First of all, it is you who have rendered the word Salvation meaningless.
On the contrary, I allow “
saved” to mean exactly what it says: “
saved”: delivered form the eternal consequence of sin(s), guarded from Divine judgment/condemnation. As the Scriptures clearly state. Paul writes:Eph 2:8-9 "
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."And Jesus Himself said:John 5:24 “
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”
You are rendering 90% of the Bible meaningless with this man-made false dogma.
Hardly. Christ Himself was the goal of the Law for righteousness. The Law, found in the O.T. writings, could save no one but served as a tutor to lead those under it (Jews, and the world through them) TO CHRIST, that we may be justified BY FAITH (not law/works). You see, ASJ, Someone far greater than Moses has come, and He brought salvation with/through Him (Jn. 1:17.)
What about the Parable of the Prodigal son?
What about it? It says nothing about salvation in that parable.
Why the need for repentance and forgiveness, even after one is saved by Faith?
That’s a good question since Scripture presents no such need: Acts 10:43; Acts 13:38; Col. 1:14; 1 Jn. 2:12. Forgiven for His name’s sake because He bore them all in his body on the cross (1 Pet. 2:24) and died TO them, once for all (Rom. 10:10).
On the contrary, I exalt the Person and sacrificial work of Jesus Christ, as does Pauline soteriology found in his Epistles.
You set up Paul against the Word made flesh.
To the contrary, like Paul I preach the cross (see 1 Cor 1:18)
You are so confused on just one small doctrine, and have no concept of the havoc you wreak on the entire remainder of the Gospel message itself.
by grace through faith in the Person and sacrificial work of Jesus Christ IS the gospel.
Jesus gives us the Parable of the thief in the night, and the need for constant vigilance… Why? Jesus has said we must do works, not for our salvation, but because it is our duty as Christians. If we neglect those duties, we can see the result in the parables of Jesus. The rich man and Lazarus is another parable about a rich man THAT DID NO WORKS. What was his reward? Eternal damnation.
Odd! Just above you said "
not for salvation. You’re in two minds, and so you interpret the Scriptures accordingly.
What about your back tracking and reneging on your own statements. You have been quoted as saying Salvation CAN BE LOST, just as Paul warned the Galatians.
I’ve never said salvation can be lost. If I "wrote’ it, it was a typo, and should have read “can not be lost.” Look at all my posts. They’re the preponderance of evidence that I have always held fast to the Biblical doctrine of
eternal salvation. I could adhere to no other since I’ve always believed, according to the Scriptures, that salvation was wrought not by me but Another: Jesus Christ. I enter into that salvation via FAITH in Him alone, “…not as a result of works.”
However your argument is that the person never had Faith in the first place if it is ever lost.
An oxymoron. One can not lose something he never had. You see, your soteriology is constructed on the idea that all who are baptized are
potentially saved. You have no concept of “
saved.” IOW, salvation through baptism. “Salvation” meaning a state of “sanctifying grace” which one must preserve by sacraments, good works and avoiding unconfessed, so-called “mortal” sins. Hence, one is not truly “
saved.” Only an uncertain “
hope so.”
Now you are embarrassed to admit you said that, and try to pretend you never said it,
I’m “pretending” nothing of the sort.
by saying salvation can not be lost because then the word is meaningless.
If salvation can be lost then,
truly, the word is meaningless.
But to say salvation can be gained is no different.
Oh but it is. A lost person can enter into (thereby gain) a “
saved” state (
of being) through FAITH. God Himself saves him by grace, through faith.
You are gaining salvation by your “work” of accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
Accepting” Christ is synonymous with “
believing” in Him. Scripture does not recognize belief as a work. Read Eph. 2:8-9 again where one is saved through faith…
not as a result of works. Hence, faith is not recognized as a work.
You have rendered the word meaningless yourself! You weren’t saved, you simply picked up salvation with more ease than putting on a pair of shoes. What a mockery you make of salvation.
God has made salvation easy for men by having laid the burden of it on Christ, who endured it (in our stead). To this day men stumble over the simplicity of it. Because men consider pure, unadulterated grace (unmerited favor) repugnant. Hence, they must dilute it with works. But God accepts only ONE Man’s work for man’s salvation. And men are required to believe in it.
You are nothing but a broken record.
Broken I was, made whole I am.
You reach an unsatisfactory conclusion of illogical contradictory statements, and then start over again from the beginning.
I can’t add to the gospel message (1 Cor. 1:18).