JKirkLVNV said:
So, True Devotion (or any other person in this thread, for that matter, since the quote boxes are messed up and I can’t keep track of who is saying what!), are you saying that my devout, loving (in the sense of charity/caritas, not the Barney the Purple Dinosaur sense), and saintly grandmother is even now in hell?
Well let me answer you with another question. If it makes absolutely no difference, and if you were absolutely sure a Southern Baptist could get into heaven, why are you not a Southern Baptist? You are a Catholic, because you know it is the only assured way to serve Christ in this world and to be with him in the next. If you deep down did not believe your salvation was on better track in the Catholic Church, you would not be a Catholic.
I have no idea where your Grammy is. I hope she is not
down there as they say. But then I would not be sure enough to say that she wasn’t either. Pray hard for your family, I am doing the same. I have a large family and most of them are up to their ying yang in new age, eastern meditations, yoga, mediums and horoscopes. I do what I can and beyond that I cannot do more. But one thing is sure: we have to try to bring them out of where ever they are. This might be unsettling for you, but I would not be so sure your Grammy made it to heaven.