Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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Peace and God Bless

Alcohol is not considered a drug, it is an OTC beverage.

Peace and God Bless.
Not considered a drug by whom? It’s certainly classified as a drug in all medical material I’ve read.

If you mean it’s a drug under federal classification, then your speaking of a legal matter, not a moral one. By this reasoning marijuana is not a drug if it is sold over the counter, which is precisely what folks like me are advocating. If this is the case then the Catechism prohibition on drugs indeed doesn’t apply to marijuana if it is sold over the counter.

Peace and God bless!
Alcohol, in moderation, is beneficial to the heart and digestion. It is also an anti-anxiety drug, albeit a weak one. All “drugs” have medical applications, it is the abuse that wrong.
I agree, but alcohol is not supported by the Church merely as a medication, but for enjoyment of its mental effects as well.

Peace and God bless!
going back to the part where some one said that smoking pot doesnt make you any worse the more you smoke,not like beer/alcohol.

does short term memory fall into the category of loosing your mind?

ive smoked skunk for nearly 30 years,gave it up a few years ago.

have not drunk beer for nearly 18 years…

giving up the smoking of skunk was by far the worst experience ive ever had.
it mentally had me as a slave.and like Mikey says,you live by gluttony,paranoia,sloth.

giving the beer up was a walk in the park to the skunk…

if smoking cigarettes gives you cancer dont you think that smoking pot will?

this is a SMOKER in my countries mentality…i open a packet of ciggies and say,do you want one?
the reply is i dont SMOKE .but ill take one of you because i only SMOKE pot,its not really SMOKING…

LOLOLOL…that is how mentally messed up they are.but that wont worry people advocating this…thousands upon thousands of people from kids to adults loosing there mind/life…

last words of Christ on the cross…

forgive them lord for they do not know what they do…

Mikey its like banging your head against a brick wall pal.they dont want to get it.they have made up their minds…the others follow like zombies…

btw,happy Christmas to all…
Mikey its like banging your head against a brick wall pal.they dont want to get it.they have made up their minds.
Yes. The Church puts it in writing and most of the confessors will tell you it is a sin. But people will find one or two liberal/dissenting priests who agree with them…and they will listen to them because they want to smoke pot so badly. 😦
Not considered a drug by whom? It’s certainly classified as a drug in all medical material I’ve read.

If you mean it’s a drug under federal classification, then your speaking of a legal matter, not a moral one. By this reasoning marijuana is not a drug if it is sold over the counter, which is precisely what folks like me are advocating. If this is the case then the Catechism prohibition on drugs indeed doesn’t apply to marijuana if it is sold over the counter.

Peace and God bless!

You are trying to convince yourself.

Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol is never sold in it’s pure form as 100% substance. You are correct that this has drug effects of a depressant.

Beverages that contain alcohol are not 100% substance and are therefore beverages that contain alcohol of varying degrees and are legal.

Doctor’s do not write prescriptions for Alcohol. It is legal Federal and State to be used and sold and consumed.

Doctor’s may write prescriptions for marijuana as it has drug effects and it is legal in some states but remains illegal by Federal Standards.

Wrong or right, it is what it is…Federal Standards for marijuana today…
Schedule I Controlled Substances
Substances in this schedule have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.
Some examples of substances listed in Schedule I are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), peyote, methaqualone, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“Ecstasy”).
The Church acknowledges Federal Standards and obeyance of law…

Recreational marijuana is illegal by Federal Standards…end of story…
As a former AVID drug user, 2 time rehab loser and daughter of a raging alcoholic I can tell you from personal experience that I have gotten into more trouble when drinking alcohol mainly due to its availability and social acceptance than with any other drug.
Alcohol to me is in the same realm of drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, and meth when it comes to the destruction of one’s life and family. Marijuana on the other hand has very few if any of the long term affects of addiction than that of any other drug.
I was a daily pot smoker for over 20 years and my last 5 years of pot smoking was of great help in getting me off all other drugs. I have not smoke in almost 2years, since I really started studying Judaism but I have no issues with people who do, and would much rather be in a room full of stoner than drunks.
This is one of my favorite accounts in the Bible when it comes to alcohol:

“When Noah came to plant a vineyard (Gen. 9:20), Satan appeared before him and asked, ‘What are you planting?’ ‘A vineyard,’ Noah replied. ‘What is its nature?’ Satan continued. ‘Its fruits are sweet whether fresh or dry, and wine is made of them, which gladdens the heart,’ Noah answered. ‘Come now, let us two form a partnership in this vineyard,’ Satan proposed. ‘Very well,’ said Noah. What did Satan do? He brought a sheep and slew it under the vine; then he brought in turn a lion, a pig and a monkey, slew each of them and let their blood drip into the vineyard and drench the soil. Thus he hinted that before a person drinks wine he is simple like a sheep and quiet like a lamb before his shearers. When he has drunk in moderation, he is strong like a lion and feels as though there is none to equal him in the world. When he has drunk more than enough, he becomes like a pig, wallowing in filth. When he is intoxicated he becomes like a monkey, dancing about, uttering obscenities before all, and unaware of what he is doing.”
As a former AVID drug user, 2 time rehab loser and daughter of a raging alcoholic I can tell you from personal experience that I have gotten into more trouble when drinking alcohol mainly due to its availability and social acceptance than with any other drug.
Alcohol to me is in the same realm of drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, and meth when it comes to the destruction of one’s life and family. Marijuana on the other hand has very few if any of the long term affects of addiction than that of any other drug.
I was a daily pot smoker for over 20 years and my last 5 years of pot smoking was of great help in getting me off all other drugs. I have not smoke in almost 2years, since I really started studying Judaism but I have no issues with people who do, and would much rather be in a room full of stoner than drunks.
This is one of my favorite accounts in the Bible when it comes to alcohol:

“When Noah came to plant a vineyard (Gen. 9:20), Satan appeared before him and asked, ‘What are you planting?’ ‘A vineyard,’ Noah replied. ‘What is its nature?’ Satan continued. ‘Its fruits are sweet whether fresh or dry, and wine is made of them, which gladdens the heart,’ Noah answered. ‘Come now, let us two form a partnership in this vineyard,’ Satan proposed. ‘Very well,’ said Noah. What did Satan do? He brought a sheep and slew it under the vine; then he brought in turn a lion, a pig and a monkey, slew each of them and let their blood drip into the vineyard and drench the soil. Thus he hinted that before a person drinks wine he is simple like a sheep and quiet like a lamb before his shearers. When he has drunk in moderation, he is strong like a lion and feels as though there is none to equal him in the world. When he has drunk more than enough, he becomes like a pig, wallowing in filth. When he is intoxicated he becomes like a monkey, dancing about, uttering obscenities before all, and unaware of what he is doing.”
I am in total agreement! 👍 I have a family member who uses legal marijuana medicinally and it has made his life bearable once again. By the way, where is that quote from?
As a former AVID drug user, 2 time rehab loser and daughter of a raging alcoholic I can tell you from personal experience that I have gotten into more trouble when drinking alcohol mainly due to its availability and social acceptance than with any other drug.
Alcohol to me is in the same realm of drugs such as heroin, crack cocaine, and meth when it comes to the destruction of one’s life and family. Marijuana on the other hand has very few if any of the long term affects of addiction than that of any other drug.
I was a daily pot smoker for over 20 years and my last 5 years of pot smoking was of great help in getting me off all other drugs. I have not smoke in almost 2years, since I really started studying Judaism but I have no issues with people who do, and would much rather be in a room full of stoner than drunks.
This is one of my favorite accounts in the Bible when it comes to alcohol:

“When Noah came to plant a vineyard (Gen. 9:20), Satan appeared before him and asked, ‘What are you planting?’ ‘A vineyard,’ Noah replied. ‘What is its nature?’ Satan continued. ‘Its fruits are sweet whether fresh or dry, and wine is made of them, which gladdens the heart,’ Noah answered. ‘Come now, let us two form a partnership in this vineyard,’ Satan proposed. ‘Very well,’ said Noah. What did Satan do? He brought a sheep and slew it under the vine; then he brought in turn a lion, a pig and a monkey, slew each of them and let their blood drip into the vineyard and drench the soil. Thus he hinted that before a person drinks wine he is simple like a sheep and quiet like a lamb before his shearers. When he has drunk in moderation, he is strong like a lion and feels as though there is none to equal him in the world. When he has drunk more than enough, he becomes like a pig, wallowing in filth. When he is intoxicated he becomes like a monkey, dancing about, uttering obscenities before all, and unaware of what he is doing.”

Your experience needs balance with rationalism. The practice of medicine and advice of a physician is not based on testimonial.
I’ve been to various Protestant churches…some discourage drinking, others prohibit it, and still others have no problem with it. I believe Catholics drink just like me. Since marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, and medical marijuana is legal in many states, what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
both are okay in moderation… prohibition never works… just so it does not lead to immoral befavior !!
both are okay in moderation
That is tthe issue. There is no such thing as moderation wit marijuana. That is the nature of the drug. One or two hits…and you’re stoned…and there’s no going back.

Your experience needs balance with rationalism. The practice of medicine and advice of a physician is not based on testimonial.
I’m of the belief that one has to live the personal experience of drug addiction wither it be themselves or close family member before they can have any real meaningful (name removed by moderator)ut on the subject. It’s easy to say this and that but until you have lived life in the darkness of addiction you don’t know and I hope you never have to find out.
For every story of life destroyed because of marijuana use I can give you 10 where alcohol did the same.

As a former drug user I can tell you pot is not the gateway drug people like to make it out to be, it’s Mom & Dad’s medicine cabinet and the bottles of booze they keep in the house that most all kids get their first high from. Have you not seen the video of kids getting drunk on hand sanitizer?:eek:

As for a medical experts (name removed by moderator)ut, I always loved the fact that when I went into rehab the first thing they did was get me clean from the streets drugs only to put me on about 5 different prescriptions drugs:thumbsup:, half of which I could use to enhance my street drug high. For me personally pot is the least harmful of any legal or illegal drug out there.
For every story of life destroyed because of marijuana use I can give you 10 where alcohol did the same.
Most people I know who destroyed their lives with alcohol were also chronic pot users.
As a former drug user I can tell you pot is not the gateway drug people like to make it out to be,
My experience is different. I cannot tell you how many times I saw someone begin with pot…only to be lured into harder and harder drugs.
Most people I know who destroyed their lives with alcohol were also chronic pot users.
My experience is different. I cannot tell you how many times I saw someone begin with pot…only to be lured into harder and harder drugs.
My father has been an alcoholic for over 40 years and he never abused any other drug than alcohol, and that goes for many of the alcoholics I know. I have known many drug addicts over the years especially coke and meth users who HATE pot. I just know from my personal experience and the kids I started using drugs with we all started with drinking and pills before we moved on to pot. I took my first drink when I was 11 along with some valium a friend gave me, from then on pills where my vice. I was 13 when I first smoked pot and let me tell you it was way harder to come by than pills and alcohol for me and my group. Alcohol was always available to me thanks to my Dad, and pills thanks to a friend’s Mom. I used drugs with same group of friends well into my 20’s sadly some of them never made past their 20’s.
I have just found over the years most people who are anti-pot have never really had any real experiences with any hard drugs. I just don’t think you can be ok with alcohol and anti-pot without sounding like a hypocrite, I know marijuana is illegal in many states but minus the legal issues the affects of marijuana are no worse than those of alcohol. In my experience alcohol has caused my family and me more hardship than any other drug legal or illegal.

Manic Faze,
I’m of the belief that one has to live the personal experience of drug addiction wither it be themselves or close family member before they can have any real meaningful (name removed by moderator)ut on the subject. It’s easy to say this and that but until you have lived life in the darkness of addiction you don’t know and I hope you never have to find out.
This is a closed minded belief that precludes expansion of your mind without the use of drugs.

This is testimonial that may mean something different to the person that has 10 persons lives destroyed by marijuana and one by alcohol, so where does that leave us?

This sounds like only an alcoholic can help an alcoholic or only an addict can help an addict. I agree that pot is not a gateway for all, it may be for some and as you know it is not the substance necessarily that drives the use, it is the person.

What does medical knowledge have to do with the way rehab facilities are run. Was this a 12 step driven facility?
It’s like telling a black person you know what it’s like being black when you’re Asian, you just can’t understand the full scope of drug addiction if you have never been in that black hole. Even as a former drug addict it’s hard for me to relate to “tweekers” or AKA meth users because my drugs of choice are downers and in my youth hallucinogenic. They are two very different kinds of high, and the reasons for use of uppers is different than that of downers. Most tweekers are not diagnosed with depression but sever forms of ADHD and people who favor depressants tend to be diagnosed with sever forms of depression, Bipolar-Manic is what I was labeled as a teen then just sever bipolar with extreme SADD as I got older with slight manic tendencies. Someone who does not have this problem may be able to sympathize with me and diagnose me but truly understand and relate to me, will be very hard if not impossible to do.

It’s just harder to find a person whose life was destroyed by marijuana alone, unless they are dealing it and get popped for felony intent.

Well in both the rehabs I was in the counselors where former users, because it’s just easier to relate to a former addict who knows what you’re going though because they have been there too. One of the facilities was based on the 12 step principal, but I was giving meds in both places.
what do you believe about drinking and smoking pot?
I think it’s making a big deal out of nothing. Even if it was a big deal, prohibition proved that drug laws of any sort are useless. The current “war on drugs” is equally stupid and proves the fallacy of prohibition as well.
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