Do you think the example I gave, “trashing the fossil fuel industry”, would be a force to restore equilibrium?If the “public is reeling,” wouldn’t it be good to use whatever “force” is available to restore equilibrium?
I think at this time, such a policy would be the final nail in the coffin of despair for many folk in this country.
The time is nearing when the U.S. and much of the rest of the world will stop using fossil fuel and figure out how to use new sources for our energy needs. But it will happen gradually over years or even decades (think about it–even in the 1940s, some people were still using horses and buggies or wagons for transportion–I have pictures to prove i! It will do no good to rip away an industry that people depend on for their daily bread at this time in American history.
Slow, easy, and CARE-FULL–that’s the way to do things for the next couple of years. AOC is young and doesn’t understand that you can’t always have whatever you want when you want it. There are other people who will be hurt or even destroyed if you get what you want when you want it, even if that want is something that is good for society and will eventually be the norm. Sometimes, you still have to wait for the sake of others who were there before you.