There is a difference bewteen capitalism and unfettered capitalism . Are you arguing capitalism is against the Catholic faith?Why is capitalism the best way of achieving freedom? Jesus wasn’t a capitalist, he owned nothing. Peter was; as a fisherman, but, he left it all behind to follow Jesus. Mathew was, but a reluctant one who sent the results of his efforts to Rome. The only one of the Apostles who was a real capitalist and made money from Jesus was Judas.
From what I can see of capitalism it simply removes money from the poor and gives it to the rich. So called “Trickle Down” is a falacy. If it worked, the USA as the richest nation on earth should have no poor. Yet the differentials between your rich and poor is probably (with one or two minor exceptions) the greatest in the world.
The argument that the rich create employment for the poor is also a nonsense. Without the rich the poor would still produce food, they would still have places to live, they would probably make their own motor cars or washing machines, they just wouldn’t have to pay so much for them.
Part of my industry is sewage farming. We often comapare sewage to capitalists, the largest ones always float to the surface.
I employ people. If tomorrow I told them all to go out and build a car and live off the land because they are fired, would that be Catholic?