NATO Warplanes (Primarily American) Bombed Serbia in 1999 during one of the Clinton Adminstration’s Scandals, NOT 1993, defending Muslin Kosovars against what Sec. of State Madeline Albright had called “Serbian Genocide”. Four facts need to be noted:
Michael, I don’t see how you can fairly lay Clinton’s War against Serbia on the door of the Church. That just isn’t fair or right given who Bill Clinton is and what his administration stood for.
Michael, the Term “Holy” in the Creed ("One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church) comes from a Hebrew concept of being a people set apart, and has nothing to do personal or even collective Righteousness.
You are a member of a people who are set apart unto God in the same way the People of Israel were.
And, meanwhile, the people who are doing the evangelizing aren’t the ones whose “Hands are dripping with human blood” - They’re the ones whose hands have been building shelter for the homeless, hospitals for the sick, kitchens for the hungry, etc.
I can’t see why you would say that they haven’t earned the right and duty to spread the salvific message of the Gospel to those who are dying in darkness. Unless, you feel so personality guilty that you can’t see how you could ever spread the message of the Gospel.
Speaking of “Blood on their hands”:
Moses murdered an Egyptian in Rage - Before God used him to deliver his people out of Salvery.
David Slaughtered his 10,000’s, and God called him a man after His own heart and established his (the Davidic Kingdom) forever.
Solomon was a warrior King, whom God annointed to build his Holy Temple.
Saul was the ringleader to the murder of the first Christian Martyr, Stephen, before he became the Apostle Paul.
If I recall correctly, The man who wrote “Amazing Graze” and was crucial to the founding of the Abolition Society of Great Britain started put as a Slave Trader. He knew what he was saying when he said, “Wretch like me”.
Who are you to put a limit on God’s Grace? And, who are you to tell God you won’t spread his word?
FYI, my wife and I have had a Serbian Hairstylist for the last 11-1/2 years. The War against Kosovo was what finally soured her on President Clinton.
In Christ, Michael
NATO Warplanes (Primarily American) Bombed Serbia in 1999 during one of the Clinton Adminstration’s Scandals, NOT 1993, defending Muslin Kosovars against what Sec. of State Madeline Albright had called “Serbian Genocide”. Four facts need to be noted:
- The bombing campaign was conducted under the aegis of NATO, which means that NATO Warplanes, and not just American warplanes, bombed Serbia and Kosovo, and that this was done with the approval and under the command of NATO.
- The Christians in the situation were the SERBS, the ones we were bombing! The Muslims (you’ll notice I described some of the aftermath using the Daily Telegraph Article) were the ones we were defending have turned into aggressors against the Serbs, and NO ONE (with few exceptions) has commented on that!
- President Clinton and his Administration were not CATHOLIC, opposed most of the 5 NON-negotiables of the Catholic Church, and could not be said to be Christian. In fact, many conservative Christians who objected to the Bombing Compaign were called unpatriotic and intollerant, not only by the Clinton administrtion, but by members of the Press.
- The war against Serbia was carried out because of credible reports and evidence of genocide that was possessed by NATO and the UN. Under the “Just War” Doctrine, action is allowed in that situation to stop this.
Gottle of Geer said:…cont’d, ended]
## I seem to recall that Christian America bombed Orthodox Serbia during Holy Week - very pious, I’m sure.** In 1993 or so. 11** years ago.
I just do not think that Christians have even the glimmer of a right to lecture non-Christians about their deeds of evil. What impresses me is just how unspeakable the Church has been at times. That said, accusations are best left with the “accuser of the brethren”. IMO, evil is far more obvious in Church history than any good. I’m not in the CC because it is holy (!) but because Christ is.
**We cannot evangelise others if our own hands are dripping with human blood. Non-Christians are not fools or ignoramuses - they will remind us of our sins if no one else does. Reminding others of their crimes, does not make us free of crime ourselves. **##
Michael, I don’t see how you can fairly lay Clinton’s War against Serbia on the door of the Church. That just isn’t fair or right given who Bill Clinton is and what his administration stood for.
Michael, the Term “Holy” in the Creed ("One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church) comes from a Hebrew concept of being a people set apart, and has nothing to do personal or even collective Righteousness.
You are a member of a people who are set apart unto God in the same way the People of Israel were.
And, meanwhile, the people who are doing the evangelizing aren’t the ones whose “Hands are dripping with human blood” - They’re the ones whose hands have been building shelter for the homeless, hospitals for the sick, kitchens for the hungry, etc.
I can’t see why you would say that they haven’t earned the right and duty to spread the salvific message of the Gospel to those who are dying in darkness. Unless, you feel so personality guilty that you can’t see how you could ever spread the message of the Gospel.
Speaking of “Blood on their hands”:
Moses murdered an Egyptian in Rage - Before God used him to deliver his people out of Salvery.
David Slaughtered his 10,000’s, and God called him a man after His own heart and established his (the Davidic Kingdom) forever.
Solomon was a warrior King, whom God annointed to build his Holy Temple.
Saul was the ringleader to the murder of the first Christian Martyr, Stephen, before he became the Apostle Paul.
If I recall correctly, The man who wrote “Amazing Graze” and was crucial to the founding of the Abolition Society of Great Britain started put as a Slave Trader. He knew what he was saying when he said, “Wretch like me”.
Who are you to put a limit on God’s Grace? And, who are you to tell God you won’t spread his word?
FYI, my wife and I have had a Serbian Hairstylist for the last 11-1/2 years. The War against Kosovo was what finally soured her on President Clinton.
In Christ, Michael