I can take credit for the joke
The use of the word ‘pram’ is just me being an Englishwoman!
With respect, I don’t think it’s funny at all.
Donald Trump has worked his butt off for the past 4 years. His energy is unbelievable. Apparently he sleeps about 3 hours a night, and gets up early and goes to bed late. His schedule is jammed packed, although he does take time off for golf (which often seemed to infuriate the media that the President actually took a few hours for recreation).
I’m 63 years old, and can remember all the Presidents since Pres. Kennedy. I was raised in a home where my parents voted Democrat (my dad was a Union man until they screwed him and all his friends, after which he never enter the Union Hall again, and spoke against unions whenever he was in a discussion).
Pres. Trump is my favorite President so far. I agree with so much of what he was doing, and I felt that he did well during the COVID pandemic, which is unprecedented in modern times. He was feeling his way through it.
I was thrilled with his pro-life efforts, which many people on this forum dismissed as useless. That’s not what pro-life workers think.
I just love his work ethiic. It’s MY work ethic, and the work ethic of my family, including my children. Both of my daughters started working when they were 14 years old (got work permits), and now that they are in their 30s, BOTH of them work multiple jobs, after earning a Master’s Degrees and Doctoral degrees. Everyone in my family works like Pres. Trump, and to us, he was like “family.”
It made me SICK to watch the media, the entertainment industry, and various liberal human rights groups constantly sneer and nip and criticize EVERY SINGLE THING that Pres. Trump did or said. I have absolutely NO TRUST in the news media now, none. I don’t believe anything they say, and that includes COVID-19.
I wish Pres. Elect Biden best of luck. He will have it made in the shade, as everything he does and say will be admired and praised by the media and the entertainment professionals.
But I know that many of his Democratic polices will HURT me and my family. We will be taxed, and those taxes will pay for the useless social programs that do nothing to help people out of poverty and despair, but merely keep them dependent on the government. I am literally sick in my heart and so depressed over the state of American politics that all I want to do is read children’s fiction and watch fun TV shows so that I can forget about everything for a few hours. I don’t drink liquor, so I don’t have that option.
So again, I didn’t think your joke was funny. But it doesn’t matter what I think.