EBay's Doing It Again (4-18-05)

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here is the latest bid 19,040,000.00. Are people really bidding to knock it of the auction??? By the way if his mother was a devout Roman Catholic she would have never kept the “wafer” because she would have known it was the body of our lord!
Refer to eBay’s website regarding Native American items prohibited for sale:

How can eBay determine that selling Native American masks and prayer sticks from all Southwestern tribes are prohibited, but the sale of the Eucharist, believed by Catholics to be the body of Christ, is allowed? I agree with the prohibition and mean no disrespect to the Southwestern tribes, but the Eucharist is considered more sacred by more people than masks and prayer sticks. eBay has the power to prohibit the sale of the Eucharist but refuses. How can this be perceived as anything but unjust and anti-Catholic religious discrimination?

I do not respect the “diverse and open nature of eBay’s marketplace” if it does not respect the most prominent religion in the world but picks and chooses which religions it will respect and which it will desecrate. eBay is proving that it is not a reputable company with which to do business.

Whether what is being sold really is the Eucharist or not is immaterial. I don’t know why anyone would buy it – a certificate of authenticity isn’t distributed during communion and someone could easily swap the host for something else without the buyer being the wiser.

The point is that other publicity-seekers will do the same and will even try to top it with even worse real or imagined desecrations.
Every devout catholic should contact Ebay and tell them how offensive this is, and, in my opinion, refuse to do business with them unless they change their policy.
Like the one email reply a user here got, it seems users are just making dummy accounts to up the price to mess up the auction. I seriously doubt anyone has the money to pay 19 million dollars heh

The first guy who paid 2,000$ probably did more harm then good. Even though he had the best of intentions he gave the impression that Catholics will buy this to make right a wrong. However, that encouraged them to sell more and more. They may not even be consecrated.

Please don’t give these people any more attention! Reporting them to various news stations may only contribute to the publicity and may encourage this terrible behaviour. ALso if you email these people, please do so in a kind manner. You don’t want them to think poorly of Catholics and want to do this more just to spite.
Thank God EBay has removed the item!
I called and left voice mail for the president and other executives of Ebay yesterday. Again this morning shortly after our new Pope Benedict XVI, God Bless him, was named, I felt very strongly that these people could not do this today. I called the executive offices once more and while I was speaking to them, the item #617170346 disappeared!
What I tried to explain to them was that EBay was participating in blackmail, or a hostage/ransom type of crime by trying to auction off the Body and Blood of Christ. It was up to $10 Million this morning and then they finally found their conscience(with a lot of help) and it was pulled! Praise God! Thanks to all who called them…they got the message!
God Bless our new Pope Benedict XVI
Thank God EBay has removed the item!
I called and left voice mail for the president and other executives of Ebay yesterday. Again this morning shortly after our new Pope Benedict XVI, God Bless him, was named, I felt very strongly that these people could not do this today. I called the executive offices once more and while I was speaking to them, the item #617170346 disappeared!
What I tried to explain to them was that EBay was participating in blackmail, or a hostage/ransom type of crime by trying to auction off the Body and Blood of Christ. It was up to $10 Million this morning and then they finally found their conscience(with a lot of help) and it was pulled! Praise God! Thanks to all who called them…they got the message!
God Bless our new Pope Benedict XVI
A “these days” Eucharistic miracle still would have seemed to be good for the Faith. If it would be good for the Church and maybe, conversions, is up to God. It’s best they got their act together before anything like that. I doubt God likes to take direct measures like that because He seldom does that unless we are misbehaving very badly. We humans are supposed to be the vehicles for His grace on Earth but so many of us these days have been broken-down vehicles due to consumption of the wrong fuel.
Please read my thread carefully before flaming me! I consider this to be a very serious matter and gave this a great deal of careful thought and prayer before taking action. I established both this ID her on CA and a new one on eBay to avoid detection, though I’m sure evil-bay could still figure it out if they wanted to. I am a frequent visitor here under another ID.

I was one of the bidders on this UK Eucharist auction. I bid solely for the purpose of making sure a transaction was not actually completed. I know that at least two other bidders were bidding for the same reason. It is my hope that the diocese covering the area where the seller lives will contact the seller (as did the diocese with the seller in Iowa last week) so that the Eucharist may be taken care of properly. Steps have already been taken by me and others to see that this was done also.

To clear up some confusion or eliminate some speculation, the final price on this auction was GBP 10,000,000. That’s almost $20,000,000. The only reason it stopped there was because that was the maximum bid allowed by eBay. I bid .01 short of that in trying to figure out what the actual limit was. Secondly, eBay notified us bidders that the auction was cancelled because the listed violated their policy. Some poeple have speculated that it was cancelled because the seller requested it or because eBay suspected shill bidding. That is not the case as far as I can tell. Further, shill bidding is actually when the seller is bidding on their own auction under a different ID. I will post the contents of the eBay e-mail below. I replied to this e-mail and asked eBay for clarification on their policy since they had previously stated that Eucharist was not prohobited from being sold on their site. I am prayerfully hoping that they have changed their policies. Perhaps this outrageous bidding, petitions, e-mails, and phone calls finally brought eBay management to their senses. If I get a reply from eBay in the next day or so, I’ll post the reply here as well.

Finally, I wish to thank everyone here for also expressing their outrage over this. This has deeply troubled me and it is very helpful to hear that others are equally concerned about this sort of activity in this crazy society.

Please be aware that listing:
6171703649 - Holy Communion wafer blessed by Pope John Paul II in which you were a bidding participant, has been ended early by eBay for violating one or more of our listing guidelines.
Because the listing was ended early, you as a bidder are not required to complete the transaction.
If you care to review our listing guidelines for a better understanding of our auction policies, they can be found at: pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-ov.html
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have on our existing policies.
Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)
eBay Inc
Good going.You had better not get flamed:mad: **Everybody listen up,this poster did nothing wrong,maybe the poster helped put a stop to this diabolical practice:clapping: Can anyone find out if e-bay will refuse to allow the Eucharist to be auctioned again?:confused: **
eBay seems to be avoiding this matter as they have not responded to my requests for clarification asking if they have actually changed their policy or why they actually cancelled this auction.
Hopefully it’s because they’re deluged with emails. I’m still hoping for a sympathetic Catholic with some influence to get eBay’s head straight.
eBay seems to be avoiding this matter as they have not responded to my requests for clarification asking if they have actually changed their policy or why they actually cancelled this auction.
Thanks for beating eBay at their own game. I know I won’t buying there again even if they revise their policy. :banghead:
Dear friends

I think they removed the Eucharist because the bidding got ‘out of hand’ see this article on Spirit Daily

******eBay urges end to Host sale

I don’t think Ebay have revised their policies, so keep campaigning.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

I think they removed the Eucharist because the bidding got ‘out of hand’ see this article on Spirit Daily

******eBay urges end to Host sale

I don’t think Ebay have revised their policies, so keep campaigning.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I believe you are correct, but there are errors in the article linked on Spirit Daily even though I’ve reported the information to Spirit Daily.
  1. eBay did not convince the seller to end the auction. eBay cancelled the auction. A seller can end an auction early because (a) the item is no longer available, or (b) to sell it at the current price to the current highest bidder. In these cases, details of the auction are still visible to other parties. A seller can’t cancel an auction. Only eBay can do that. The e-mail I received as a bidder from eBay indicated they had cancelled the auction.
  2. The auction price when it was cancelled was GPB $10,000,000, or nearly $20,000,000. Not $2,000,000 as stated in the article. I had bid GPB 9,999,999.99.
  3. This was acutally the third Eucharist auction on eBay in the past two weeks. The second one is not very public, but the buyer turned the host over to her pastor this morning and e-mailed the details to Spirit Daily. I don’t know if they plan to publish the information or not.
As I understand it, the appropriate diocese in the U.K. may be taking action to contact the seller of this cancelled auction. I heard from another CA forum member that it was learned there had been diocesan communications regarding this auction.

If there are any reporters that would like more complete information on these eBay transactions, please send me a PM with your e-mail address or telephone number.

During the Catholic Answers Live broadcast this afternoon, Jerry Usher and guest Mr. Brumley (sp?) of Ascension Press discussed eBay’s actions and seemed to be of the impression that eBay had cancelled this auction as a good will gesture. I venture to say that the only good will they only cancelled it to minimize bad press since the auction can no longer be viewed. It had about 5,000 views that last I remembered. I sent Jerry an e-mail to correct this impression.
I notice that eBay pulled this auction, too, stating it’s now invalid. I have a solution to our problems. Whenever prices start skyrocketing, eBay takes a close look at it and usually pulls the auction. So, from now on when we see these start bidding like crazy. Get it up to a million dollars (it will take multiple bidders to be able to get it this high) and eBay will pull the auction.

Next time I see one of these I’m going to use my other eBay account (in case it doesn’t get pulled, I wouldn’t want my current account to get a negative feedback) and start bidding literally millions of dollars. What are they going to do if I don’t pay? Nothing. Just send me a Non Paying Bidder to get their eBay fees back and a warning if I do it 2 more times they’ll suspend my account. Whoop-di-doo!

That’s my solution.

Novena Rosary
I notice that eBay pulled this auction, too, stating it’s now invalid. I have a solution to our problems. Whenever prices start skyrocketing, eBay takes a close look at it and usually pulls the auction. So, from now on when we see these start bidding like crazy. Get it up to a million dollars (it will take multiple bidders to be able to get it this high) and eBay will pull the auction.

Next time I see one of these I’m going to use my other eBay account (in case it doesn’t get pulled, I wouldn’t want my current account to get a negative feedback) and start bidding literally millions of dollars. What are they going to do if I don’t pay? Nothing. Just send me a Non Paying Bidder to get their eBay fees back and a warning if I do it 2 more times they’ll suspend my account. Whoop-di-doo!

That’s my solution.

Novena Rosary
I’ll help you out. I have a second eBay account as well. If you notice any more hosts for auction, PM me and let me know.
Dianna is absolutely correct. Ebay has a limit to their insurance. They do not want to deal with auctions that go into the millions unless the buyers are preapproved by the seller. If the auctions go bad they could be sued.

The Knight who took down the auction with the $2,000 buy it now feature did the absolutely correct thing. We have to assume that every Host offered is consecrated. It is like a terrorist threat. You have to assume it is real. Look at the cost if it is consecrated and we ignor it!

In order to get the sellers name and address info you have to be active on the auction, either bidding or “buy it now”. If there is a “buy it now” the first good Catholic to see it should take it down, not pay and then turn the information of the seller over to the Church in the sellers diocese to deal with.

If there is no “buy it now” offered an avalanche of email should hit the seller in an effort to force them to remove the Host. A bid should be placed immediately in order to secure the sellers information through ebay channels. You are provided with the name, city and telephone. You can then contact The Church.

If the seller has no buy it now feature the bid should be run up so that ebay shuts it down. That first bidder should immediately get the sellers ID information before the auction gets shut down.

If the Church in the sellers area is not cooperative, concerned Catholics should meet on the forum to decide who will approach the seller off ebay. For several persons to appraoch the seller will drive the price of off ebay negotiations up.

I do not agree that we should stand by and do nothing for fear of creating a market. We must be proactive. This is our Jesus that is at stake here!!!

See the “news” post today for the update on the Bakersfield Host. We have to keep these hosts away from cult members.
See the “news” post today for the update on the Bakersfield Host. We have to keep these hosts away from cult members.
Just a thought. Maybe we should start petitioning our priests to distribute communion by intinction which would require receiving it on the tongue only. This would definitly be hard to walk away with Our Lord that way.
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