Eastern Catholics Uncomfortable with De-Latinization

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Fr. Ambrose,

Rather cheeky. Your reputation precedes you. Since the Church in communion with Rome precedes by a millenium the Church not in communion with Rome I invite you to rejoin the Church.

Dan L
Good one Dan.
Rather cheeky. Your reputation precedes you. Since the Church in communion with Rome precedes by a millenium the Church not in communion with Rome I invite you to rejoin the Church.
Since the Church in communion with Jerusalem and Antioch precedes any Church in communion with Rome, please consider, etc…


If there are “Orthodox in communion with Rome” (who invented that oxymoron anyway?) are there “Catholics in communion with Constantinople”?
The Orthodox who hold their skirts above the filthy curbs where they think the rest of us belong won’t allow any communion. I have great praise of Patriarch Bartholomew but not much for many other Orthodox leaders. As for us we intend to retain our Orthodox spirituality and our relationship to Rome no matter what the Latins or the Orthodox not in communion with Rome do or think. Communion between the Churches existed before the mutual excommunications so no matter what you claim our form of Christianity preceded yours.

Dan L
[As for us we intend to retain our Orthodox spirituality and our relationship to Rome no matter what the Latins or the Orthodox not in communion with Rome do or think. Communion between the Churches existed before the mutual excommunications so no matter what you claim our form of Christianity preceded yours.]

That only makes sense if you base your so called form of Christianity on its ritual and traditions rather than its doctrine and dogma. Which, by claiming to be ‘Orthodox In Communion With Rome’ indicates exactly how you see your faith.

Obviously the way you worship is more important to you than what you believe in. If you read the history of the Unia in Eastern Europe you will see that your church is in fact, the wayward daughter of an Orthodox Catholic mother church. Perhaps you can explain how a daughter can precede its mother in birth?

David B:
I know there has been a push for quite a few years now for Eastern Catholics to take back their traditions and heritage and to discard most of the Latinizations that were forced on it to
“fit in” with the US Latin Rite. Is there any resistance among Eastern Catholics to ditch Western devotions like Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, and the Rosary?
Truthfully, yes, there is resistance.

There was resistance among the people while the latinizations were introduced, but those people have gone to God. Their descendents are more comfortable with what they know, so from my experience it is the nash who are most uncomfortable with the changes.

The converts and Latin transplants tend to accept them more willingly (at least from my experience).
So Orthodoc is here as well. I’ve explained it quite clearly. Some of us had enough sense to realize that the continued split had little reason to continue except for false pride. Yes, we were poor and isolated and could get no help from our Orthodox brothers and sisters. Our poverty was part of the reason for our reunion. However, we have suffered much over the years from those proud and stubborn people of both the Roman and Orthodox variety. But we have no reason to hang our heads.

Fr. Ambrose,

You’ve been around here trying to shame us for a long long time. I was waiting for you to confront me directly. Now you have. Let both our hearts be softened, but I will not let you insult us unchallenged. Instead let each of us woo the other with love. But please do not resort to insult.

Dan L
Fr. Ambrose,

You’ve been around here trying to shame us for a long long time. I was waiting for you to confront me directly. Now you have. Let both our hearts be softened, but I will not let you insult us unchallenged. Instead let each of us woo the other with love. But please do not resort to insult.
Gregory, I’ve known you on this Forum for all of 10 minutes, but your very first posts are rude and confrontational, such as…

“The Orthodox who hold their skirts above the filthy curbs where they think the rest of us belong…”

Will you be able to be with us Aug. 6?

Dan L
Sadly, I cannot attend. I leave tomorrow for a two week business trip. I will pray for all involved.
Fr Ambrose:
Gregory, I’ve known you on this Forum for all of 10 minutes, but your very first posts are rude and confrontational, such as…

“The Orthodox who hold their skirts above the filthy curbs where they think the rest of us belong…”
If I have misinterpreted your statements and attitude toward us I ask your forgiveness. Now show us all that you respect us as a fully Orthodox expression of the faith. Then I will know I misunderstood.

Dan L
Fr. Michael Sopliga, from EWTN’s Light of the East
Good! Great idea.

I bought the tapes from his TV show on EWTN. (I think they might have grown legs though).
[Now show us all that you respect us as a fully Orthodox expression of the faith. Then I will know I misunderstood.]

How can we do that when it is not a fact? As has been stated to you many times it only makes sense if one bases their religious identity on ritual and tradition rather than theology.

What you are asking is the same as a high Anglican expecting the RCC to sanction their calling themselves ‘Roman Catholics In Communion With The Archbisop Of Canterbury’. And basing it purely on the fact that their ritual is similiar and they can trace their ancestory back to the Roman Catholic Church. And completely disregarding the fact that their theology is now a mish mash of Roman Catholic & Protestant theology. It is neither ‘here’ nor there’ the same as yours.

With all honesty, I have much more respect for a Roman Catholic who comes in here and understands the fact that their religion is based on theology rather than ritual. Understanding and defending that theology even if they erroneously call me a schmatic or heretic than I do your claim to be ‘Orthodox In Communion With Rome’! Which shows that you haven’t the slightest idea what it means to be an Orthodox Catholic. Or an ‘Eastern Catholic In Communion With Rome’ for that matter.

[Fr. Michael Sopliga, from *EWTN’s Light of the East]__________________

Reply: Is this the same Fr Michael Sopoliga that once made the statement that Hagia Sophia in Constantinople was the greastest of all Byzantine Catholic Churches? Sure was a surprise to all the Orthodox Catholics that heard it. Especially the Greeks!

Especially since it has been the seat Of Orthodoxy since it was built by Justinian. Except, of course, for the 60+ years it was in captivity by the RCC after the fourth crusade when a Latin Patriarch was set up until the Church was taken back…

Orthodoc said:
[Fr. Michael Sopliga, from *EWTN’s Light of the East]

Reply: Is this the same Fr Michael Sopoliga that once made the statement that Hagia Sophia in Constantinople was the greastest of all Byzantine Catholic Churches? Sure was a surprise to all the Orthodox Catholics that heard it. Especially the Greeks!

Especially since it has been the seat Of Orthodoxy since it was built by Justinian. Except, of course, for the 60+ years it was in captivity by the RCC after the fourth crusade when a Latin Patriarch was set up until the Church was taken back…


Can you not just once resist the urge to attack us?

I will ask you again, you do realize that this is a Catholic Forum, do you not?
Can you not just once resist the urge to attack us?

I will ask you again, you do realize that this is a Catholic Forum, do you not?
Of course I do. But what does that have to do with my question? Do you deny that he ever made such a statement on EWTN? If so, lets have the facts your denial is based on!

You remind me of those that claim it’s more important not to offend than it is to tell the truth. Because of people like you we Christians observe Christs birth by being forced to say ‘Happy Holidays’ or Seasons Greetings’ rather than ‘Christ Is Born’! Because of people like you we here in the cradle of Liberty no longer can have a Nativity scene in city hall courtyard while a giant menorah is standing accross from the liberty bell and being lit during the same time period.

Tell me Mickey, when did it become more important to either lie or be silent rather than state the facts or profess truth?

Of course I do. But what does that have to do with my question? Do you deny that he ever made such a statement on EWTN? If so, lets have the facts your denial is based on!

You remind me of those that claim it’s more important not to offend than it is to tell the truth. Because of people like you we Christians observe Christs birth by being forced to say ‘Happy Holidays’ or Seasons Greetings’ rather than ‘Christ Is Born’! Because of people like you we here in the cradle of Liberty no longer can have a Nativity scene in city hall courtyard while a giant menorah is standing accross from the liberty bell and being lit during the same time period.

Tell me Mickey, when did it become more important to either lie or be silent rather than state the facts or profess truth?

I choose not to discuss it, I will not take the troll bait.

It has nothing to do with the topic.

Seems you and others of your ilk love to throw out stuff in threads that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

You remind me of those who, no matter what topic is being discussed, must bring up their own issues and complain about them and then act all high and mighty when called on it.

Seems no matter what the topic is you (and one other poster here) always as to turn it into a “but Rome does this” or “Rome says this” rather than talking about the topic at hand.

And back to the topic. I do not see what any Orthodox person has to say about the latinizations of the Byzantine Catholic Churches or our return to our traditions.

And let me finish with, True Orthodoxy lies in Communion with Rome.
Good! Great idea.

I bought the tapes from his TV show on EWTN. (I think they might have grown legs though).
I wish they were on DVD. I no longer have a VCR…or a TV for that matter. I play the DVD’s in the computer.
. And let me finish with, True Orthodoxy lies in Communion with Rome.
All of this heated debate all settles on this:
Who broke away from Whom.
Yet, this thread is to discuss the Byzantine CATHOLIC Church’s return to the Rich Traditions She deserves to fully express within our union with Rome. Let’s try to stay on topic!

I know we share almost the same Liturgies as the Orthodox Faith, but the waters are being ‘stirred up’ to much in here.

Lord, let cool heads prevail!
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