Feminism is infiltrating every aspect of society

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JMJ Theresa:
consider that your audience is larger than one young man. There are plenty of people looking at these forums who are interested in what Catholics are like. Is this the face you wish to present?

Perhaps because of my feminity, I find such ribbing not playful, but I will accept that that is your intention.

Have a good day. 🙂
So ribbing is not feminine? :confused:

JMJ Theresa:
consider that your audience is larger than one young man. There are plenty of people looking at these forums who are interested in what Catholics are like. Is this the face you wish to present?
Tell me about it! This thread has done nothing but prove the whole “angy feminist” image.
I agree here, but I would like to also add an observation; in counseling settings we are seeing that more and more men are the victims of abuse. Many women have started to be just as violent as their male counterparts when they know their boyfriend or spouse will not fight back. Actually my male room mate was raped in college by a female student so although I sympathize with women in this situation my personal belief isn’t that violence is necessarily a gender issue but rather an issue of the human condition. Violence is the real enemy, not men or women. I support women in whatever capacity they choose is fulfilling, so long as they are capable of the job.
Men are by their nature more violent by women and all this does is prove my point that feminism has masculinized women and made them violent beyond their nature.
well i look at it this way. Jsmitty is 20 years old and in college. As such, convincing him that he might be mistaken about anything is a lost cause. It’s better to just enjoy a good ribbing, and save the use of reason and rational arguement for a few years down the line.
My age should have nothing to do with my ability to “use reason and rational argument.” Also, I don’t see why you think that you can’t get through to me since this is the age when we’re trying to sort through what we believe. Older folks are always much more stubborn. Furthermore, wouldn’t you think that because I’m a college student that I would be sympathetic to the feminist cult since its stronghold is America’s liberal university system? Maybe that’s exactly why I’m opposed to it. I see it everyday.
JMJ Theresa:
Hey folks, I’m sure you are exaggerating for effect, but your personal attacks on the op seem uncharitable.
It’s okay. I will humbly accept this persecution. I find it funny that they claim to be the ones defending Christian values but they sure don’t talk like Christians. Their lack of charity also demonstrates that maturity and respect don’t necessarily come with age.
In so far as Christianity not being compatible with feminism, I would contend that Paul was the first feminist. He preached that women were to be loved and protected by their husbands in a time when women were a commodity.
There is no doubt that Christianity elevated the value of women, but I doubt that St. Paul would appreciate such a label. :nope:
Yes, I was harsh. But humor was the only thing I could think of to respond to his claim that feminism is responsible for sexual harassment.

Being harsh is not a Christian value at all, much less a feminine one. Statements like this:

“Feminism is also responsible for the war in Iraq, famine in the Africa, and natural disasters. Seriously, there’s a feminist behind every evil. Right JSmitty 👍

…only make you look foolish to anyone else reading this thread. I can’t understand how you don’t see the link between the sexual revolution (spearheaded by feminists) and the birth of our contraceptive culture with a correlative increase in rape and sexual spousal abuse. :confused: I will pray that the scales fall from your eyes…like they did St. Paul’s.
I think it’s funny how some of the supporters of the feminist movement on this thread have made more of a case against feminism than those who are opposed to it. :rolleyes:
Tell me about it! This thread has done nothing but prove the whole “angy feminist” image.
I can think of some other things it has proven, but when you don’t have anything nice to say…

OK. Just so it is clear, I’m opposed to a brand of feminism that essentially advocates “super-rights” exclusive to women. An example is they can choose to have a baby w/o regard to the wishes of the father and if they choose to have the baby, he is required to be financially responsible. Take away the morality of abortion for a bit, women can’t have it both ways/all the choices.

This being said, Christian love begins with respect for the individual.
  1. When one says that since most women are better nurturers thus all women should stay home, they pass judgment on the non-majority of women who aren’t the best nurturer in their house.
  2. When one says that women who are working are neglecting their kids, they are passing judgment on the decisions the husband and wife have made together regarding how they want to raise their children, how they want to involve themselves in their community outside their family, and how they’ve decided to divide child-rearing responsibilities.
  3. When one says that women working is a recent phenomenon, they are judging that the efforts of my grandmother and grandmother to assist in the running of the family farm as something other than work. Was it pleasure? I’m not sure they characterized their role of essentially running a laundry, cafe, nurturing kids, nurturing animals in the barn, and planting/maintainging the garden as leisure time.
I could go on and on along this line of thought. My point is that there needs to be less judging w/o the facts.

While both my wife and I have worked outside the home for most of our marriage (gratefully except in the early years when i was trying to get my business off the ground, her working was to satisfy her personal goals and use her God-given abilities), I don’t think many would say that my children (three daughters and one son) suffered for it. In fact, I’m proud of hte role model my wife has been for our daughters.

When one looks at how we divided child-rearing responsibilities, I was the one who Jsmitty would characterize as the feminine. I’m the one who comforted them and counseled them while my wife was the harsh disciplinarian and task master. This worked quite well for us.

If I can pat us on the back, today at parent-teacher conferences, the Vice Principal made a point to come over to my wife and I (our first real conversation ever w/ her) where she told us that she is really going to miss our senior daughter. She is not only a good student and very socially adept but she has a nice sense of justice. She has been impressed with how she has stood up for her fellow students to “bullies” and even to teachers when she thought they had been wronged without regard to how it would affect her.

Well, my friends, I wish I could take credit for this trait of my daughter but it is the example my wife set. I’d have it no other way.

So, Jsmitty, if you want a wife who will assume all the nurturing role while you spend your life as the breadwinner. Go for it. I hope it works for you. Just remember that you will miss some wonderful experiences with your children. If my wife has any regrets (she has never said anything as she sees that the results it has produced), I know she wishes that she had the intimate relationship w/ our kids that I have. Being the breadwinner, task master, and disciplinarian isn’t always the best job in the house.
Being harsh is not a Christian value at all, much less a feminine one. Statements like this:

“Feminism is also responsible for the war in Iraq, famine in the Africa, and natural disasters. Seriously, there’s a feminist behind every evil. Right JSmitty 👍

…only make you look foolish to anyone else reading this thread. I can’t understand how you don’t see the link between the sexual revolution (spearheaded by feminists) and the birth of our contraceptive culture with a correlative increase in rape and sexual spousal abuse. :confused: I will pray that the scales fall from your eyes…like they did St. Paul’s.
You’re right JSmitty. I should not have allowed you to push me. However, it matters very little to me that you think I look foolish. I get private messages from many posters who really appreciate my comments (A few people think I am really entertaining). And I am really glad to be able to say some of the things that others are often too afraid to say on CAF.

As for the link between sexual revolution and violence against women; it’s actually quite the opposite. Sexual violence against women was much more prominent in times when people simply didn’t want to talk about sex and in societies that are less libertine. I can say that from personal experience (growning up in a society that never had a feminist movement.) as well as things that I have read.

As for the angry feminist. Of course, we are indignant that you would blame women and victims of sexual harassment for the assaults committed against them. And of course, I am indigant that you have and your cohort have constructed a narrow and suffocating definition of womanhood, which apparently doesn’t even include the use of sarcasm.

But more importantly, I am a little afraid of you. It’s why I speak up. I remember the times, I used to wonder whether I am the type of woman that the Lord since I am daring and opinionated and hardly the image of frail feminine virtue that SOME like to present to us as signs of holiness.

And at some point, I realize well, before I had heard of the word feminist, I was the girl that I am. I am perfect comfortable in female skin. I don’t want to be a man. I don’t desire masculine qualities. I want to be who God made me, which looks nothing like the picture of feminity that you have drawn.

And I am afraid for every woman who may feel heartbroken by your words. I am afraid for every woman who says the words of Sojourner Truth, “But aren’t I a woman?” Or for every woman who spoke the suffragist mantra, “I don’t to be a man. I want to be a woman who can vote.”

I am so afraid of your wing of the church.

I did not view your post as ribbing. I saw it as rude.

I don’t think rudeness is feminine. no.
wouldn’t you think that because I’m a college student that I would be sympathetic to the feminist cult since its stronghold is America’s liberal university system? Maybe that’s exactly why I’m opposed to it. I see it everyday.
yeah i must be crazy for thinking someone who uses terms like “the feminist cult” and talks about “bra-burning” parties is not going to change their mind.
Orion - wonderful points and thanks for sharing about the neat, loving relationships and roles everyone has in your family.

Kendy - Woman, you are so Right On, it hurts!

I chuckle when I read the term “angry feminist” and I’m immediately reminded of Jesus getting disgusted by the money changers in the Temple that he flies into a rage, overturning all the tables. He saw injustice and discrace, and he got ANGRY about it. If its an appropriate emotion for Jesus, then I feel like he’s giving a big, holy High Five to people who stand up for what they think is right and just.

Jsmitty: I don’t hate you. I am praying for you and your new wife (fiancee?) that you travel your road together peacefully and happily. Human relationships are alot of work; prayer, understanding and kindness go a long way in nurturing them.

Jsmitty, I think you have a solid head on your shoulders. I’m impressed to read so many articulate and dispassionate and charitable posts.

We are suppose to be talking about ideas here.

Also, we are talking about a general philosophy as well. There will always be individual cases where the general philosophy as mothers as SAHM does not work.

By the way SAHM is feminism. Those who disparage the work of women at home because it is not paid or professional are guilty of prejudice as well as those who say women should not work.

Just for clarification, in my posts I have spoke to women giving priority to taking care of children. If you do not have children or your children are grown–in that season of life–go out and change the world!!! That is our call, afterall. To win the world for Christ.
FYI - in case I didn’t mention it, I’m a SAHM and nursed my child until she was 2 1/2. I love being a mom! Never said I didn’t 🙂
JMJ Theresa:
I did not view your post as ribbing. I saw it as rude.

I don’t think rudeness is feminine. no.
I think being sanctimonious and holier than thou is pretty obnoxious too.

luckily for these forums, that’s a unisex trait.
JMJ Theresa:
Jsmitty, I think you have a solid head on your shoulders. I’m impressed to read so many articulate and dispassionate and charitable posts.

We are suppose to be talking about ideas here.
give me a freakin break. Do you know what the word ‘dispassionate’ means?
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