Thinking some more…
Government has been cooperating with secular forces more than religious forces since the 1960’s.
Government does affect behavior.
When something is subsidized, the basic response from the family provider is “Whew! Don’t have to worry 'bout that. Relax, don’t have to work AS hard. I can depend on that now”. When government-as-provider is either the main income or even the second income for an extended period of time, that’s a problem.
When government outlaws something, its occurance goes down. When government allows something, it becomes pervasive.
“Living wages” are overrated. Living wage EDUCATION is more like it. What do you expect if you can only speak spanish?? Can’t read. Can’t write?? What do you expect if you don’t finish high school?? What do you expect of wages offered to you if you don’t have trade skills or communication skills necessary to compete in the marketplace?? The POOR HAVE ACCESS TO EDUCATION. Do they utilize the opportunities??? Or do their “leaders” (usually rich) blame “the rich”??? Mother Teresa taught poor blind women in Calcutta how to chart their menstual cycle. No government program needed, eh?? Education and responsibility reduces dependancy and poverty, and breeds independence, freedom, and hope.
The Church, marginalized by MSM and academia for 40 years, is on the comeback trail. JPII is heroic in this struggle. We are definitely in a “springtime”.
Did I mention judges???
Government has been cooperating with secular forces more than religious forces since the 1960’s.
Government does affect behavior.
When something is subsidized, the basic response from the family provider is “Whew! Don’t have to worry 'bout that. Relax, don’t have to work AS hard. I can depend on that now”. When government-as-provider is either the main income or even the second income for an extended period of time, that’s a problem.
When government outlaws something, its occurance goes down. When government allows something, it becomes pervasive.
“Living wages” are overrated. Living wage EDUCATION is more like it. What do you expect if you can only speak spanish?? Can’t read. Can’t write?? What do you expect if you don’t finish high school?? What do you expect of wages offered to you if you don’t have trade skills or communication skills necessary to compete in the marketplace?? The POOR HAVE ACCESS TO EDUCATION. Do they utilize the opportunities??? Or do their “leaders” (usually rich) blame “the rich”??? Mother Teresa taught poor blind women in Calcutta how to chart their menstual cycle. No government program needed, eh?? Education and responsibility reduces dependancy and poverty, and breeds independence, freedom, and hope.
The Church, marginalized by MSM and academia for 40 years, is on the comeback trail. JPII is heroic in this struggle. We are definitely in a “springtime”.
Did I mention judges???