Your post definitely calls for thinking about things:
I think— that on a continuing basis you present as your original posts and thoughts the work of others to whom you refuse to offer credit nor will provide a reference url.
I think— that in reviewing a couple of them, I undersand why. One which is promoting the cause of Pope Pius XIII who lives in a cabin somewhere and this latest one about an 11th Crusade from a website which also has the following items of interest on it:"
…"The Novus Ordo service is popularly known as “NO Mass,” and the Novus Ordinarians, who have lost their Catholic wits, have only cookie crumbs, which they take into their filthy hands and tread upon on the floor. Valid? Not way! The actions of the Novus Ordinarians demonstrate that even they don’t think so. "
…"When everyone else around was kowtowing to the New Order and its ecclesiocrats, TRADITIO was telling the full truth of the matter. Now, as the Church of the New Order and its Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan counterfeit service crumbles into heterodoxy, immorality, and even inanity, TRADITIO’s courageous stand these last ten years has been fully vindicated. "
…"While a few “conservative” Novus Ordinarians try to have Newchurch bishops withhold the Novus Ordo cookie from pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians, a new survey indicates that they are whistling in the dark. "
“…Pope Tries to Fix “Abuses” of the Vulgar-Tongued New Mess”
I think—that this would almost be funny if it were not so terribly sad.
I think—that you owe yourself something more than you continue to portray on these boards and,
I think—that you need to recognize that the forum management has requested that SSPX et al, not be discussed in the CA forum. and that you should perhaps rethink your own agenda in continuing to post from these sources, spread anti-Catholic source material and try to pass it off as something else.
Every member of this forum has something to positively contribute, and that includes yourself. One can either represent the majority opinion in a thread, or be a voice of loyal opposition. To continue to misrepresent yourself, the Church and what she teaches and holds by continuing to post this “stuff” serves no one well.