Evil Harry Potter

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I pass judgment on no one
You claim that people who don’t agree with you about a fictional world “do not practice their Christian world view.”
Just judging their Christian faith, that’s all. No put down, no judgement. 🤔
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Well then I guess it is all how one approaches it. Jesus said “I came that you might have life and have it abundantly.” Either He lied or we simply do not understand what life is all about.

But you make a good point, the Israelites didn’t want to go with Moses. They were content to be slaves, and actually enjoyed parts of it. But God did not create them, or us, originally, to be mere slaves. Their slavery was about so much more than a boot on their neck by the Egyptians. Slavery was the end-result of a rebellious soul inherited by their ancestors Adam and Eve. They suffered hardship, not because of Moses, but because they refused to trust God to deliver them.
As far as guarantees. Jesus guarantees Eternal life to those who believe in Him.
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You claim that people who don’t agree with you about a fictional world
You may be talking about a fictional world, I never was. But if you say you practice the Christian world view, then you must agree with the Deut. 18 passage I mentioned. you know… the ideas about spells, incantations and all manner of wickedness and evil, is to be rejected…

You must agree with the world view that talks about “exposing works of darkness,” Eph. 5:11. and how light exposes darkness… Surely if the Christian world view is yours, you believe in what Jesus had to say about passing judgment, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24.

As to put downs… no… I offer no insults or put downs. I simply apply what God says about these matters to the Harry Potter material. That’s it.
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Again, you fail to acknowledge the difference between fiction and real life. And then you quote Jesus about not judging while you do exactly that.
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Angel12 I’m sorry if I have hurt your feelings. I didn’t quote Jesus who said do not judge. I quoted him saying judge with a righteous judgment. I personally judge no one. Only the word of God makes righteous judgement on Harry Potter material. By the way to judge something is simply to evaluate it against the word of God to decide it’s validation. Why do so many people on this topic seem so angry over my comments on Harry Potter?
Hey @tgGodsway,

I’m sorry if the impression my posts have given you is one of anger. (I cannot apologise for others’ posts). I hope I have not offended you in any way. The issue is just that many of us don’t think that Harry Potter is evil (because let’s face it, it’s just a children’s book) and don’t agree that it promotes witchcraft or satanism, etc…

Lord bless.
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Angel12 I’m sorry if I have hurt your feelings.
You don’t hurt my feelings at all. Your misunderstanding of fiction is so complete, that I simply can’t take seriously your opinion of peoples’ enjoyment of it. Certainly not my own.

Jharek’s comment (post 425) perfectly sums up my own opinion, and that of many other posters on this thread. I don’t care one bit whether you approve of Harry Potter. But claiming that those who see nothing wrong with the books “do not practice their Christian world view” is something else entirely. It’s a claim to be able to read hearts & souls. I’m afraid I’m able to take that even less seriously than your view of fiction.

I will bow out of this thread now, since my participation seems to give you the impression that you have the ability to “hurt my feelings.”
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. I quoted him saying judge with a righteous judgment.
And people have been trying to explain to you that your judgment in this matter is not righteous—merely ill-informed. You should not confuse that with hurt feelings.
I’m not sure why tgGodsway’s judgement is seen as ill informed? It seems pretty well informed to me as well as being measured and appropriate. It’s more that a cohort of respondents have got very strong opposing opinions (judgements)
So because she used Latin to form the words, it means she used actual spells? By that logic the Latin mass is a pagan ritual full of spells. And every encyclical was a pagan text.
Do you agree with him that I do not practice a Christian world view?

That’s what he said about us who disagreed with him.

How would he know?

I doubt that he’d ever met me, so how would he know my spiritual state?
Hi Sarcelle. The quote from tgGodsway is

“You may be talking about a fictional world, I never was. But if you say you practice the Christian world view, then you must agree with the Deut. 18 passage I mentioned. you know… the ideas about spells, incantations and all manner of wickedness and evil, is to be rejected…”

That is a straightforward idea and should apply to all Catholics. The Harry Potter books never reject such things. Rather they are glorified. That is a big problem with them, that they glorify magic and make it attractive. It’s a devilish idea and being fiction doesn’t make it less devilish.

As an aside, I used to enjoy the Susan Cooper dark is rising books, in fact I was crazy about them as a young teenager. When I read them again as an adult who had finally thoroughly immersed herself in the awful glory of the Catholic faith I found them completely different, dark and pagan and sinister. I couldn’t read them at all now.
So basically HP is evil and you’re a bad Christian if you let your children read it.

This is one of the reasons I abandoned religion. The lack of freedom and the desire of others to control me were all too much.
I don’t get this thing about people thinking they’re being controlled by the Catholic church. No one forces anyone to stay Catholic. Thank God many people see the beauty of the church and find their own way into it. The church has doctrines written by hyper intelligent people whom I wouldn’t like to argue with. Their source is He Who Is.
It’s hard to describe freedom but what it isn’t is the Crowley-like do what thou wilt.
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Top two shelves of one of my bookcases!

The one wand is pretty recognizable. Can any Harry Potter fans guess the other two?
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Capta(name removed by moderator)rudeman:
I cast just about every spell in those books during my harry potter phase. My friends never flew back or had their sticks blown from their hands, and my little brother survived every killing curse in our play duels. Give me a break about all this paganism crap. I was a poorly catechized idiot child and I’m the most catholic person in my family now. This crusade against HP makes Catholics look just as bad as nutjobs on the street during the Camping Apocalypse predictions.
People commit adultery without getting pregnant so this must mean adultery is fine?
If you were saying the REASON adultery is wrong is because it (sometimes) results in extramarital pregnancy, and it happened to be that there was NO independently documented case of anyone getting pregnant from extramarital sex, then it would put a huge hole in your argument at the very least, no?

JK Rowling does not, as far as I can see, present magic as a philosophy, a religion or a form of worship in and of itself. In her world it is not about nature worship or worship of non-Christian deity or deities.

She purely posits a fictional notion that certain people have special powers to control nature. No more, no less. It is demonstrable that those who do what is shown in the books in real life do NOT have such power.
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Ten points to the muggles for trying and coming close! Bertie “Botts” is the name of the every flavor beans.
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