Election Lawsuits

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Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has hardly been a success and his mismanagement in this regard is undoubtedly one reason he lost.
The dishonest portrayal of his handling of the pandemic by the DNC media certainly hurt him.
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THis is the criticism of Biden recently posted.
Stuttering — also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder — is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech. People who stutter know what they want to say, but have difficulty saying it. For example, they may repeat or prolong a word, a syllable, or a consonant or vowel sound. Or they may pause during speech because they’ve reached a problematic word or sound.
This is the Mayo Clinic’s description of stuttering. It seems to me the lack of fluency being claimed in the criticism could easily part of this problem.

This would be like “criticizing Obama for being black” only if the criticism of Obama had been of his skin color.

Go watch The King’s Speech if you want some insight.
The dishonest portrayal of his handling of the pandemic by the DNC media certainly hurt him.
I think his own dishonest portrayal of his handling of it was far more injurious. If he had admitted that his disregard of masks was wrong and his ridicule of people wearing them was contributing to the spread, he might have faced the pandemic more successfully.
Healthy people wearing masks does nothing to prevent the spread of a virus.
People don’t always know that they are no longer healthy. For regular colds, I was always taught 3 days coming (infectious, but you don’t know it), 3 days here (you probably feel so bad that you aren’t going around anyone, and yes you are infectious), 3 days going (leftover symptoms, probably not infectious).

Although that has nothing to do with election law suits, just something that can probably be applied to all communicable diseases. I think measles and chicken pox are somewhat similar.
I think his own dishonest portrayal of his handling of it was far more injurious.
I am not aware of any dishonesty on his part. There may have been, but the damage was by the dishonest DNC media and censorship by the DNC social media.
If he had admitted that his disregard of masks was wrong and his ridicule of people wearing them was contributing to the spread, he might have faced the pandemic more successfully.
Science, please. What kind of influence did Trump have on the rioters and looters not wearing masks in cities all summer?
Was it Trump who told Cuomo and Murphy to put infected seniors back into nursing homes? Nursing homes still account for a significant percentage of deaths due to Covid.
Where I work they take our temperature every morning when we first enter the facility. I would prefer taking my temperature than wearing a mask.
Where I work they take our temperature every morning when we first enter the facility. I would prefer taking my temperature than wearing a mask.
Where I work we do both.
I hate wearing a mask, but I’m willing to err on the side of caution, considering the science is not uniform of their effectiveness.
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But if my temperature is an indicator that I am healthy, why wear a mask? (We also have to wear masks, but it makes no sense to me)
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I am not aware of any dishonesty on his part.
That is unfortunate. If you did not hear him say he would not be wearing a mask, or see him ridicule Laura Ingram for wearing one at one of his rallies, you may have just missed it. But he then claimed he did nothing wrong and tried to pass off wide scale actions as an adequate response to a person by person threat. It is the claim that he did everything he could that I see as dishonest, the refusal to take responsibility when he started wearing a mask.

BTW, he also said the virus would disappear on Nov 4, no one would talk about it after the election. How did that turn out? That is a dismissal of the significance of the virus that is either dishonest or pitiable.
Science, please.
How much spread of coronavirus can you trace to the demonstrators last summer? If you get that, we can discuss how much Trump influenced them, but that seems like the first step in Science.

Or what proportion of the deaths can be ascribed to nursing home infections? I am sure it is a scary number, but I would be surprised if it reached 50%.(edit: 65,446 nursing home deaths out of 242,000, about 25%) I am not sure why Cuomo and others making mistakes is relevant to Trump’s honesty, but it might be good to know these Sciency things.

I am all for doing the Science, but I am not sure how the cases cited are relevant to my remarks.
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Where I work they take our temperature every morning when we first enter the facility. I would prefer taking my temperature than wearing a mask.
We do, too But we also mask when we’re not alone in our offices. Because we know you can be contagious before you show any symptoms.
While I’ve never been intubated myself, I had very close experience with someone who was intubated several times. If there were only a .001% chance that wearing a mask would save me or anyone else from going through that, I would still be as content to wear it as I am now.
While I’ve never been intubated myself, I had very close experience with someone who was intubated several times. If there were only a .001% chance that wearing a mask would save me or anyone else from going through that, I would still be as content to wear it as I am now.
Me too. Gruesome stuff.
That is unfortunate. If you did not hear him say he would not be wearing a mask, or see him ridicule Laura Ingram for wearing one at one of his rallies, you may have just missed it.
No. I didn’t. I’ll bet tens of millions of civilians didn’t either. But of what relevance is it? I supported Trump and wear a mask. It’s called being an adult in a free society.
But he then claimed he did nothing wrong and tried to pass off wide scale actions as an adequate response to a person by person threat.
He did what the general government is supposed to do under our federalist system. The local rules and actions are the responsibility of state and local governments.
Or what proportion of the deaths can be ascribed to nursing home infections? I am sure it is a scary number, but I would be surprised if it reached 50%.(edit: 65,446 nursing home deaths out of 242,000, about 25%)
40% was the recent number I saw. Over 90,000.
I am not sure why Cuomo and others making mistakes is relevant to Trump’s honesty, but it might be good to know these Sciency things.
They’re not. They’re related to the dishonesty of the DNC media, blaming Trump for Cuomo’s response.
Frankly, and I’ve said this often, I don’t think we should blame any of our leaders. It is a virus that they knew little about. The governors and president acted in good faith. But if we’re going to be dishonest about Trump, we at least should be honest about Cuomo and Murphy.
40% was the recent number I saw. Over 90,000.
More than 91,000* residents and staff of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have died from COVID-19, representing 40* percent of all coronavirus fatalities in the U.S., according to Kaiser Family Foundation’s most recent analysis released on November 9. Yet federal policymakers have been slow to respond to this crisis, and no state has done a good enough job to stem the loss of life.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is deadliest among older populations. In fact, through November 12, 92 percent of COVID-19 deaths nationwide have occurred among those ages 55 or older. Only 0.2 percent were younger than 25. This trend can also be found on the state level.
If one side campaigns against having secure elections, it allows fraud way more.
I think the Democrats were against Republican vote suppression.

You state a lot of fraud occurred? Well, the election did not turn on any vote fraud. Trump just lost.
Where I work they take our temperature every morning when we first enter the facility. I would prefer taking my temperature than wearing a mask.
Do they take your internal temperature or use one of those thermal thingy-ma-boppers? If it is your internal temperature then it might be more accurate provided you haven’t haven’t eaten or drunk anything for 20 minutes (I am assuming oral temperature check). As any mom will tell you, the forehead is not the best way to tell if your child is sick.
And on another note it just occurred to me what a big money laundering scheme planned parenthood is!!! The politicians vote to give taxpayer money to PP then PP returns the money to certain politicians at campaign time! Perfect!

I say this in relation to the supposed money laundering done by JB and HB with foreign countries!
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Two updates on the election lawsuits.

First, the Trump campaign dropped its suit in Arizona. Trump’s lawyers admitted that even if their allegations were correct Biden’s lead is too large to be overcome by the small number of ballots they were contesting.

Second, the Michigan case was dismissed by the judge, who found no evidence of fraud.

This really means its over, because even if Trump were to somehow overturn the results in Pennsylvania (which he won’t), Biden will still have enough electoral votes to win.
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