Even grandma had premarital sex, survey finds

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True, but I would say they lost their authenticity to preach when they committed the very same sin.
Try telling that to Fr. Corapi. Usually its the convert with the biggest chip on the shoulder against what one thought was a great idea in the past.
While I think you are correct, you won’t much support for that view on this forum (except for me 😃 ). Believe me, I’ve tried.
What you are saying here is that we, human beings, cannot control our animal instincts even with God’s grace. You are absolutely wrong.

I consider myself a “normal” 21 year old male (I’m in college and headed off into the Navy as an Officer after graduation) and my girlfriend and I have given up all sexual activity with my girlfriend (soon to be fiance) until we are married, which includes EVERY sexual activity.

We limit ourselves to public dates (usually group dates) and dates with family’s as we realized that most private dates led up to sex. I value her more than that and I think that she deserves nothing less.

I think people need to be taught ALL sides of the coin, and if I had been as educated before as I was in what chastity meant, sacrifice, caring and loving, I think I would have been a better man before.
I thought this story was ridiculous. They act surprised that “old” people born in the 1940s had premarital sex. These are the baby boomers, who came of age during the so-called “sexual revolution” and the modern era of birth control pills. Of course a lot of them had pre-marital sex. They were the pioneers in the messed-up ethics of modern love.

If the study had gone back just a little farther, to people born in the 1930s and earlier, I bet they would have found a much different story.

And just because 90% of people do something, doesn’t make it right! If 90% of Americans were jumping off of bridges, would you do the same thing?
But the people having pre-marital sex aren’t 3 years old. They tend to be in their teens and older. If you want people to choose abstinence, make it more attractive, don’t just lie and hide the other options.
That’s funny. It’s the advocates of chastity who are the liars. How droll.

Let’s face facts: Abortion rates, child abuse rates, STD rates, out-of-wedlock birth rates, et cetera have all skyrocketed precisely during those years when the government at all levels was pushing the “safe sex” mantra. “Safe sex” programs have failed because they, not abstinence programs, are based on lies.

– Mark L. Chance.
How conveient; a study “based on” interviews with women and men, with absolutely no information on how the group originally chose candidates for the interviews. And numbers a good 20%, 30%, 40% higher than any other study on the issue I’ve ever seen. Sounds to me like the researchers decided what their findings were going to be long before they decided to publish then under the guise of a study. A person would really have to want to believe these findings to take them at all seriously.

The real joke of the matter, though, is their assumption that even if the research was accurate, contraception-based education would somehow solve the problem. What a sick enterprise.

God bless, anyway.
I was born in 1940. On the second day of my first year of high school in 1954 one of the 14-year-old girls in my class of about 25 bolted for the door with morning sickness and never returned. She was pregnant. I don’t recall anybody thinking much about it. At that time the newspaper where I lived used to run stories about how a boy and girl had been “secretly married” some months before in a midnight ceremony in a town a respectable distance away. As far as I am concerned, nothing has changed as far as the sex is concerned.

What has changed are some social attitudes. There are no more bastards or illegitmate children - they are simply children born out of wedlock. There are fewer shotgun weddings, and there is less posturing, lying, and dissembling than there used to be. Pregnant girls now don’t go off to “visit” some unnamed “aunt” in a distant city for a few months.

On a slightly different note, it was common on the American frontier for men and women to defer marriage until it was sure as possible that children would result from the union. This meant a lot of pregnant brides or couples that already had children. The doctrine of common-law marriage developed because of such unions that may never have been officially blessed.
Let’s face facts: Abortion rates, child abuse rates, STD rates, out-of-wedlock birth rates, et cetera have all skyrocketed precisely during those years when the government at all levels was pushing the “safe sex” mantra.
– Mark L. Chance.
Hmmm. Yes, lets face the facts.

Abortion - steady decline in USA since early 70’s
STDs - stedy decline in USA since 1975
Teen births - steady decline in USA since 1990

Out-of-wedlock births are increasing as marriage is declining. AIDS would be the clear exception to the rule, but I don’t know how well the affected populations practice “safe sex”.

Hit “ignore” button if he’s bugging you…
It’s a joke…all in good fun…if I could add a LOL smilie after the attachment I would have. My apologies if I caused you offense; please enjoy the rest of your Christmas.
It’s a joke…all in good fun…if I could add a LOL smilie after the attachment I would have. My apologies if I caused you offense; please enjoy the rest of your Christmas.
Besides, there’s nothing in the rulebook against corny jokes… or I would have been banned long ago!
Hmmm. Yes, lets face the facts.

Abortion - steady decline in USA since early 70’s
STDs - stedy decline in USA since 1975
Teen births - steady decline in USA since 1990

Out-of-wedlock births are increasing as marriage is declining. AIDS would be the clear exception to the rule, but I don’t know how well the affected populations practice “safe sex”.

resource to these stats please…just a cursory look at ANYthing remotely telling… the abortion rate has SKYROCKETED since the early 70’s because that’s when RoevWade was passed. There is no need for a statistic on that one… Even the lie during the court proceedings of x amount of women dying from back alley abortions doesn’t equate to the sheer number of women getting abortions today.

Teen births… I might give you that one only because the push for contraceptions and abortions. Not because something respectable, life affirming and worthy has come about.

STD’s… again, need the resource you’ve pulled this info from. I honestly think they’ve increased because of the false sense of security the contraceptions provide.

I offer this for your review… CDC report Check out the graphs and charts too… especially the trends shown from 1946 to 2005. 👍
I saw this in today’s paper… What’s up with “Even Grandma…” - obviously “Grandpa” did also. Why is it only the women who get singled out? We are ALL called to obedience in this area… not just women.

Just pet peeve of mine.

Here’s what all that premarital sex gets you:


· 56,000,000 people in the U.S. are infected with an STD (does not include HIV/AIDS) – 14,000,000 (25%) are teenagers
· 1:5 have a sexual disease
· 1:4 will contact an STD in their lifetime
· 12,000,000 diagnosed annually – 3,000,000 are teenagers
· 33,000 new cases every day in the U.S.
· 35-50 different kinds of STD’s have been identified
· Syphilis rate is at a 40-year high
· Cancer linked to some STD’s
· Some gonorrhea strains now resistant to penicillin
(Adapted from: Safe Sex, by Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., M.D., 1993; Education Reporter, April 1993; and National Institute of Health, Internet, 1996)
All of your quotes can also result from infidelity within the married state.
I thought this story was ridiculous. They act surprised that “old” people born in the 1940s had premarital sex. These are the baby boomers, who came of age during the so-called “sexual revolution” and the modern era of birth control pills. Of course a lot of them had pre-marital sex. They were the pioneers in the messed-up ethics of modern love.

If the study had gone back just a little farther, to people born in the 1930s and earlier, I bet they would have found a much different story.

And just because 90% of people do something, doesn’t make it right! If 90% of Americans were jumping off of bridges, would you do the same thing?
That was my thought as well, the only comment I would make is that it’s likely that the roaring 20s also would reflect a lot of illicit sex. That would, roughtly, be the parents of the kids of the forties.
Probably a lot of stuff has been going on that folks gloss over when they talk to their kids.
How many parents of the sixties admitted that they tried marijuana to their kids, dy’a think?
But, since they don’t…

– Mark L. Chance.
But they could. There’s no sense in presenting information and then pretending that it could not also be interpreted accurately in another way.
But they could.
You do understand that “could” doesn’t change “is”? IOW, my hair could’ve been blond, but it is brown. The terrifying rates of STDs are not found mainly among married couples. They are found among unmarried people who’ve bought into the lie that there’s this thing called “safe sex.”

By way of further example, perhaps no malady has been subjected to “condom sense” than has been HIV/AIDS, and no group targeted by “condom sense” more vigorously than homosexual men, and yet STD rates among homosexual men are even higher than among the general population.
There’s no sense in presenting information and then pretending that it could not also be interpreted accurately in another way.
But the data can’t be interpreted accurately in another way. To pretend otherwise is just silly.

But let’s for a moment be silly and claim the aforesaid rates of STDs are found largely among unfaithful married people. What does this prove? Does it prove that “safe sex” is indeed safe? Or, rather, isn’t it a self-defeating observation that merely reinforces the fact that the Church’s advice regarding sexual activity remains the best advice?

– Mark L. Chance.
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