Election Lawsuits

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Do they know how to forge a prior homeowner’s signature?
Many signatures are not being checked.
Why are you opposed to those simple safeguards to protect “our democracy “?
Who said I was? I asked a question.
The Arizona suit was dropped. Michigan and Pennsylvania are lost. And now the law firm handling it has dropped ceased representation. So, I do not know of any case before the court that remains. Technically, the Georgia recount might show a terrible error, though that is unlikely and would not avail enough to do anything but change the margin of Biden’s win.

Math will beat the current president even if he is not very good at it, . . .
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Courts do not decide elections. Math does.
How do I put this. Math has nothing on the law. If laws where broken, then votes do not count. And that means that the “Math” can change. I do not know how this stuff woks, but have a general understanding. Trump is within his legal right to fight this in the courts. And if he has plenty of evidence of law breaking on the election.

I did like Biden saying that he will wait until is official. That is confidence. But do not be fooled, Tump still has a chance to be the next president.
I voted early. In person.
Plot twist!
I do not know how many fraudulent votes there were, certainly not enough in any state to alter the outcome, but for every fraudulent vote, one legitimate voter is disenfranchised.
You know, I don’t dispute this. There are always a certain number of fraudulent votes cast. Probably mail-in voting has a higher risk than in-person voting.
This isn’t hard. If you want to vote by mail, you should have to request a ballot in advance.
I did that when I was in college. It wasn’t hard.
Now, this, I also agree with, but only because of perception. It’s a federal crime to vote impersonating someone else. I think this is onesie or twosies, nothing concerted.
But if you want to just mail out ballots to every name on the voter roll, that voter roll should be audited before every election. People die. People move. There are dishonest people ready to make use of those ballots.
Wow, Jon! Yes, I agree with you. The voter rolls are key here.
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Tump still has a chance to be the next president.
His chance was non-zero, and without anymore suits out, it got lower. Sure, if he had a legal point to make in court, he could file it. He hasn’t, at least not that I have heard of. All of the courts so far have decided, or the judge has tossed the action. Because of the deadline, no one is delaying in any state.

Now 10 days after the election any new action would need even more of a burden of evidence. If there is news, something actionable, then of course I would support taking action. At this time there is not. There is only a vague sense of “wait because something big is about to happen.”
But haven’t you heard? Math is officially racist.
Tabulation is simple arithmetic. It is only algebra that is evil and racist. Don’t get me started on calculus. Please, I mean that literally, please do not make me do calculus.
His chance was non-zero, and without anymore suits out, it got lower. Sure, if he had a legal point to make in court, he could file it. He hasn’t, at least not that I have heard of. All of the courts so far have decided, or the judge has tossed the action. Because of the deadline, no one is delaying in any state.
But that is the question. Who says that they are done in the courts? The media? They are not covering this at all. The ones I read, was just pandering.

And he did won a case in the courts. That sets a precedent, or what ever it is called. Plus you have the Project Veritas “evidence” that needs to be looked at. Many affidavits and well. It is just too much to keep up with. But then people like yourself say, that it is done and that there is nothing. SO I wonder. Am I wrong for seeing that there seems to be a lot of “evidence” and that the courts may have to decide the election? Now when I say evidence, I say it loosely. I will take the courts decision. But there is a lot.
What is this, a purity test? I just asked if people were capable of forging the signatures of previous homeowners.
Two cases actual. A few votes will not be counted, and observers were able to move from 10 to 6 feet at one location.

And there are more “fights” about the election. All I am saying is that there are decisions to be made. Who knows if we get a plot twist.
How do I put this. Math has nothing on the law. If laws where broken, then votes do not count.
As there’s been no evidence of any substantial law breaking the above isn’t applicable. Since Trump claimed foul play with the election he won, and claimed foul play on the election he lost, I think he is specifically inclined to claim foul play.
His chance was non-zero, and without anymore suits out, it got lower.
lol, I can’t tell if this is a reference to the case with the non-zero number of people in the room. But it made me chuckle.
Plus you have the Project Veritas “evidence” that needs to be looked at.
Was that the interview with the postal worker that has provided hearsay and conjecture on alleged false-dating?
Many affidavits and well
The affidavits of the hearsay and conjecture that people have offered? Those only assert that the person can provide hearsay and conjecture. But they are not affidavits for witness accounts that meet the rules of evidence. A judge in Michigan referred to the affidavit provided in her court as a hearsay of a hearsay.
SO I wonder. Am I wrong for seeing that there seems to be a lot of “evidence” and that the courts may have to decide the election?
There’s a lot of bad evidence that is not admissible in court. Hearsay is generally not accepted.
What is this, a purity test? I just asked if people were capable of forging the signatures of previous homeowners.
Sorry. That was snarky and unnecessary.
I answered the question about signatures, but to the extent that that do check them, more needs to be done, including what I said. Audit the voter rolls.
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It’s all theatrics. The last act of ‘La Cage Au Trump’.
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I can take credit for the joke 😊

The use of the word ‘pram’ is just me being an Englishwoman!
With respect, I don’t think it’s funny at all.

Donald Trump has worked his butt off for the past 4 years. His energy is unbelievable. Apparently he sleeps about 3 hours a night, and gets up early and goes to bed late. His schedule is jammed packed, although he does take time off for golf (which often seemed to infuriate the media that the President actually took a few hours for recreation).

I’m 63 years old, and can remember all the Presidents since Pres. Kennedy. I was raised in a home where my parents voted Democrat (my dad was a Union man until they screwed him and all his friends, after which he never enter the Union Hall again, and spoke against unions whenever he was in a discussion).

Pres. Trump is my favorite President so far. I agree with so much of what he was doing, and I felt that he did well during the COVID pandemic, which is unprecedented in modern times. He was feeling his way through it.

I was thrilled with his pro-life efforts, which many people on this forum dismissed as useless. That’s not what pro-life workers think.

I just love his work ethiic. It’s MY work ethic, and the work ethic of my family, including my children. Both of my daughters started working when they were 14 years old (got work permits), and now that they are in their 30s, BOTH of them work multiple jobs, after earning a Master’s Degrees and Doctoral degrees. Everyone in my family works like Pres. Trump, and to us, he was like “family.”

It made me SICK to watch the media, the entertainment industry, and various liberal human rights groups constantly sneer and nip and criticize EVERY SINGLE THING that Pres. Trump did or said. I have absolutely NO TRUST in the news media now, none. I don’t believe anything they say, and that includes COVID-19.

I wish Pres. Elect Biden best of luck. He will have it made in the shade, as everything he does and say will be admired and praised by the media and the entertainment professionals.

But I know that many of his Democratic polices will HURT me and my family. We will be taxed, and those taxes will pay for the useless social programs that do nothing to help people out of poverty and despair, but merely keep them dependent on the government. I am literally sick in my heart and so depressed over the state of American politics that all I want to do is read children’s fiction and watch fun TV shows so that I can forget about everything for a few hours. I don’t drink liquor, so I don’t have that option.

So again, I didn’t think your joke was funny. But it doesn’t matter what I think.
That said, just look at Kayleigh McEnany Twitter. She has posted many things that they are arguing. Lawsuits, cases, what ever they are called. I just know that they are “posting” many situations, what vervet they be called.

What does that mean?
She’s throwing stuff against the wall to see if something sticks?

Some discernment is called for here. What lawsuit validly alleges any facts which would overturn the obvious result? I have seen none.
There’s a lot of bad evidence that is not admissible in court. Hearsay is generally not accepted.
The courts decide if it is hearsay or not. I do not trust the media. Example? Casey Anthony. I believe her to be guilty of everything. But the courts did not find her guilty. Why do I believe she is guilty? The media gave me that information. Let the courts decide hearsay and not the media.
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