Evil Harry Potter

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Well, sounds like my job just got a little easier.

Someone get me a time machine and I’ll tear him apart, too.

I can’t believe these people! It’s horrifying!
It makes me sad to hear this. Harry Potter is not evil. J.K. Rowling did not use real spells, they were made up. If a child is reading this, parents do need to make sure it is not real. There was also Christian imagery used, such as deer.
Some people ae simply too dense to be able to see the philosophy, say, of Tolkien and Lewis. or the use of myth, morality and religion. They should have read Richard Purtill.

Then, again, a closed mind is likely not to venture there. Or could it be said that a mind as great as C.S. Lewis or J.R.R Tolkien could be speaking so far above their heads that it would make no difference anyway.
Some people ae simply too dense to be able to see the philosophy, say, of Tolkien and Lewis. or the use of myth, morality and religion. They should have read Richard Purtill.

Then, again, a closed mind is likely not to venture there. Or could it be said that a mind as great as C.S. Lewis or J.R.R Tolkien could be speaking so far above their heads that it would make no difference anyway.
We’re lucky that you are not too dense and have an open mind. And that you are far enough above the heads of others to understand Lewis and Tolkein and explain their writing to us.
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I watched a lecture on this given by a Catholic ( I think it was a priest, but I don’t recall exactly who)
He approached the objection about witches and witchcraft from a direct Catholic position. Theology.
God’s warning on the subject he said, had to do with " us" not engaging in such things. And he went furthur answering WHY.
The sin itself was related to our CONJURING UP the unnatural, and the SIN involved us being something enhanced by something we are not meant to be. Not unlike the knowledge the apple provided.
He obviously read the books first, when he explained that magical beings are made by God differently than we ordinary beings.
That they were not doing what was unnatural to them. They are born that way.
We sometime forget the first creation story of Genesis, where the message of creation is clear. Everything God created is either Good or Very Good.
And so in this fairy tale, the admonition against witchcraft for US, is not implicated.
I’d leave that task of explaining to Dr. Purtill. Say in LORD OF THE ELVES AND ELDILS. Or, re: Tolkien in particular, to Professor Tom Shippey’s ROAD TO MIDDLE EARTH. Or his well-titled J.R. R.TOLKIEN - AUTHOR OF THE CENTURY. Professor Shippey once held the same position that Tolkien once held, Chair of English Language and Medieval Literature at Leeds University. Experts are there to be used.
It’s looking like as someone else said, this isn’t really about Harry Potter but rather about a bunch of parents upset that a liberal priest (who another poster said had upset two successive bishops) was removed and the current priest put in. They’ve complained about the current priest before and they seem to be out to get him.


P.S. I find Tolkien and Lewis to be pretty dull myself. If I want to read fantasy I’ll take a nice old classic book of fairy tales or folk tales. Not multi-volume epics about magical lands.
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You are of course entitled to your opinion. That exorcist is not the only one to claim that the spells are real and have real consequences (Fr Ripperger does too, claiming his teams have come across issues from them). I disagree with you thinking they should have to point out exactly what is dangerous as calling out exactly which ‘spell’ is the issue is quite frankly just too stupid to even justify asking them to do. This is not childs play we are talking about or plagiarism. The first thing a person would do would try it out for themselves, it is human nature, uneducated human nature, they (the priests) would be committing a sin by doing so anyway, leading others into sin and I may be so bold as to say in knowing that it is a sin, their sin would be mortal as it’s a grave matter, opening others up to possession or oppression …… so obviously that’s why they don’t do it. Likewise why they dont point out which person did such a thing, privacy etc and also the possibility of it leading to sin. These are priests we are talking about and they are shepherds leading us to God not into the devils hands.
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With Tolkien, the languages came first, and in many respects he spent as much, if not more time, working on the various Elvish languages, along with at lest cursory work on the Dwarvish and Adûnaic languages (the language of the Three Houses of Elf-friends). The original intent of the mythos, beyond his early desire to give England its own mythology, was to create a world in which his languages would arise.
The spells are basically faux Latin. One would hope that real Satanists and Witches would actually know how to speak Latin. It’s basically incoherent gibberish.
I just finished LotR yesterday (for the first time in about a decade). On a whim I pulled out the first volume of The Book of Lost Tales, and it’s been a quarter century or so since I read any of the History of Middle Earth series. We’ll see how far my middle-aged brain can get with it, but there was a time when I fancied myself a bit of a Tolkien scholar. Certainly his conception of the mythology changed mightily over the 60 years he worked on it, and the last phase of the development in the 1960s shows he went through some radical shifts, going so far as to directly reference the Fall of Man, and to describe how Melkor put forth his own power to alter the world and make it Arda Marred. His Catholicism was in many respects hidden from view in LotR and the earlier phases of the work, but shine much more clearly in that last iteration.
He worked diligently in the late 1950s on completing The Silmarillion, which, with the publishing of the Lord of the Rings, his publisher desperately wanted in print as soon as possible. The first road block came when Ace Books, using the pretty poor copyright laws in the United States at the time, published an unauthorized (and rather botched) edition of LotR. He was forced to abandon his work on the Silmarillion (and the rather extraordinary latest version Of Tuor and his Coming to Gondolin) to work on a second edition of LotR so his publisher could enforce US copyrights. That also included a new edition of The Hobbit to bring it more firmly in line with LotR. By the time that was done, he was now an old man and the creative spark ebbed.

But worst of all, he basically upended the entire cosmography of Arda, which required massive changes throughout the mythology, right back to the earliest chapters of the Silmarillion, in particular of the Ainur and their coming to Arda and the ordering of Arda, but with ramifications right up to the Akallabêth. The sickness and death of Edith, as well as his own age, doomed the entire project. In his Letters, you can see in his correspondence with son Christopher he knows full well that he is no longer capable of completing the work, and asks his son to complete it. Sadly, by and large Christopher was stuck with the only near-completed version from the mid-1930s, which was a very abbreviated chronology rather than a narrative, and the published Silmarillion is shadow of what the author really conceived.
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They’ve complained about the current priest before and they seem to be out to get him.
Out to get him or is he actually problematic?
  • Psychological, emotional, and spiritual abuse of the school children through his messages in and outside of the church, including in the confessional, that has resulted in children seeking professional counseling. This is including, but not limited to, public assertions at school Mass that Lady Gaga made a pact with the devil for fame and suffers from fibromyalgia as a result
  • Bullying of students, teachers, and parents who disagree with his views
  • Irresponsible administration of the school resulting in plummeting school enrollment and mass departure of long-term faculty
The previous poster, Wendy or similar username, said that he replaced a beloved liberal priest who had upset two successive bishops. Given what’s been going on in Portland, I’m very skeptical of accusations by parents in a situation where the issue is “more traditional Fr Y just replaced more liberal Fr X whom we all loved but he made not one but two bishops mad.”

Furthermore this current priest is a 50+ year old former Wall Street banker. I have met many Wall Street bankers and they aren’t stupid.

The bishop must have had some reason for sending this priest to that school and if it’s truly a poor placement, then I’m sure he can replace the priest just as quick.

Why would kids need counseling over something about Lady Gaga? When I was a kid we not only heard worse things from nuns, but we also told each other stories about this and that rock star made a deal with the devil. Nobody ever needed counseling over it.
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Many Catholic children can probably name all of the Harry Potter books, but would struggle to name even the four Gospels. American culture emphasizes the constantly entertained and active child; a world where the parents’ every second of free time is often devoted to attending events for the children to ensure they are busy with a sport, lesson of some type, or keeping up on the latest movies or secular book series. In turn, the child is catechized by the secular world, one marked by constant competition and decadence, while attending Mass becomes merely an occasional obligation akin to a routine dental exam, and the thought of the faith makes scant an appearance in the child’s mind.
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