Election Lawsuits

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Well, that was the public excuse. Millions of people voted in person. I did.
And millions voted by mail-in. As I would have, had I been eligible to vote in the US election. Being 62 and diabetic, I have zero desire to hang out in a polling station during this pandemic. As it happens now, I only go out to buy groceries, the pharmacy, and occasionally, the hardware store when I need to. And usually on one of those outings, every 700 km or so, to put gas in my car. Given that I live 10 km from all those places, that doesn’t happen very often. Plus I ride solo on my bike or occasionally with my son, for exercise. On quiet gravel roads.

Why expose myself to risk when there’s an alternative?
The use of the word ‘pram’ is just me being an Englishwoman!
And you have the same name as my cat! I love her to pieces even when she wakes me up at 5:30 in the morning. I’m Canadian so we mix and match British spelling with US terminology (“colour” instead of “color”, “neighbour” instead of “neighbor”, “hood” instead of “bonnet”, “trunk” instead of “boot”). I like to do the Guardian crossword every evening (I do a French one in the morning), and often the biggest challenge is the different expressions you use over there in the “old country”.
And millions voted by mail-in. As I would have, had I been eligible to vote in the US election. Being 62 and diabetic, I have zero desire to hang out in a polling station during this pandemic.
agreed. I have no problem with mailed ballots that are requested. I have no problem with unsolicited mailed out ballots if the voter rolls are audited for accuracy.
The courts decide if it is hearsay or not.
I gather that you haven’t been following the court cases ( ? ). The courts have already labeled the bits of “evidence” presented to them with various labels such as “conjecture and belief.” In some of the other cases, the lawyers didn’t even state a problem on which they wanted the court to act.

The phrase “hearsay of a hearsay” came from the case of the Donald J Trump Campaign v Joyce Benson, Secretary of the State of Michigan. (src)

This was the court’s response to the affidavit of the hearsay that the lawyers of the Trump Campaign presented.
This “supplemental evidence” is inadmissible as hearsay. The assertion that Connarn was informed by an unknown individual what “other hired poll workers at her table” had been told is inadmissible hearsay within hearsay, and plaintiffs have provided no hearsay exception for either level of hearsay that would warrant consideration of the evidence. See MRE 801( c ). The note— which is vague and equivocal—is likewise hearsay. And again, plaintiffs have not presented an argument as to why the Court could consider the same, given the general prohibitions against hearsay evidence. See Ykimoff v Foote Mem Hosp, 285 Mich App 80, 105; 776 NW2d 114 (2009). Moreover, even overlooking the evidentiary issues, the Court notes that there are still no allegations implicating the Secretary of State’s general supervisory control over the conduct of elections. Rather, any alleged action would have been taken by some unknown individual at a polling location.
Hearsay, aka rumor, is the report of another witnesses words. This generally is not accepted in court except in certain circumstances (ex: such as the witness is dead, but had given testimony to someone else).

The claims of these cases have been every bit as empty as those of 2016 claims of fraud.
It matters to me that there is someone else out there who feels just like I do about Donald Trump!!! Thanks for putting it all together!
It matters to me that there is someone else out there who feels just like I do about Donald Trump!!! Thanks for putting it all together!
Thanks. It’s not been a good day. The Mayor of Chicago is strongly encouraging everyone to stay home on Thanksgiving and skip the holiday–yet a week ago, when it looked like Biden/Harris were going to win, she and hundreds of BLM people were out in the streets dancing, shouting, and celebrating–with no masks. There are film clips of her with no mask surrounded by all these people, and when she was asked, she said something like, “Some things you just have to celebrate.”

That’s just great–it’s good to celebrate BLM and the victory of another Democrat–but a centuries-old AMERICAN holiday in which we give thanks to God in heaven for giving us everything that we have–we can’t do that, it’s too DANGEROUS.

And the Chief of Staff at my hospital was on TV tonight telling the public, "We’re understaffed and we can’t keep up. Please, please, wear your masks, social distance, and stay home. DON’T do Thanksgiving this year.’

Good thing I wasn’t there–I would have yelled out, “Sir, for YEARS, we’ve been telling you that we are understaffed and that if there was ever a disaster, we would fall apart. WE WERE RIGHT!!! Why didn’t you listen to us back then instead of claiming that hiring more people would really hurt the bottom line? ENJOY the fruits of your decision, sir! Enjoy working with your LEAN staff!”

And I would bet my overtime pay that Pres. Biden will take the credit for the vaccine if it is a success, and give the blame to Pres. Trump if it doesn’t work or has horrific side effects.

Just not a good day. Did you notice that Pres. Trump’s hair is now completely gray? He either decided to stop using the dye–or perhaps the grief and pain of being jeered at by over half the country finally started getting to him.
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Did you notice that Pres. Trump’s hair is now completely gray? He either decided to stop using the dye–or perhaps the grief and pain of being jeered at by over half the country finally started getting to him.
One of the many lingering after-effects of a COVID infection is serious reactions to hair dye.
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I’m not sure what you mean when you say ‘we have the Supreme Court making an order’? Or for that matter, we have recounts? Georgia is doing a hand recount because it was close there but I don’t think it changes the outcome if Trump came out ahead (which I think is unlikely given the number of last-minute ballots from Atlanta).

This whole ‘controversy’ is manufactured, the only people alleging fraud are Trump and his loyalists, not neutral observers, hence why I call it a conspiracy theory.
May I ask what your news sources are because the liberal media is not truthful and enjoys manipulating and reporting the “facts” it wants you to believe.
240 affidavits.

Affidavits, yes, are evidence.
A lot of these kinds of affidavits aren’t evidence of real fraud of any sort. Here are some examples:
On Tuesday night, Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, appeared on Fox News addressing the question of proof of fraud. “We keep hearing the drum beat of where is the evidence,” Ms. McEnany said, holding up a thick stack of documents. The documents, she claimed, were more than 200 pages of “sworn affidavits from real people” about to be filed in yet another case.

That case was filed on Wednesday in a federal court in Michigan and closely mirrored Mr. Kallman’s state court case. But while the Trump campaign had promised “shocking” evidence of misconduct in Detroit, the affidavits Ms. McEnany touted turned out to be largely a grab bag of complaints by Republican poll watchers who felt uncomfortable in Detroit or who said local elections officials had treated them unkindly.

One poll watcher, for example, claimed that workers in Detroit were wearing clothes with Black Lives Matter logos. Another claimed that the public address system the poll workers were using was “distracting.”

A third poll watcher seemed not to like the looks that she was getting. “I felt intimidated by union people who were staring at me,” she said.
But I know that many of his Democratic polices will HURT me and my family. We will be taxed, and those taxes will pay for the useless social programs that do nothing to help people out of poverty and despair, but merely keep them dependent on the government.
What kind of “useless social programs” do you have in mind? A lot of people never use these programs until they lose their jobs or have some other disaster befall them. Then they discover how inadequate our safety net programs are. What would millions of people have done during the pandemic if they had not had access to food stamps or the health care they were able to receive because of the expansion of medicaid under the Affordable Care Act?
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Every news source I’ve seen, liberal or not, has said precisely the same thing; they are quoting election officials of both parties from the battleground states, as well as the Department of Homeland security. I’ve posted articles from CNBC and Politico to back this up but I also read the Wall Street Journal, the BBC, and the New York Post (I like to read a variety of news sources.)

Which news outlets are reporting there has been fraud? Which ones are acceptable to you?

I’m sorry to say that this is president Trump’s signature way of dealing with things when they go bad for him, which we’ve seen time and again: sow chaos and confusion and hope that this somehow will benefit him. But it’s not going to work this time. His lawsuits are being dismissed left and right and once-loyal law firms are even dropping him as a client.

P.S. As I said in a previous post, I think it’s telling that most world leaders did not hesitate to congratulate Biden on his win; it indicates that there are no serious allegations of fraud and that the outcome of the election has not been in doubt for some time.
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What would millions of people have done during the pandemic if they had not had access to food stamps or the health care they were able to receive because of the expansion of medicaid under the Affordable Care Act?
They would have done what they did all over the country–received humanitarian aid from the many private citizens and companies that stepped up and at their own expense, out of kindness and human decency (and in some cases, motivation to serve God), gave food and other aid, including cash, to those in need.

Many of the restaurant owners in our city gave away huge surpluses of food that they knew would go out of date after their restaurants were closed down by the State–they made it available to the poor. And even after they were allowed to open for a few months, these restaurant owners continued to offer free food to anyone in need.

As for health care, NO ONE is ever turned away from hospitals if they need help. I work at a hospital, and many of our patients have NO health care, including ACA (which isn’t free), and when they come to our Emergency Room, they are NOT turned away, ever. Many of our COVID-19 patients (and we are full, by the way) are poor people who came with no insurance, and they are receiving the same expert care that any insured or wealthy person would receive.

I should mention that for a month or so, all elective surgeries and procedures, including health screens, were cancelled at all our city’s hospitals–and this was hurtful to people in pain and with chronic conditions. But it was across the board–I have great insurance, and was not able to have my knee surgery during the summer as originally scheduled–it wasn’t just the poor who were targeted.

Give people some credit–no one will starve in the U.S. during a tragedy like COVID-19, even if all government help programs were eliminated. In fact, conservatives like me think that the poor and disenfranchised would do BETTER ifthe governmen would get out of the way, stop taxing the working people so much, and allow us to do the work that the government burdens with layers of expensive bureaucracy and regulations.
The courts decide if it is hearsay or not.
A judge will decide if evidence is admissible. However, the definition of hearsay is not debatable. It has a specific definition in the English language. That is why the judge that was dressing down those poor lawyers has brought such laughter. And while, as a rule, most attorneys would represent a client under most circumstances, I have to wonder if having to present such hearsay as evidence only to be ridiculed by the judge might have played a part in the law firm handling this effort dropping out.

Now, he has Rudy taking over, him of the Four Seasons reservation.
A lot of the healthcare act is unaffordable, that’s why these health coops have come about.
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All of the states that stopped counting at the same time use Dominion software. Dominion software was twice rejected by TX as being unreliable.
P.S. As I said in a previous post, I think it’s telling that most world leaders did not hesitate to congratulate Biden on his win; it indicates that there are no serious allegations of fraud and that the outcome of the election has not been in doubt for some time.
Recognizing an American President-Elect is a big deal. It’s not done without evidence and belief.
It’s all theatrics. The last act of ‘La Cage Au Trump’.

“The Trump campaign keeps hoping it will find a judge that treats lawsuits like tweets,” said Justin Levitt, a Loyola Law School professor and elections law expert, on Friday. “Repeatedly, every person with a robe they’ve encountered has said, ‘I’m sorry, we do law here.’”
Friday definitely wasn’t a good day for Mr. Trump. Maybe they could make a new children’s book about it: “Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.”

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