The flip side is the narcissistic believer very often has a warped view of God, such that somehow God always supports and agrees with the narcissist. In fact the religious view that the world will be harsh on the faithful and that we must follow God over the world, is easily twisted to support the narcissist’s idea that they are being persecuted.Maybe the atheists I know are narcissists as well. That could be it. And yes, I understand that narcissists can be believers as well. But is it more common for narcissists to be found among atheists simply because of their nonbelief in anything higher than themselves? Food for thought.
You’ll notice pretty much all your examples tend to be around sexuality. That’s one area where there is a large difference - but it’s only one area, after all.That’s the answer I always hear.
And yet…it doesn’t match my real-world observation.
I think that assumes perfect understanding. I think a mistake many believers make, is to think that deep down atheists somehow really know that God exists and decide they don’t want anything to do with him. Rather, I would say that there are many who have rejected a false understanding of God and think that is what believers are calling God (in some cases they might be right about the latter).With a God of perfect justice, I don’t see how your “probably” could be true. Perfect justice is giving one exactly what one asks for. The atheist asks for life without God. That is what he will be given. Don’t know, but I can’t see a just God dealing with the atheist in any other way.