Five Non-Negotiable Positions Ignore Crimes against Humanity

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How can you compare the war in Iraq with the positions held by Kerry that are in direct contradiction to the teachings of the church, not prudential judgments on concrete matters, but teachings on faith and morals that were publiclly rejected by a man who claims to be Catholic and has some understanding of objective truth?
Not to mention that we did not know what Kerry’s position on the war was?

He was quoted as saying, “I voted for the war before I voted against it.”

I think Kerry’s stand on the war in Iraq was also more dangerous and evil.

He voted to give the president the power to go to war in Iraq but then when the funding vote came up, the funding of the troop in the field (to supply them and give them more protection) he voted No.

So he voted to send the troops there but then vote against giveing them more protection.
Tell me, Uracan, Caribbean god of evil, what right do you have to project your prejudices against me into my words? I never said the poor are poor because they are sinners. I said poverty is the result of sin. Poverty is a product of the sin of the world, original sin. If there were no sin, there would be no poverty. You are blinded by your intolerance of me. No one else came to this incorrect conclusion based on my post.

So now that we’ve cleared that up, please tell me WHY you think that the impoverished of the world are worse off with a pro-life person in office as opposed to a pro-infanticide politician.
I am begining to wonder if Urucan is related to Tlaloc.
The “five non-negotiable positions” do not address several far more significant and morally important issues that affect the lives of billions of people already living on this earth.
The child in the womb is living and on this earth.


You should ask yourself why you wish to ignore this fact. There are significant moral issues that effect them. The greatest being their right to life.
I am begining to wonder if Urucan is related to Tlaloc.
One and the same person. I’ve seen this in other forums – trolls with a schizoid-like compulsion to change their names.

In some forums, there is a “no handles” rule just to prevent this sort of nonsense.
I am begining to wonder if Urucan is related to Tlaloc.
Ha. I was thinking that as I was writing my last post. I doubt it though because hurricane dude willingly admits he’s Catholic, I don’t think Tlaloc would say that. They are one in the same in how they think, to be sure, and both have usernames of pagan gods. Maybe they’re related.
Ha. I was thinking that as I was writing my last post. I doubt it though because hurricane dude willingly admits he’s Catholic, I don’t think Tlaloc would say that. They are one in the same in how they think, to be sure, and both have usernames of pagan gods. Maybe they’re related.
I know of one troll in another forum that changes personalities and names constantly – and changes sex along with it.

No reason why one personality can’t claim to be Catholic, and another claim to be athiest.
Katherine2 is in suspended status??? What’s up??
I had the same question. Anybody have an answer? How does one get suspended in the first place? How long are suspensions for?
From what I understand from past moderator warnings, neither accusing others of trolling nor discussing member suspensions are appropriate to these forums. Lets all stick to the topic at hand please so this thread doesn’t get whacked.
From what I understand from past moderator warnings, neither accusing others of trolling nor discussing member suspensions are appropriate to these forums. Lets all stick to the topic at hand please so this thread doesn’t get whacked.
I stand rebuked and offer my apologies to those participating in this thread.
From what I understand from past moderator warnings, neither accusing others of trolling nor discussing member suspensions are appropriate to these forums. Lets all stick to the topic at hand please so this thread doesn’t get whacked.
Sorry. Couldn’t think of a better place to ask, since I’ve never seen those warnings. Again, apologies.
The speculation that Uracan and Tlaloc are the same person is unfounded. I did look up some of Tlaloc’s threads and there are some similarities. Peculiarly, Uracan is the Mayan and Carib God of wind. Tlaloc is the Aztec God of Rain.
Sorry. Couldn’t think of a better place to ask, since I’ve never seen those warnings. Again, apologies.
No need to apologize to me. it’s no biggie to me either way. moderators can be overly sensitive about such things, and i’d just hate to see us lose a thread over something like that. 😃 private messages are best in these cases.

Peculiarly, Uracan is the Mayan and Carib God of wind. Tlaloc is the Aztec God of Rain.
actually, the name means “god of evil”

Just curious, what compels a person to choose the name of a pagan god as a screenname on a Catholic forum? :confused:
vern humphrey:
One and the same person. I’ve seen this in other forums – trolls with a schizoid-like compulsion to change their names.

In some forums, there is a “no handles” rule just to prevent this sort of nonsense.
Chock one up to paranoia.
I don’t post under other handles. Frankly I spend too much time here just posting under my username. Plus, and I hate to admit this, I was ignorant of who Uracan was until I read this thread.

You ask why I picked the screenname Uracan. Having been born and raised in the Caribbean, I am somewhat familiar with Taino and Carib legends. I have been using the screenname Uracan for years. Uracan was always the Carib god of wind and storms. Your source is the first I read Uracan described as the god of evil, although I’ve seen him described as the god of diabolic spirits.

You ask why I picked the screenname Uracan. Having been born and raised in the Caribbean, I am somewhat familiar with Taino and Carib legends. I have been using the screenname Uracan for years. Uracan was always the Carib god of wind and storms. Your source is the first I read Uracan described as the god of evil, although I’ve seen him described as the god of diabolic spirits.
Why have you not responded to my post?
Tell me, Uracan, Caribbean god of evil, what right do you have to project your prejudices against me into my words? I never said the poor are poor because they are sinners. I said poverty is the result of sin. Poverty is a product of the sin of the world, original sin. If there were no sin, there would be no poverty. You are blinded by your intolerance of me. No one else came to this incorrect conclusion based on my post.
Actually no, it sounded exactly like you were blaming the poor for their own poverty on account of some sin of theirs. In fact it still does sound that way to me even after your “clarification.”
I find it utterly amazing that a Catholic can support and condone the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, especially after the Pope vehemently condemned the invasion.
I find it utterly amazing that a Catholic can support and condone the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, especially after the Pope vehemently condemned the invasion.

He condemned TERRORISM, and prayed that we would not solve probelms with violence, and that IF we DID go into Iraq, that it would be through the UN. But of course, how was he to know that Saddam was bribing member states to vote “no” and skimming BILLIONS of the top of UN oil-for-food??? Had he known this, he might still have prayed for a “peaceful solution” because that’s his job.

The Church was neutral during WWII-- a fight against unspeakable evil, yet did not outwardly take the side of the Allies.
It is the Pope’s job the pray for peace, sometimes it’s the soldier’s job to enforce it!!
No but the Church has stated that these 5 issues are always evil no matter what.

The other things which you and Uracan (another hit and run poster by the looks of it) have multiple sides which a faithful Catholic can stand on.

I can be for the war on terrorism and still be a faithful Catholic but I can not be for abortion and be a faithful Catholic.

Can one be for​

  • torture
  • slavery
  • oppression of religious or ethnic minorities
  • oppression of the poor
  • the arms race
  • saturation bombing
  • wage slavery
  • oppressive types of capitalism
  • and be a faithful Catholic ?
Most or all of these are forbidden either in Catholic Tradition, the CCC, or lists of sins “crying to heaven for vengeance”. Don’t the things not mentioned among the five matter too ?

Is a politician’s opposition to abortion sufficient to make other positions, no matter how inhumane, allowable ? Suppose he (or she) is opposed to abortion and in favour of increasing stockpiles of chemical weaponry: is that something Catholics think that God blesses ?

ISTM that opposition to abortion is in some danger of becoming an idol. It is far from being the only means of violating the likeness of man to God. So does napalm; so does torture; so does saturation bombing; so does being forced to live on the bread-line; so does ethnic cleansing.
The OT is full of denunciations of social injustice - “woe to those who sell the poor for a pair of shoes”. “I hate, I despise your feasts” - because of the injustices among the Jewish people in Isaiah’s time. Why should God find the Mass any less loathsome and despicable if Catholics are no different ? God is most definitely a hater of all injustice & hypocrisy - that is why He scattered His own people. ##
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