Far right spreading false rumors blaming antifa for forest fires

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If they don’t know who set the fires, they don’t know the perps WEREN’T ANTIFA or some similar group.
They also don’t know that they weren’t space aliens.
The only crime I see with that is crossing state lines to help with said defense.
The accusation leveled at Kyle Rittenhouse.

No it’s not a crime unless the state of Oregon has made it illegal for an adult to bring their own registered gun into the state. Border checkpoints, anyone? But wait, borders are just lines on a map!
But nobody has evidence that they’re space aliens. There are reports of ANTIFA or related group fire starters.
Why write it in capital letters? It isn’t an acronym.

Nobody who talks about Antifa in this way even knows what they are. What exactly did they see to confirm that this was antifa? Some right wingers saw some people starting a fire and blamed it on “antifa”, at most. In reality I imagine any reports were totally fabricated through the internet rumour mill.
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I think they’re known to be Antifa people, or that’s what was reported above. But there is no reason to think it was just fabricated if some identifiable people were known to have started fires and also to be associated with that group of people.
This is just sad at this point
I find it a good point.

Why should we believe a group that spreads malice and violence throughout our cities when they claim they didn’t start a fire?

Seems to me the only deviation from their standard MO is that the fire isn’t in a city.
I’ve heard reports right wing militia groups, notably Proud Boys are actually behind the arson.
Could be any number of groups behind it, and people acting alone as well. Also natural forces. Haven’t heard about Proud Boys though. Got a citation on that?
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What’s even sadder is how on a Catholic website (CAF) rumor mongering is so prevalent. So now wildfires are the latest political rumor mongering, it just never stops, wildfires, Covid19, climate change, Trump said this, Biden said that,etc, you name it, whatever the side of politics there you’ll find the rumor mongers gleefully pointing out it’s all due to the other side. There is no Catholic charity here on “world news” just political rumor mongers and point scoring, shameful.
Terrorists have threatened before to start wildfires.

What good does it do? For them, it destroys life and property. Wildfires as we have seen over the last 10 years around the world are devastating. Destruction
Is the goal of terrorists and fear. These fires are costly to fight.
FOX is as good as any other, if you ignore the commentary and opinion pieces. They are mainstream media.

That said, does Antifa provide a place for these people? Sort of. Are they responsible for them? Not really. They have never advocated burning forests. If Antifa bears any responsibility, then we would also have to say the Trump campaign is responsible for murder, as it provided validation for a white supremacist who ran over a woman. Both conclusions are equally false. The only thing that is true is the hypocrisy of defending Trump for that death and then blaming Antifa for these fires. Such a position is sheer two-faced hypocrisy.

What is sauce for the goose must also be sauce for the gander, or as Jesus put it, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
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Soubirous1 . .
Trump said it’s about forest management.
And that is true too (nobody here is saying ALL the fires were began by leftist miscreants).
ThinkingSapien . . .
Facebook takes down false claims of extremists starting Oregon wildfires
Have they now put them back up (now that we know in some cases these claims are true at least to the point of arresting perps)?
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i don’t have Facebook. worthless and intrusive imho
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Thread title:
Far right spreading false rumors blaming antifa for forest fires
Because as we all know . . .

. . . the same kind of thinking people who would and/or DO burn down cities for their tantrums and political mayhem and voter manipulation . . . .

. . . would NEVER burn down countrysides and forests for their tantrums and political mayhem and voter manipulation . . . .

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