Election Lawsuits

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So far, the affidavits haven’t gotten Trump anywhere.
Remind me, what is the day? November 11th, when was the election? 8 days ago. That’s not much time at all. Plus dealing with a computer system.

I’ve heard some say beware of those who are trying to get this out of the way. Even if Trump loses for whatever reason, could be the courts do not want to decide an election, we should know if fraud was committed.

Today is Veteran’s day. Many men and women fought and died for our right to vote.
So far, the affidavits haven’t gotten Trump anywhere.
The affidavits are beyond ridiculous. I heard some people talking about something. I saw some boxes that might have had ballots in them. Even one that said he talked to the independent poll workers and said he could tell that they were probably liberals by the way they talked.

We can be patient and give them a chance to raise whatever issues they think they have, but this kind of stuff does not merit much attention, honestly.
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Allowing mail-in voting on the scale that it was allowed is what brought about this entire mess. Hope it’s back to normal voting in 2024.

In the meantime, I’m fine with the wait. It’ll give Joe a chance to remember where he is. 😉
Remind me, what is the day? November 11th, when was the election? 8 days ago. That’s not much time at all. Plus dealing with a computer system.
What does that mean?

The default is that there was a fair election. If Trump’s people saw something, they can say something. But no one has seen anything credible.
I’ve heard some say beware of those who are trying to get this out of the way. Even if Trump loses for whatever reason, could be the courts do not want to decide an election, we should know if fraud was committed.
I’ve heard some say beware people who refuse to accept the will of voters. I think that was the people who won the last election. That must not count now.
The affidavits are beyond ridiculous. I heard some people talking about something. I saw some boxes that might have had ballots in them. Even one that said he talked to the independent poll workers and said he could tell that they were probably liberals by the way they talked.

We can be patient and give them a chance to raise whatever issues they think they have, but these kind of stuff does not merit much attention, honestly.
Well, you have provided no backup for this assertion at all.
Yes, so let’s honor that by abiding by the outcome of the election.
And our right to vote.
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It is offensive to our republican system to claim that people are hurting the process by holding a belief.
We just spent 4 years of people believing the lies of Schiff and his ilk. We spent weeks where people believed a vicious and intentional character assassination against a good man, for partisan political reasons.
I think @Victoria33 is mistaken in her hopes that the courts will find cause to change state results, but the view is far more reasonable, far more American, more patriotic than the underhanded and dishonest events perpetrated by Democrats in Washington.
Thank you for posting this insightful and reasonable comment.

For four years, I have watched the Democratic Party politicians wage a hate war against Pres. Trump–from Day 1, he was hated, despised, made fun of, ridiculed, caricatured, and called every name in the book.

I don’t think it is stupid or ignorant or deplorable or frivolous for me to believe that people full of such vitriol against a conservative Republican President who didn’t belong to their exclusive little “political club” would be capable of doing almost anything to ensure that he would lose the election.

No, I don’t have any “evidence” or “articles” to link you all to–I’m not enrolled (or whatever you call it) in ANY social media other than a few online forums (religion, figure skating). We don’t have a paper in our city anymore that’s worth buying–it’s only about 8 pages long, and it costs $3.00 and $5.00 on Sunday, and I will not pay that much every day.

The only news I listen to is my local newscast and in the mornings I have off work, I have the Today Show on–and that’s been pretty awful for the last year–the sneers on the faces of those entertainers when they do a story about Pres. Trump are horrid.

The only radio talk show host that I listen to when I am off work is a guy named Michael Koolidge, who broadcasts from tiny Rochelle, IL–a small town in the farm country, and he is excellent and trustworthy and NOT making a huge salary or becoming a celebrity from his talk show.

My husband and I have experienced first-hand what hatred does to people, and I have never gotten over it. Hatred makes people lose their sense of right and wrong and do pretty much anything to destroy the object of their hatred. I do NOT think it’s unreasonable or fanciful or stupid to believe that the august politicians who have hated Pres. Trump with all their hearts and souls and minds for 4 years would be capable of scheming behind closed doors to block his re-election. If you think that is insane thinking–well, that’s what being HATED does to a person. Pray that you are never a victim of it.
I’m not sure what you mean when you say ‘we have the Supreme Court making an order’? Or for that matter, we have recounts? Georgia is doing a hand recount because it was close there but I don’t think it changes the outcome if Trump came out ahead (which I think is unlikely given the number of last-minute ballots from Atlanta).

This whole ‘controversy’ is manufactured, the only people alleging fraud are Trump and his loyalists, not neutral observers, hence why I call it a conspiracy theory.
Did you read the lawsuits and the affidavits attached to them? I did, take a look for yourself.
Yes, they look like valid concerns, poll watchers not let in, windows boarded up.

Here are some citations from the affidavits:
Patricia Rose alleged that she witnessed a poll worker attempt to run a batch of 50 ballots through a machine four times due to the machine jamming. According to her affidavit, “The ballot stack she was feeding in kept getting jammed. Rather than stop and go seek the assistance of a supervisor or technical support person, she removed the remaining ballots in the in-feed tray, and kept taking the scanned ballots off the top feed and adding them back to the stack, reinserting the whole stack again, and scanning them in again.” The affiant was able to identify a number of batches where this happened, but was unable to say whether those votes had actually been counted multiple times, or whether the machine had been reset in-between each batch. This allegation was repeated regarding a different batch by Glen Sitek.
Multiple affiants claimed that signature verification was not being done, or that they did not see it being done, on absentee ballots.
Whitney Meyers claimed that, “On the street in front of the Department I witnessed workers with ‘Detroit Elections’ aprons on collecting ballots from cars. I witnessed multiple drivers in cars drop off multiple ballots, including more ballots than people in the car.” Meyers did not explain how she arrived at this conclusion or whether she brought it to anyone’s attention at the time. She also indicated that she saw a worker accept at least one ballot after the polls closed at 8pm. She also alleged that an unnamed individual placed “ballots” (did not specify or estimate how many) into one of the ballot drop boxes after 8pm and before the box could be locked.
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This whole ‘controversy’ is manufactured, the only people alleging fraud are Trump and his loyalists, not neutral observers, hence why I call it a conspiracy theory.
One case with Dominion software has already reversed one local race.

There are fraud stories all over:

For four years, I have watched the Democratic Party politicians wage a hate war against Pres. Trump–from Day 1, he was hated, despised, made fun of, ridiculed, caricatured, and called every name in the book.
I don’t think he needed the Democratic Party’s help for that. He managed to turn people off all by himself.
Yes, they look like valid concerns, poll watchers not let in, windows boarded up.
No, they are not. The poll watcher concerns in PA were settled during the count. Trump’s attorneys have admitted in court that there were poll watchers present, and that the claims they were not were not accurate. Their remaining complaints (even if they were valid, which I doubt), are certainly no where near the neighborhood of overturning the election.
We already have recounts, we have the Supreme Court making an order.
The Supreme Court is not “making an order” whatever that is supposed to mean. There is exactly one recount going on, and very very (very) little chance that will change the outcome in that state (Georgia), and even if it did, that would not change the outcome.
For four years, I have watched the Democratic Party politicians wage a hate war against Pres. Trump–from Day 1, he was hated, despised, made fun of, ridiculed, caricatured, and called every name in the book.
I don’t think he needed the Democratic Party’s help for that. He managed to turn people off all by himself.
He may not have needed it, but he got it in spades. For my entire adult life, I’ve watched the Democrats trot out their lies about Republicans being racist and uncaring. They did it to Dole, both Bush’s, Reagan, even McCain. The projected President elect even made these kinds of despicable charges about Romney (and this is the guy calling for unity. Please).
But all of that compiled does not compare to the raw animus they hold for Trump.
Yes and his congenital inability to concede defeat - a little childish, perhaps.
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Plus dealing with a computer system.
You shouldn’t knock computer systems. Billions of dollars are transferred every day successfully and securely. There is no reason why we can’t vote online with the right design.
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You shouldn’t knock computer systems. Billions of dollars are transferred every day successfully and securely. There is no reason why we can’t vote online.
When I worked in the health sector in IT, we were years behind banks in technology. We joked that money was more important than humans. Maybe we should have let the banks design an run our systems 🤣
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