Election Lawsuits

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We will see. We are in a wilderness. We don’t know what specific things may mean at this point, better to be informed instead of uninformed.
What happens if states have not settled the lawsuits or litigations, what ever it is called. Then what?
The states will certify the results unless a court issues an injunction preventing them from doing that.

The likelihood of an injunction is looking smaller and smaller as time goes by though.
I agree. I think that if there were events that would lead to tens of thousands of votes being thrown out, changing the outcome of enough states, it would be far more obvious than this.
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He apologized to Jets fans because he called the Trump campaign the New York Gets of litigation.
a. I would have given up after the first year of Presidency and having to daily face the concentrated hatred that he and his family faced
LOL I would have, too, but some people are incredibly contrary and opposition energizes, rather than depletes them.

I think most politicians try to portray a calm amd unruffled demeanor, at least in public, but DJT has a very chaotic energy.
NY Times headline: ‘The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud.’ Só for you to continue claiming something fraudulent happened, you will have to call those election officials of every state liars.
Yes, CNN would certainly give us an accurate picture of what is going on.

NY Times headline: ‘The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud.
I am afraid I will refrain from believing the NY Times also. Especially since they do not list the names of all these officials they spoke with and in one place they said they could not reach the officials, so they spoke with a “spokeswoman”. Really?
you will have to call those election officials of every state liars.
Who are these officials? Maybe they are lying.

I am not saying there was or wasn’t any problems, fraud or issues but to believe CNN, the NY Times and/or other liberal news media outlet that has it’s agenda to win the election for the Democrats, well is just foolish.

Wait and let, as Mr. Al Gore said during his lawsuits, for God and the law to decide the issue.
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NY Times headline: ‘The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud.’
Last I heard, the New York Times, which once was a respected newspaper, is not a court of law.
Só for you to continue claiming something fraudulent happened, you will have to call those election officials of every state liars.
Or, wait until judges overseeing such cases make a ruling. That way, none of us have to bear false witness, or accuse others of doing so.
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It just wouldn’t be Trump to gracefully concede.
It isn’t time to concede yet. Why should he concede when the process is ongoing?
Is he going to lose? Likely.
Is he allowed to exhaust all legal avenues like any other Americans? Absolutely.
Is that lacking in grace? Only to those on the left who have acted despicably toward him for four years. And I frankly don’t give a flying flip what they think.
He’s setting himself for his next chapter- likely to be the new Rush Limbaugh. For him- the more drama the better.
Probably a great idea. He would instantly have tens of millions of listeners. I heard someone suggest he set up a tv network.
He won’t be accepted by the other former presidents.
Cry me a River.
Again, you don’t need evidence to file lawsuits. These are by all accounts frivolous. Hopefully as they are dismissed it will take the winds out of the conspiracy-mongers’ sails.
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Having a legitimate investigation isn’t a coup. What you’re defending is in fact much closer to an actual coup.
s. These are by all accounts frivolous. Hopefully as they are dismissed it will take the winds out of the conspiracy-mongers’ sails.
This is just false. We already have recounts, we have the Supreme Court making an order. Your words try to sound like you know this but may not indicate this. Your last sentence is uncivil to say the least, name-calling.
Hopefully as they are dismissed it will take the winds out of the conspiracy-mongers’ sails.
That is unlikely to happen. There are still some who deny the Moon landing. And, of course those who deny the Holocaust. The unfounded conspiracies are here to stay. All we can do is ridicule them.
Having a legitimate investigation isn’t a coup.
You think the use of a Russian created dossier of lies, purchased by Clinton and the DNC and used by rogue FBI agents to undermine a duly elected president is legitimate?
We have a completely different view of the meaning of legitimate.
What you’re defending is in fact much closer to an actual coup.
It is always interesting to hear people claim that Americans exercising their rights, including the right of a candidate to challenge votes in court, is akin to a coup.
Any other legal rights you want to deny the president?
You mean those who spent four years attempting a coup with their conspiracies?
Yes, Putin is why Hillary is not president.
There are two truths here.
  1. Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate.
  2. trump appears to have lost because he couldn’t let his success speak for him. Instead, he had to off-put segments of the population who would have voted his policies, but rejected his persona.
In short, both lost by their own doing.
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