Election Lawsuits

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These Trump supporter think the election was stolen. We ask them why.​

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Someone pointed these out to me.

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They knew the turnout for DJT would be huge. They were running a campaign from the candidate’s basement. Few people showed up at his rallies. He is 77 years old. They were desperate.

Please don’t insult us by posting garbage from CNN.
LOL. You mean video of actual Trump voters saying actually crazy things? Okay.
Oh, my gosh, CNN again!!?? Why do people continue to post video or articles from fake news?
Maybe because they are not fake? Maybe because they are one of the largest and most respected news outlets in the world? Maybe because not everyone has drank of the “fake news” Kool-Aid?

I know listening to people choose deliberate ignorance is not flattering, but it is actual videos of these Trump supporters. I am sorry if you felt the Trump supporters were insulting to you.
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I don’t believe it is right for ones first response to loss in an election to be to accuse the other side of fraud. Or stealing.

Furthermore the President controls the justice department

Once should Only scream fraud with evidence. Biden is up by a lot in multiple states. I cannot think anything worse for our country if this election was overturned it would destroy our democratic system.

The problem here is there are plenty who will never believe Biden won fairly so he is losing legitimacy and really so is our government.

The further problem is folks not wanting to go to news sources unless they say 100 percent what they want them to say. Our country is in dire shape.

I want to say accusing the other side of stealing accusing them of fraud without evidence that’s bearing false witness against ones neighbor.

Furthermore the fact that people want it to be true rather than someone just lost fair and square
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Our country is in dire shape.
Indeed it is. All nations run their course, maybe it’s time to break into 50 independent nations.

New Hampshire gets to keep the UN Security Council seat 😉

The leaders in these key states have basically said that short of some strong evidence of fraud, which has not yet been seen, their electors will be chosen based on how the people voted.

I think whoever thought the Supreme Court would back this just because Trump appointed three of them will be shown to be sadly mistaken in coming years.
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I would never vote for anyone that I consider treasonous, so at first I was disappointed to read this. Yet, as often the case, titles can be misleading. In the article, Pence said only, “That’s the plan.” This is noncommittal enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. It is a simple statement of fact. The plan (of the incumbent) is to pursue legal channels and win.

This is important to me, as Pence will likely be a viable candidate in four years. While I want nothing to do with certain people in the White House, it would be nice to be able to vote for a Republican president in four years.
David Boies is chairman of the law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner. Theodore B. Olson, a former U.S. solicitor general, is a partner of the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

Twenty years ago, we represented the opposing sides in Bush v. Gore . We still don’t agree about how the Supreme Court ruled, but we completely agree that nothing in that case — or in the Supreme Court’s decision — supports the challenges now being thrown about in an attempt to undermine President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.
"Trump’s campaign said this week that it had found the clearest possible evidence of fraud: A dead man had voted.

“Someone used the identity of James Blalock of Covington, Georgia to cast a ballot in last week’s election, even though Blalock died in 2006,” the campaign posted on its website, along with a screenshot of Blalock’s obituary. It added: “These victims of voter fraud deserve justice.”

Trump’s campaign had one thing right. James Blalock is dead.

But he wasn’t the one who voted.

“I knew it wasn’t fraud,” said Mrs. James Blalock, a 96-year-old widow, in an interview with Atlanta’s WXIA-TV on Friday.

Mrs. Blalock, whose first name is Agnes, had chosen to be listed on the voter rolls under her husband’s name — which is now an uncommon practice but is legal. She told WXIA she’d voted for Biden: “I guess I voted against the other one, really.”

Philip A. Johnson, chairman of the board of elections in Newton County, Ga., confirmed that account and called the allegations of Trump’s campaign “shameful.”
“I’ve been practicing law 46 years, and I believe that when you aim accusations or allegations, you should always have your facts straight,” Johnson said. He is a former Democratic Party official, but his appointed position is officially nonpartisan. “It just bothers me that they weren’t.”

WXIA said it had found at least one other instance where one of Trump’s “dead” voters was alive. There are a few remaining cases — including at least two in Nevada — where authorities are investigating whether someone did use a dead person’s name to vote. But they say these were isolated cases and didn’t amount to any kind of coordinated fraud.

The accusation about Mrs. Blalock wasn’t Trump’s only misfire in Georgia. In another case, Trump’s campaign had filed a lawsuit saying that 53 late-arriving ballots in Savannah’s Chatham County may have been backdated to appear valid.

But, when they called their witnesses, the witnesses admitted they didn’t know that for sure. The local board of elections testified that the ballots arrived on time.

Judge James Bass dismissed the case in eight words: “I’m denying the request and dismissing the petition,” he said from the bench."

While I want nothing to do with certain people in the White House, it would be nice to be able to vote for a Republican president in four years.
Although I think of myself as an Independent, I have always tended to vote Republican. Not during the past few election cycles, however. The Republican party seems to have gone off the deep end. I would like to again vote for a moderate Republican, but I just can’t imagine voting for anyone who has enabled Trump.
"Trump’s campaign said this week that it had found the clearest possible evidence of fraud: A dead man had voted.
So one dead man is all the fraud and evidence that has been found? Nothing else is in the courts?
Nothing else is in the courts?
No. The lawyers that have gone to court have had no evidence of fraud to present. They’ve only brought hearsay, conjecture, feelings, and belief. None of these meats the rules of evidence. The cases have generally been dismissed because of lack of evidence. Some were dismissed because there wasn’t even a problem stated for the courts to act upon.

Also recall that Trump put together a committee to investigate election fraud for the 2016 election after he insisted he would have won the popular vote were it not for the election fraud. The committee disbanded then because there was no evidence of election fraud on which to act.
So one dead man is all the fraud and evidence that has been found? Nothing else is in the courts?
And I read that the “dead man” was in fact the dead man’s 96 y.o. wife who uses his name (as is apparently legal in the US; it isn’t in my part of Canada).

Really digging hard…
I am impressed. Out of millions of people voting, only one dead man was found to commit fraud.
The 2000 election was far more interesting, and closer by a factor of a hundred, mostly because it was decided by one state, and that state was 1/20th as close as the closest state this year. Even then, a recount did not help.
You also have the “butterfly ballots” in Palm Beach County, where a statistically improbable number of people voted for Pat Buchanan.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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