Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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Fr. Altman and Fr. Martin are merely two sides of the same coin.
Would you say St. Michael the Archangel, and lucifer the fallen angel, are “merely two sides of the same coin”?

(I don’t understand your analogy/relationships connecting the two very different persons. Right and wrong, good and evil, truth and falsity are very different realities.)
There is a difference between two sides on one coin, and two different currencies altogether. I see two systems, two economies, two currencies. If you see one coin, having two sides, I’d like to understand how you see things that way.
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The great actor James Woods commented on how the Democrat areas look like h----.

This is all going too far, protesters cheering at a hospital “We hope they die” about the two police officers shot in Southern California. As near as I can tell, these are allies of the Democrats.

And Planned Parenthood really is in the very fabric of the Democratic party. Talk about big business. Senator Tina Smith was a Planned Parenthood director, they are all over DC, in the Democratic party. Big Abortion.

Then, irresponsible leadership led to the rise of ISIS who in turn, fomented terror worldwide, persecution of Christians.

I saw a chart yesterday, the last administration bombed the daylights out of Iraq, Afghanistan and so on.
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Darn right! 🇺🇸

Although to be clear, I see very little difference between either political party and I don’t trust any of our political leaders. In my opinion, the United States has become an Oligarchy. :man_shrugging:t2:

Regardless, my stock portfolio is doing well under this administration and I support taking a tougher stance against China.
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So tell me how Jesus (not a separate entity in God) has no interest?
The Kingdom He came to establish is not of this world. It was not a kingdom of pomp and circumstance.

And you forget in the Old Testament God saw their choosing of a king as a rejection of His authority.

Being a citizen of that kingdom entails having primary allegiance to Him.

So yes, Jesus has no interest in politics.
Even if we were to exclude the life issue (that the Republican Party is, obviously, much stronger on), I cannot think of one material issue in which I prefer the Democratic Party’s position over the Republican Party.
And the trajectory of the Dems is truly frightening:
  1. In my youth they were “liberals”
  2. now they are “progressives”
  3. with some naming themselves “democratic socialists”
  4. headed toward “European-style socialists”
  5. in other words, “socialists”
  6. which are “communists lite”
  7. i.e “communists”
  8. aka “dictators” in love with power over all.
This end, which they seem to believe justifies any means, demands that we learn from the history of these theories of “governance” and stop the insane trajectory now -asap, before they infiltrate any deeper into the deep state here.
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Here is an interesting article about the continuing erroneous attempt to conflate the Democratic party with communism. I suspect that conservative Catholics try to label Democrats as socialists and communists due to the various Church condemnations of socialism and communism, even though the Democratic party is neither of those things. It is but another strategy with the goal of trying to prevent Catholics from making an allowable choice in the upcoming U.S. election. As I see it, Democrats emphasize an admittedly imperfect concern for the common good and solidarity, which conservatives and libertarians then try to label as socialism, communism or even a dictatorship.

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… As I see it, Democrats emphasize an admittedly imperfect concern for the common good and solidarity, which conservatives and libertarians then try to label as socialism, communism or even a dictatorship.
Democrats continue to serve and themselves drink the koolaid bottled and sold by enemies of Truth from the beginning: Darkness Incorporated,

Democrat is the New Communist
JANUARY 8, 2019 AT 5:30PM
It is a real possibility that we could at some point in the very near future be bordering on a communist nation if the liberals and Democrats have their way. … look no further than the 10 planks of communism so eloquently explained by the man many leftists hold so dear – Karl Marx.
The birth of the socialist movement
Socialism is the “new norm,” at least within the liberal movement, and many in the Democrat Party are buying into this sentiment as well. …the progressives within the Democrat Party have been working towards this end for more than 100 years. The progressive movement began around 1890 …to combat what many felt were social ills that plagued society following the industrial revolution – the only problem was that this movement was designed to give government at the highest levels the power to address these perceived ills rather than let the people find a means to come together to find a solution.
… Progressivism … is the idea that government should control industry, manage labor unions, oversee farming, etc. …government should control business and dictate to the citizenry how they are supposed to live – which is exactly how the Democrats and most liberals feel today. … how would we live without the government handling our health care, providing us transportation, educating our children, taxing “the rich” to “give to the poor,” – without government we would surely die!
Socialism is the new progressivism
It’s easy to see how the progressive mindset could give way to socialism, and that is where we stand today. Democrats have shed their cloak …, openly supporting socialist principles such as government-run health care, free college, and even a universal basic income.
…Democrats of yesteryear would shy away from any talk of openly supporting socialism. Nonetheless, the modern day Democrats are finally beginning to embrace their newfound identity as they coalesce around individuals like freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and veteran socialists like Bernie Sanders. These two embody what it means to be a socialist with their never ending rhetoric designed to drive a wedge between the perceived rich and the poor. As a result it becomes government’s responsibility to ensure the “rich” pay their “fair share” all the while the connected class and the elites live the life of luxury far detached from the ills plaguing the society they have ruined.
Onward to communism
Rather than go through each of the 10 planks of communism, I will explain a few of the most prevalent ones and how they relate to the way in which our federal government operates today…
No offense, but the Republican Party leadership needs to show that it gives a rip about social justice. I know there can’t be social justice without moral justice (as expressed by a certain guest on The World Over with Raymond Arroyo years ago), but still!
I’ll be glad when this election is over so we can get back to sandworms, coffee, weather and pumpkin spice.
Gov, if you seriously think the incumbent is going to fix the problems you’ve listed and make things better, then by all means vote for him. I’ve never seriously tried to get anyone here to change their mind when it comes to voting. Personally, I think he never should have been elected in the first place, and based on what’s transpired during his first term, I don’t think he deserves a second term. That’s my opinion. There are legitimate, allowable options, including the Democratic candidate.
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Trump is not perfect - but he is doing more than merely working to hold back the forces of evil (even if only temporarily). He is doing more by protecting and supporting religious freedom (which he does strongly support). He is working to protect the one entity that IS called to “be perfect”, and the one that IS responsible for being the LIGHT of morality and of Truth in this culture of darkness. Who is sent to be “the light of the world”? - The Church of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church.

And Trump is a protector and supporter of the Church, in contrast to the Dems who, though peopled by many alleged and self-proclaimed “Catholics” are in fact committed enemies to the Catholic Faith and the Catholic Church. And for this reason alone, those Catholics (hierarchy and laity) who support the Dems are strengthening the enemy who is working to kill them and to destroy His Church - the one fully authentic witness to His Truth in this world.
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If you have time, here is a very informative panel discussion featuring Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark. Cardinal Tobin is apparently more concerned with the perilous prospect of another four years of Trump (as am I), and he clearly instructs us that we can in good conscience vote for Biden. He even addresses the “preeminent issue” phrase regarding abortion, and reaffirms the Church’s clear teaching that we need not be single-issue voters. I’m left with the impression that when it comes to Biden vs. Trump, Cardinal Tobin wants us to consider that Biden is actually the lesser of two evils.

I know. I probably read too much into some of the stuff you say, but…

Seriously? You really believe this? Where are you getting this? Anyway, Hilary isn’t running, and there’s no guarantee Harris will ever be president, just ask Al Gore. Biden is the candidate, and I can guarantee you that forced sterilizations are the furthest thing from his still quite capable mind.
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