It is offensive to our republican system to claim that people are hurting the process by holding a belief.
We just spent 4 years of people believing the lies of Schiff and his ilk. We spent weeks where people believed a vicious and intentional character assassination against a good man, for partisan political reasons.
I think @Victoria33 is mistaken in her hopes that the courts will find cause to change state results, but the view is far more reasonable, far more American, more patriotic than the underhanded and dishonest events perpetrated by Democrats in Washington.
Thank you for posting this insightful and reasonable comment.
For four years, I have watched the Democratic Party politicians wage a hate war against Pres. Trump–from Day 1, he was hated, despised, made fun of, ridiculed, caricatured, and called every name in the book.
I don’t think it is stupid or ignorant or deplorable or frivolous for me to believe that people full of such vitriol against a conservative Republican President who didn’t belong to their exclusive little “political club” would be capable of doing almost anything to ensure that he would lose the election.
No, I don’t have any “evidence” or “articles” to link you all to–I’m not enrolled (or whatever you call it) in ANY social media other than a few online forums (religion, figure skating). We don’t have a paper in our city anymore that’s worth buying–it’s only about 8 pages long, and it costs $3.00 and $5.00 on Sunday, and I will not pay that much every day.
The only news I listen to is my local newscast and in the mornings I have off work, I have the Today Show on–and that’s been pretty awful for the last year–the sneers on the faces of those entertainers when they do a story about Pres. Trump are horrid.
The only radio talk show host that I listen to when I am off work is a guy named Michael Koolidge, who broadcasts from tiny Rochelle, IL–a small town in the farm country, and he is excellent and trustworthy and NOT making a huge salary or becoming a celebrity from his talk show.
My husband and I have experienced first-hand what hatred does to people, and I have never gotten over it. Hatred makes people lose their sense of right and wrong and do pretty much anything to destroy the object of their hatred. I do NOT think it’s unreasonable or fanciful or stupid to believe that the august politicians who have hated Pres. Trump with all their hearts and souls and minds for 4 years would be capable of scheming behind closed doors to block his re-election. If you think that is insane thinking–well, that’s what being HATED does to a person. Pray that you are never a victim of it.