JLW, The mind-boggling rationalization that the Pope was not opposed to the Iraqi invasion provides deep insight on just how was possible for Germans to accept Nazi atrocities, and how God-fearing members of the Church collaborated with nazis, fascists and the ustase. After all, nazi soldiers had on their belt “God is with us”. Hitler, who considered himself a good Catholic, said he was doing “the work of God”.
Every major newspaper and every major news agency with a website reported how the Pope spoke out against the Iraqi war. They’re too numerous to quote, but a 10-second web search will yield hundreds of quotes. The American Catholic itself states, “The Roman Catholic Church, led by Pope John Paul II, opposed the U.S.-led war in Iraq…”
I have more respect for Pope John Paul II than any other Pope in recent history precisely because he vehemently spoke against the war. In contrast, the silence of Pope Pius the XII was a particular act of cowardice, or at the very least, a callous act of convenience.
Now I see that your purpose here is one of instigation. That is unfortunate.
Hitler had a profound hatred of the Catholic Church. Care to explain Hitler’s persecutions of Catholic or his plot to assassinate Pius XII? Care to elaborate how Pius was being silent as his efforts helped to save an estimated 850,000 Jews? If Pius’ “silence” is to be deplored, than how great a villain is FDR, who did nothing to intervene on behalf of the Jews until after an attack on U.S. soil? Ever hear of the voyage of the St. Louis? Pius did as much as he could to save as many Jews as he could without bringing the full scope of the Nazi empire onto Catholics, and that is WELL-documented, by Catholic as well as Jewish sources. Revisionist historians with their own agendas have a different version to tell, of course, and they have clearly been whispering in your welcoming ears.
Philip Jenkins writes about people like yourself in his recent book, “Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice.” Catholics who are anti-Catholic, but they can’t necessarily be called anti-Catholic, so a more appropriate name for them is anti-clerical, that is, they oppose the Church heirarchy and don’t acquiesce to a heirarchy when they live and hold democratic ideals. Does this describe you? Are you bothered by your lack of (name removed by moderator)ut in matters of morality and Church governance? Many “rugged individualist” Catholic Americans struggle with this. They are bothered in that they have the power to select their own representatives who will mold the version of civil law they prefer, yet they do not have the power to alter natural law. This same spirit is why many American parishes have been seized by the laity, rather than submitting to the authority of the Church and their priest.
Notice one thing about Pope John Paul II. He has not come out against the war since the war began. I don’t recall exactly what he said against the war, but since then, I have not heard anything negative about the conflict in Iraq. I think he realizes that perhaps it was not a good idea to go in and invade, the troops in there now are fighting the good fight and need the world’s support and prayers, not their insults and attacks from your liberal friends and policymakers, of whom, one happened to say that this war has no support from the public. I believe that was Hillary Clinton before a group of troops in Iraq. Yet, our beloved pope has not come out and told Bush to bring the troops home, end the fighting, and so on. Nor has he villified the president, whom many like you have so deplorably labeled a world conqueror, dictator, fascist, and so on. The pope has done more to praise Bush than condemn him.
cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=30003 Why is that?
Something to ponder.
Tell me, are you pro-abortion, pro-stem-cell-research, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay-marriage, OR pro-cloning?
I bet you are. (remember, basic logic: “OR” Statements – only one of the conditions has to be true to make the whole statement true.)
I echo vern’s statement…
the arguments against the 5 nonnegotiables “are an attempt to create a smoke-screen behind which those Catholics who support abortion can hide and pretend to do so for moral reasons.”