As a former AVID drug user, 2 time rehab loser and daughter of a raging alcoholic I can tell you from personal experience that I have gotten into more trouble when drinking alcohol mainly due to its availability and social acceptance than with any other drug.
Alcohol to me is in the same realm of drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, and meth when it comes to the destruction of one’s life and family. Marijuana on the other hand has very few if any of the long term affects of addiction than that of any other drug.
I was a daily pot smoker for over 20 years and my last 5 years of pot smoking was of great help in getting me off all other drugs. I have not smoke in almost 2years, since I really started studying Judaism but I have no issues with people who do, and would much rather be in a room full of stoner than drunks.
This is one of my favorite accounts in the Bible when it comes to alcohol:
“When Noah came to plant a vineyard (Gen. 9:20), Satan appeared before him and asked, ‘What are you planting?’ ‘A vineyard,’ Noah replied. ‘What is its nature?’ Satan continued. ‘Its fruits are sweet whether fresh or dry, and wine is made of them, which gladdens the heart,’ Noah answered. ‘Come now, let us two form a partnership in this vineyard,’ Satan proposed. ‘Very well,’ said Noah. What did Satan do? He brought a sheep and slew it under the vine; then he brought in turn a lion, a pig and a monkey, slew each of them and let their blood drip into the vineyard and drench the soil. Thus he hinted that before a person drinks wine he is simple like a sheep and quiet like a lamb before his shearers. When he has drunk in moderation, he is strong like a lion and feels as though there is none to equal him in the world. When he has drunk more than enough, he becomes like a pig, wallowing in filth. When he is intoxicated he becomes like a monkey, dancing about, uttering obscenities before all, and unaware of what he is doing.”