives like to make out. I’m pretty sure everyone had had plenty to drink when he turned huge amounts of water into wine in Cana. Of course he never lost control, but let’s not be too strict about this.
This study doesn’t even address what we’re talking about, namely whether or not the immediate effect of marijuana is loss of impulse control. This study merely shows that people who use both tobacco and marijuana in large amounts are more likely to exhibit anti-social behavior later in life, not at the time of use (and I’ll point out that tobacco use is allowed by the Church, despite showing the same effects here as marijuana use, so this argument can’t be used to demonstrate that marijuana use by adults is morally wrong). Furthermore, this study is about adolescent use, not use as an adult, and I’ve already stated that marijuana is not safe for minors. Do you have any studies that actually address the topic at hand?

Again, a study about predictive behavior and adolescent use. This has zero relevance to what we’re talking about here, which is the chemical effects of marijuana on the adult brain.

Yet another predictive behavior study for those who start using marijuana as adolescents, not a study on the effects of marijuana on the adult brain (or even the adolescent brain, for that matter, as predictive behavior studies merely indicate a life trajectory, and someone who breaks laws at a young age will always have a higher likelihood of behavior problems as an adult). We already agree that marijuana shouldn’t be used by adolescents (it’s one of the reasons I advocate legalization and licensing), and this material does nothing to show that there is an immediate loss of impulse control from using marijuana.

Peace and God bless!

Peace and God Bless,

The immediate effects of one drink does not end up in loss of impulse control.🙂

Peace and God Bless.
HUGE gulf between Alcohol & Marijuana
According to the Book of Sirach: "Does man live who lacks the wine that was created for his joy ? Not to mention the parallels of the Precious Blood of Christ to the Fruit of the Vine. Many the vineyard references. Wine is great if drunk in joy, celebration but awful in sorrow, despair, anger, bitterness.

As per pot, I live in Washington State. I am NOT happy about the leniency towards pot by our fellow Washingtonians. The heaviest vote probably came from King County/Seattle area. This state is historically the most UNCHURCHED along with OREGON in the union but I’m almost positive the latest Pew research would confirm that. We are at the bottom of the heap when it comes to practicing the Faith & many call Seattle & Tacoma the “LEFT COAST”.
  1. how is Olympia (our Capital) going to reconcile this to Federal Law?
  2. how are they going to test high drivers & have a fool-proof system that holds up in court? I certainly don’t want someone high on pot driving.
    3)THC is a nasty substance, very hard on the body - So later the dictatorial HHS Obama “care” will eventually write off the potheads when they get older & let 'em die… They will be too expensive to care for. But in WASHINGTON STATE, you can DRINK HEMLOCK TO DO YOURSELF IN. But what if the medical “authorities” just give it to ya anyway???
  3. What about all the records of pot peddlers doing time, etc. should they be pardoned for doing jail time, have those with records of small amount of pot misdemeanors be absolved?
This state has been a mess for 30 years & getting worse. If it were not for our Lord’s generosity, He probably would have sent an airstrike some time ago. BUT wait, HE DID SEND A WAKE UP CALL!

It was called "Mt St Helens!!!
HUGE gulf between Alcohol & Marijuana
According to the Book of Sirach: "Does man live who lacks the wine that was created for his joy ? Not to mention the parallels of the Precious Blood of Christ to the Fruit of the Vine. Many the vineyard references. Wine is great if drunk in joy, celebration but awful in sorrow, despair, anger, bitterness.
True, and it’s speaking of the mental effects of alcohol as well as the smell and taste and such. Since the mental effects of alcohol, in moderation, are not evil but good, the fact that a substance affects the mind does not in itself make the substance good or evil; the question is how it affects the mind, and to what degree.
As per pot, I live in Washington State. I am NOT happy about the leniency towards pot by our fellow Washingtonians. The heaviest vote probably came from King County/Seattle area. This state is historically the most UNCHURCHED along with OREGON in the union but I’m almost positive the latest Pew research would confirm that. We are at the bottom of the heap when it comes to practicing the Faith & many call Seattle & Tacoma the “LEFT COAST”.
True, but irrelevant. 🤷
  1. how is Olympia (our Capital) going to reconcile this to Federal Law?
They’ll have to work this out, but so far it’s looking like the Federal Government may let the state deal with marijuana in its own way without interference. We’ll just have to see what ends up happening.
  1. how are they going to test high drivers & have a fool-proof system that holds up in court? I certainly don’t want someone high on pot driving.
Nobody high people driving. That’s why we are the first state, that I’m aware of, to implement a “fool-proof” system that will hold up in court. In fact, this system was part of the law that legalized marijuana. Now there will be a standardized blood-test given to those suspected of impaired driving, and a quantity of THC found in the blood will indicate automatic violation of the law. This is precisely the same as what is done with alcohol and the BAC, and will be implemented in the same manner. On this point, at least, you should be grateful for the new law because it does what was not done before.
3)THC is a nasty substance, very hard on the body - So later the dictatorial HHS Obama “care” will eventually write off the potheads when they get older & let 'em die… They will be too expensive to care for. But in WASHINGTON STATE, you can DRINK HEMLOCK TO DO YOURSELF IN. But what if the medical “authorities” just give it to ya anyway???
THC is far, far less damaging to the body than alcohol. People won’t be dying from chronic THC use like they do from alcohol.
  1. What about all the records of pot peddlers doing time, etc. should they be pardoned for doing jail time, have those with records of small amount of pot misdemeanors be absolved?
What about them? They may be absolved, they may not. This may have happened anyway even without the law. In fact, this does often happen when prisons fill up and there is no room to put more dangerous offenders; people have their sentences commuted due to lack of space to house them. In the end this really isn’t an argument against the legalization of marijuana at all.
This state has been a mess for 30 years & getting worse. If it were not for our Lord’s generosity, He probably would have sent an airstrike some time ago. BUT wait, HE DID SEND A WAKE UP CALL!
It was called "Mt St Helens!!!
I don’t know that it’s healthy to view natural disasters as “wake up calls” unless God says they are Himself, but that’s a topic for another thread.

Peace and God bless!
THC is far, far less damaging to the body than alcohol.
People won’t be dying from chronic THC use like they do from alcohol.
Wrong again. If the respiratory and cancer rates were sufficiently tracked…it would surprise many people.

Also, it is a gateway drug that has led many into a world of addiction and death. 😦
True, and it’s speaking of the mental effects of alcohol as well as the smell and taste and such. Since the mental effects of alcohol, in moderation, are not evil but good, the fact that a substance affects the mind does not in itself make the substance good or evil; the question is how it affects the mind, and to what degree.

Peace and God Bless…

Epidemiologic data show that the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) **increases approximately 2-fold after cannabis smoking./**QUOTE]
The evidence indicates that frequent and prolonged use of cannabis can be detrimental to mental health. A high risk of psychotic symptoms in predisposed individuals, higher for frequent users, is described, while the findings on symptoms of depression and anxiety are less consistent.
Our observations of this population of non-dependent drug users are consistent with the increased impulsivity traits and behaviors that have been described previously in chronic drug abusers. In this study, compared to no drug use, the recreational use of cannabis was associated with a **major dysfunction of the different facets of impulsive behaviors. **However, alcohol binge drinking was related only to impulsive decision-making.
Peace and God Bless
The first article simple seals with impaired driving, which we all agree is bad.

The second article deals with psychotic episodes in predisposed individuals. People with psychological problems that make them prone to psychotic episodes may experience them more frequently on marijuana. No surprise there, and it doesn’t indicate that marijuana causes psychotic episodes in people who are not prone to psychotic episodes.

The third article simply states that people who have impulse-control issues are more likely to do drugs. Again, no surprise. This is a predictive behavior study, not a causal or even correlative study.

Do you have any studies that show a causal link, as opposed to simply noting that people prone to impulse control issues are more likely to use illegal substances, or substances of any kind?

Peace and God bless!
the fact that a substance affects the mind does not in itself make the substance good or evil;
Let no one be fooled by such deceptive statements. The CCC has a wonderful gudeline by which to follow for the subject of marijuana.

CCC 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.

Blessed Nativity to everyone. 🙂
Let no one be fooled by such deceptive statements. The CCC has a wonderful gudeline by which to follow for the subject of marijuana.

CCC 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.

Blessed Nativity to everyone. 🙂
why do you keep bringing up that Catholic stuff and confusing everyone?:confused:
And yet no one has yet answered how that rule applies to marijuana and not alcohol. 🤷

Peace and God bless!

Peace and God Bless

Alcohol is not considered a drug, it is an OTC beverage.

Peace and God Bless.
And yet no one has yet answered how that rule applies to marijuana and not alcohol. 🤷

Peace and God bless!
Alcohol, in moderation, is beneficial to the heart and digestion. It is also an anti-anxiety drug, albeit a weak one. All “drugs” have medical applications, it is the abuse that wrong.
no one has yet answered how that rule applies to marijuana and not alcohol.
Perhaps you should write a letter to the Vatican for an explanation…since you are unable to accept the CCC guidelines… in your zeal for legalization for recreational marijuana use. 🤷
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