Female athletes fight back

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Nope. I’ve worked with female high school athletes. No juicing, just hard work and dedication. Disgraceful, what’s being done to them. 😠
And the injuries. It isn’t only a matter of winning or loosing…at what cost winning sometimes…? Even without body contact .
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It is not uncharitable for anyone to state the facts.
As I said, I have no problem with people stating their opinions. The transgender issue is incredibly complicated and is something that most of us have only had to think about seriously over the past 10 or 15 years. There is not yet any consensus of opinion among people who purport to be experts on the topic. Personally, I err on the side of suspecting that gender dysphoria has psychological causes, such as childhood trauma, and that psychological treatment would in most cases be preferable to transition. I also err on the side of thinking that somebody who has transitioned to their self-identified gender is not exactly the same as somebody whose biological sex and gender identity are congruent and remain unchanged since birth. However, I am also very much open to the possibility that scientific advances may force me to alter my opinions. Above all, I recognize that transgender people have undergone a huge amount of suffering, and I don’t want anything that I say or do to add to their suffering.

The sort of thing that I object to is when people call transgender people “delusional”. Whatever they are, they are not “delusional”. We need to remember that we are talking about real human beings. I am sure that they have thought very long and hard about their situation. Perhaps they have reached the wrong conclusions, perhaps they are mistaken or have been badly advised. But they do not show symptoms of psychosis.

I also think it’s unnecessary for people to emphasize the intensity of their feelings by using phrases such as “so-called” and placing the word “transgender” in scare quotes (also called “sneer quotes”).

I also feel that using three exclamation marks and a smiley face seems rather like gloating. These are people who are suffering, people who have to deal daily with prejudice and discrimination and sometimes even with physical assaults. When Winston Churchill addressed the British people following the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, he said “a terrible foe has been cast on the ground and awaits our judgment and our mercy”. If Churchill could speak of showing mercy to an enemy that had perpetrated the worst atrocities in human history, surely we as Christians can talk about transgender high school students without resorting to aggressive triumphalism. Trans people are not the enemy; they are people who need our love.

P.S. I appreciate that @Zach has now muted this thread, but, really, is this necessary?
Compete against males you cheaters. That’s it for me. I’m out. I mute any homosexual or transgender threads because when I say what I really think I get flagged and suspended. Thread muted.
Please, we are talking about high school students, they’re children. It’s hard enough being a teenager, let alone a teenager suffering with gender dysphoria. “Cheaters”? Come one, can’t we show some compassion, some love?
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These are high school girls though. Probably not too much testosterone taking going on.
If they’re “transitioning” with hormones, they’re taking plenty!
If I recall correctly, Title IX under the Obama administration was amended to

It was that administration’s “interpretation” of the existing law that changed. The law wasn’t amended.
Interesting though. Renee Richards coached Martina Navratalova for many years and may well be responsible for Martina’s outspoken objection to transgender competition. Renee Richards admitted after 30 years as a women that their indeed an unfair advantage.

"Richards has since expressed ambivalence about her legacy, and came to believe her past as a man provided her with advantages over her competitors, saying “Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I’d had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I’ve reconsidered my opinion.”
If they’re “transitioning” with hormones, they’re taking plenty !
No, I meant the girls bringing the lawsuit to block trans athletes are biological girls. They are not taking testosterone.
Can you imagine at the time a man among the top 10 in US( not just physically any man) , 6.2 …strong body built… then…I mean , it was a whole lot of arguments against her playing in a women’s category…
I read somewhere she later regretted the change and who knows as you say influenced Martina.That I don’t know sincerely…one would hope…
It was a whole of an issue then,very shocking. It was the ‘70s…
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Oh, their state’s governing body tests them regularly. I imagine it must be a temptation for some anyway, though. Thanks to biological males ruining their sport.
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I’m sure the devil is very happy with all the gender madness, confusion and doubt. He especially hates women, after all. If he can promote the destruction of hope for vibrant, talented young female athletes, he will. Maybe not as big a win as abortion and same sex so called “marriage,” but a win is a win.
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No, I’m being serious. The person I replied to essentially said “you’re wrong” and left it at that. That on it’s own is not an argument.
In some cases, it is: the girls on testosterone boosters can end up with an edge over actual boys. (and for the same reason, couldn’t compete fairly with other girls).
But that’s illegal doping, which is a different issue.
Wouldn’t it simply and obviously be more fair to have biological and also “open-gender/identity” categories in sports ?

The biological categories would suggest that you are the gender on your birth certificate and have always been the gender on your birth certificate.

Open-gender/identity categories would remove the gender/biological factors completely.
How about this to be fair:

XX chromosome girls compete in the XX chromosome competition

then all other competitors compete in the “open division”

You good with that?
Birth males should compete against birth males.
Birth females should compete against birth females.
I know we live in a touchy, politically correct era, but there are some things in life that just cannot be changed.
Because of the difference size and muscle strength, I just do not think if would be fair to allow those who are trying to cross the gender line to compete against birth males and birth females.
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No, I meant the girls bringing the lawsuit to block trans athletes are biological girls. They are not taking testosterone.
Yes, those girls are not.

There is, though, a problem with girls trying to be boys taking testosterone and competing in either boys or girls sports.
But that’s illegal doping, which is a different issue.
not necessarily; testosterone is used as part of trying to be a boy.
XX chromosome girls compete in the XX chromosome competition
And if the XX takes testosterone as part of “hormonal therapy” trying to be male?
I agree that these boys shouldn’t be competing against the girls but I do see sometimes that when it isn’t about speed and strength women want to compete with men due to the prize money being higher.
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