That is pretty ridiculous. Cannabis does not “open the door to passions”, if by passions you mean lots of snacks, then yes. Cannabis was outlawed because of racism and corporate greed. God created the Cannabis plant which has been found to have literally hundreds of medicinal and healing properties. The people who still believe the yellow journalism of the 50’s are totally lost.That is wrong. It does the opposite. It opens the door to the passions.
Lord have mercy!
Be watchful.
To deny the goodness of any of Gods creation, is to say God made a mistake. God doesn’t make mistakes. The point being, all things in moderation, as Jesus said that its not what you put in your body, its what comes out of it …I.E Love being the greatest command. Cannabis has only served to help me be more understanding toward other people and see the world in a different perspective. It is also far more beneficial than alcohol. We have plenty of documented evidence on the horrors of alcohol.
In the Bible it says God gave man every seed bearing herb. Remember when God looked at what he created and said… “it is good” …?
Condemning people for using a God given herb is utterly ridiculous and wildly ignorant.