Election Lawsuits

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If the “public is reeling,” wouldn’t it be good to use whatever “force” is available to restore equilibrium?
Do you think the example I gave, “trashing the fossil fuel industry”, would be a force to restore equilibrium?

I think at this time, such a policy would be the final nail in the coffin of despair for many folk in this country.

The time is nearing when the U.S. and much of the rest of the world will stop using fossil fuel and figure out how to use new sources for our energy needs. But it will happen gradually over years or even decades (think about it–even in the 1940s, some people were still using horses and buggies or wagons for transportion–I have pictures to prove i! It will do no good to rip away an industry that people depend on for their daily bread at this time in American history.

Slow, easy, and CARE-FULL–that’s the way to do things for the next couple of years. AOC is young and doesn’t understand that you can’t always have whatever you want when you want it. There are other people who will be hurt or even destroyed if you get what you want when you want it, even if that want is something that is good for society and will eventually be the norm. Sometimes, you still have to wait for the sake of others who were there before you.
Surely Americans sense the deception .
Well, polls are showing most people in America think that Biden won.
Both can be true at once. I believe their was deception in numerous states. I believe Biden won the election.
Both can be true at once. I believe their was deception in numerous states. I believe Biden won the election.
If there was deception or fraud it’s lost in the smoke of the grandiose claims.

I think there are a certain number of shenanigans from both sides in every election.
Yes, this. Unsolicited mail in ballots on such a large scale surely has helped contribute to this. And we were warned that it would do so last summer
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I’ll give Joseph Biden some slack, here. I think he’s just awkward when speaking in public (and possibly in private). He gets his words mixed up, he forgets names, he twists sentences, he mumbles–I do the same, and so far, no one is saying that I need to retire!

Forgetting names is understandable nowadays, with so MANY names to remember. I get the names of entertainers mixed up. Several years ago, there was a skit on Sat.Night Live about how many young actors are named “Chris” and how they actually look very simliar (tough yet tender).

Country music stars especially seem to number in the hundreds! I remember the old timers’ names (Reba McIntire, Dolly Parton, Vince Gill, etc.), but all the new people–there are just so MANY, and no one really seems to stand out. They are either “old timey” or “cutting edge/potential crossovers.” No one like Doug Kershaw (who’s actually Cajun), or Charlie Daniels (R.I.P.)–entertainers who are “different” but still popular among country fans.

So I say, give him a break here. Many of us have trouble speaking in public.
I’ve got three kids, their names all start with the same letter as my husband’s name.

It’s fun some mornings.

That and my oldest son and my husband sound the same.
Yes, I have. I have seen lots of politicians give speeches and if you cut together all the stumbles and misspeaks you can make anyone seem doddering. Honestly, Trump and Biden misspeak and stumble at about the same rate. If you watch lefty media you would think Trump was addled; righty media you would think the same about Biden. Don’t buy the right-wing hype (or the left-wing hype), he is old, and he was never a great speaker (he has a stutter), but he is not demented. He will be fine.
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In my view, definitely a lot of fraud occurred.

When people campaign for mail ballots, that’s most insecure.

We need voter ID as well.

If one side campaigns against having secure elections, it allows fraud way more.
Aren’t there several states that have been using mail-in ballots for years, without problems? Oregon, Washington, perhaps others. I don’t see why it would be inherently conducive to fraud.
Aren’t there several states that have been using mail-in ballots for years, without problems? Oregon, Washington, perhaps others. I don’t see why it would be inherently conducive to fraud.
They aren’t. The US has been using mail-in ballots since at least the 1860s. Every state uses them, and every state has done so for many, many years. There are more this year because of COVID, but some states were already majority mail-in.
and he was never a great speaker (he has a stutter),
Sorry, but he’s been a politician for nearly 50 years. Claiming that people are critical of him because he stutters is right up there with claims that people are critical of Obama because he’s black.
If there was deception or fraud it’s lost in the smoke of the grandiose claims.
Therein is the problem with shotgun lawsuits, at least from a public perspective. When the vast majority of cases filed to not have the merit to be heard, it makes the filer look desperate and reaching. Perhaps only those on more solid footing should have been filed, if the current president did not want his GOP supporters to give up so fast.
Sorry, but he’s been a politician for nearly 50 years. Claiming that people are critical of him because he stutters is right up there with claims that people are critical of Obama because he’s black.
At what point should a politician’s stutter magically disappear? 10 years? 20? 25?
Do stutters magically disappear for other professions, too?
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At what point should a politician’s stutter magically disappear?
At what point in one’s life should a politician stop playing the victim card? He’s the presumptive president-elect for crying out loud.
You mean those who spent four years attempting a coup with their conspiracies?
Yes, Putin is why Hillary is not president.
There are two truths here.
  1. Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate.
  2. trump appears to have lost because he couldn’t let his success speak for him. Instead, he had to off-put segments of the population who would have voted his policies, but rejected his persona.
In short, both lost by their own doing.
Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has hardly been a success and his mismanagement in this regard is undoubtedly one reason he lost.
The time is nearing when the U.S. and much of the rest of the world will stop using fossil fuel and figure out how to use new sources for our energy needs.
We disagree on how best to do this. The gradual approach you seem to advocate seems loke the most injurious to me. Having someone who is called a “force” push for the change, and advocate for those who need help with the transition, seems like a better way to handle it to me.

It will take some time, but a politician pushing it by building infrastructures and promoting innovation sounds like a good idea. Leaving it entirely to competitive market forces is exactly the way for people to get hurt the most.
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