Federal judge enjoins separation of migrant children

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So when DCF comes and removes a child from a home, they are committing an act that is the same as abortion?

So when a child is removed from a home when its parents go to prison, it is the same as abortion?

I think you are out to lunch on this one.
Does that mean Democrats have been tougher on immigration? That’s not the claim Republicans, especially Trump, have made.
No, it means that they’re using this to manipulate public opinion against the current administration.

This situation and people are political pawns for the left, and the left is using it as fodder to build animosity towards the Trump administration.

The Democrats won’t be happy (IMHO) until we have open borders and no immigration regulation. At least, that’s what I think.
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Impeachment is the correct response to this type of judicial activism.
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Impeachment is the correct response to this type of judicial activism.
On what grounds?

Do you have any idea how this sort of stuff is done? It’s been done this way for decades. This isn’t news. It’s being manipulated to be used as news, but it’s old hat.
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Yes I’m familiar with judicial activism’s decades-long history.
To take Christian sensitivity and blame it on Democrats just so people can justify their insensitivity is sick.
To take Christian sensitivity and blame it on Democrats just so people can justify their insensitivity is sick.
Excuse me?

Where precisely did I do that?

What I said was the left is manipulating the situation to gain sympathy for their cause.

You have a few posts to reread, and some accusations to check.

This is the issue the left is hinging their entire future on. They have held up the passing of a Federal budget over an unrelated issue (DACA) twice, they are being conservative with the truth on what’s actually going on at the border, and they’re sensationalizing the entire debacle to make themselves look like saints and every conservative/Republican/person who doesn’t agree with their view resemble evil incarnate.

Again, check yourself, please.
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Yes I’m familiar with judicial activism’s decades-long history.
You’re clearly not familiar with what goes on at the border and has been for decades, which is what my question was actually addressing.
I agree. Citizens lose access to their children all the time awaiting trial and serving sentences-even for non-violent crimes.
Monica83: So this justifies using this practice all the more?
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No, it just goes to show the we, as a people, understand that children do not belong in confinement with their parents. What is happening at the border is an unfortunate outgrowth of this knowledge, sad but not inherently immoral.
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Do you honestly have sympathy for the cause of Christ and therefore to denounce the separation of children from their caregiver knowing that the practice leads to deep trauma?
Do you honestly have sympathy for the cause of Christ and therefore to denounce the separation of children from their caregiver knowing that the practice leads to deep trauma?
You cross a border illegally, you take your chances. The caregiver knew this when they came here.

What’s your suggested and safe, rational solution to this issue?

Keep in mind the DOD is already being forced to keep these unaccompanied children in tent cities on several US military installations. Can’t wait to see the outcry from that.

I’m not devoid of sympathy. I find it incredible that the rest of the world is flipping their lids and offering zero assistance, but bet my own bottom dollar they’ll be ready to see us pay our NATO dues.
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You know, it seems that some chastisement is in order for those who would knowingly and willingly subject those children to the risk of death, disease, kidnapping, abuse or separation by FIRST engaging in dangerous travel, breaking the laws of another country, then crying alligator tears when push comes to shove. In those cases of unfit parents, should the children be left with them?

Is that good parenting?

Far from heartless, my fellow flamers, but honestly, I would never do that to my children unless it was war. DW came from war-torn El Salvador and got NONE of these advantages or helps. No press coverage. No ESL classes. No gaggle of lawyers circling the wagons. In fact, no help at all.

She emigrated legally, so nothing newsworthy there at all.
So an illegal act justifies our evil treatment towards them?
An illegal act justifies a nation carrying out its response.

Unless you want to not jail murderers and rapists. I mean, they too break the law.

Where were you when this was happening 20 years ago, and all the years since? As I said, this isn’t new, no matter what you are led to believe.
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