Heterosexuality was never “invented,” it was accepted and lived as a biological reality,
When you say “it was”, what exactly point in time are you referring to?
Before God gave the first two humans souls and bodies, God existed.
How does God reveal his existence? God existed (exists) as a community of persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Father loving Son loving Father in the Holy Spirit. Three persons indivisible yet distinct. God is a community of love even before humans came into being.
Love is fruitful. The loving community that God is can never be sterile. From this loving fruitfulness God pours forth all of creation. God’s love cannot turn inward on itself by nature.
Pouring forth humanity, God made us unique,
in his image. Our very existence is an image of the life of the Trinity. In that image, our bodies are designed to participate in this fruitfulness. ( is that self evident in the construction of the human body?).
So then, for human beings to come into existence,
to be, in the image of God, we participate and cooperate with our sexuality.
So you might see how your suggestion that homosexuality has always existed as a biological reality cannot be true. If it were true, how then do you explain human existence, which requires the procreative union of a man and a woman?
If you say that homosexuality has been practiced for eons, you have a good point. We can probably safely assume that it has been practiced since time beyond memory, but it has not always been an accepted part of biological reality. In fact, homosexuality could be said to -not- be a biological reality. If we observe how we are
to be, it is an invented use of the faculty.
“A reality” in the area of sexuality presupposes a human body, correct? Connect the dots.