Here’s my thought regarding pot:
(Sounds like a poem…)
I am unfortunate to live with two heavy smokers. (It was this or be homeless.) Smokers of both types. While I am in no way advocating the use or excessive use, of anything drug or drug like, I at least understand the goal, which is to get high, numb, whatever.
But with tobacco, what is the goal? I am also in no way unsympathetic to those who are addicted. I am in no way judging those who willfully took that first cigarette; it is a powerfully addictive ‘drug.’ But while one is high or imbibed, there is that fleeting sense of, well, high.
But with tobacco, there is no high, so what is the goal? If these two yahoos said anything like, “Man, I’d like to quit but I just can’t,” or “Where do I go? What do I do?” they would would have more of my sympathies than that which stems from addiction. But, no.
Not even 50 years of age and each have been smoking for 35+ years. I need no alarm clock; I wake up to two people hacking up lungs every morning. I can’t describe that further. Wouldn’t want to make someone here toss their cookies. It is quite disgusting. And for what? Again, no high. It’s not as if they are so high and thus unaware of their hacking. No one on this planet would willfully say, “Ah, hacking is the life.”
When they smoke the other stuff, it is worse!! 'cause, ya know, ya gotta hold it in. Good Gravy!! How you can you do that when all that smoking has turned the lungs into a tar pit??!!
Yes, there is a high for that one. But they are not so high that they cannot tell how ridiculous they look and sound while coughing their brains and lungs out. At what point does someone like this say, “Gee, that was disgusting. Maybe I should do something about it.” With alcohol, it might be, “Gee, don’t remember anything, maybe I should get help.” With drugs, well, we know that one. I just can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t get the clue of wretching every morning and actually thinking this is a good sign. They are 46 and 48; I doubt they’ll make to 50. For me, I cannot help but think how they are purposefully throwing their God given lives and bodies away. (They are confirmed atheists for whom I pray.) And again, I am not judging their initial decision to take up these habits; both are incredibly addictive. They chose that first decision; I know that that decision now controls them; I get that. Addiction is a disease that takes over. But, c’mon. When you are looking at your lungs every morning, what bigger clue do you need??
(Sounds like a poem…)
I am unfortunate to live with two heavy smokers. (It was this or be homeless.) Smokers of both types. While I am in no way advocating the use or excessive use, of anything drug or drug like, I at least understand the goal, which is to get high, numb, whatever.
But with tobacco, what is the goal? I am also in no way unsympathetic to those who are addicted. I am in no way judging those who willfully took that first cigarette; it is a powerfully addictive ‘drug.’ But while one is high or imbibed, there is that fleeting sense of, well, high.
But with tobacco, there is no high, so what is the goal? If these two yahoos said anything like, “Man, I’d like to quit but I just can’t,” or “Where do I go? What do I do?” they would would have more of my sympathies than that which stems from addiction. But, no.
Not even 50 years of age and each have been smoking for 35+ years. I need no alarm clock; I wake up to two people hacking up lungs every morning. I can’t describe that further. Wouldn’t want to make someone here toss their cookies. It is quite disgusting. And for what? Again, no high. It’s not as if they are so high and thus unaware of their hacking. No one on this planet would willfully say, “Ah, hacking is the life.”
When they smoke the other stuff, it is worse!! 'cause, ya know, ya gotta hold it in. Good Gravy!! How you can you do that when all that smoking has turned the lungs into a tar pit??!!
Yes, there is a high for that one. But they are not so high that they cannot tell how ridiculous they look and sound while coughing their brains and lungs out. At what point does someone like this say, “Gee, that was disgusting. Maybe I should do something about it.” With alcohol, it might be, “Gee, don’t remember anything, maybe I should get help.” With drugs, well, we know that one. I just can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t get the clue of wretching every morning and actually thinking this is a good sign. They are 46 and 48; I doubt they’ll make to 50. For me, I cannot help but think how they are purposefully throwing their God given lives and bodies away. (They are confirmed atheists for whom I pray.) And again, I am not judging their initial decision to take up these habits; both are incredibly addictive. They chose that first decision; I know that that decision now controls them; I get that. Addiction is a disease that takes over. But, c’mon. When you are looking at your lungs every morning, what bigger clue do you need??