XX chromosome girls compete in the XX chromosome competition
What about women with
Swyer syndrome or men with
De la Chapelle syndrome?
I just don’t understand why the transgender issue seems to bring out the worst in people.
I once attended a lecture where the speaker put on a very calm, loving face when talking about homosexuality and was well-spoken and appeared to have given the matter at least some serious thought. During the Q&A, when a couple people asked about transgender issues, he transformed into a rather nasty and vague person. His manner of speech didn’t change, but the language became much more biting, sarcastic, less thoughtful, and downright hateful at times. To date, that’s remained my main takeaway from the lecture - something about the topic just brings out the worst in people.
That said, when I was a Protestant, I tried doing a deep delve on the subject, and the deeper I got, the more I began to question a lot of aspects of Protestantism, including some pretty core tenets of it. In fact, it was that study that really got the ball rolling on me becoming Catholic, but it was pretty difficult to accept it.
I think that the same applies to much of this discussion. I’m not going to say that delving deeply into the subject will necessarily cause one to question Catholicism (obviously), but I think for most, it requires confronting some pretty big holes in one’s understanding of the matter. For people who consistently treat this as having an easy answer (at least in terms of determining one’s gender), that’s a pretty uncomfortable position, and when people
reject their “obvious” answer, it’s infuriating.
That said, I don’t think those pushing for transgender rights help the matter. They’re often just as nasty, and that probably adds to the frustration.