
Mr. hurricane, of what do you accuse us? Do you presume to judge us as hateful, who turn the other way when we see misery and pain on this planet? Tell me, when you see an environmentalist, do ask them, “why don’t you also stand up for the poor and starving of the world and work to end all forms of injustice?” Maybe I presume too much, but I don’t believe you do. I believe you would think to yourself, “keep fighting the good fight, brother” and go on about your business. So why should we, as pro-lifers, who seek to put an end to a type of injustice receive different treatment? Why are we now responsible for the rest of the pain and injustice in the world, whereas, the aforementioned hypothetical environmentalist is not? Why are those who agree with you politically not required to fight every single injustice in the world, but those who are not like you politically should fight all? Do you think we do not pray for peace? Do you think we want pollution? Do you think we do not want justice throughout the world? Do you REALLY think that we do not feel any responsibility to reign in the Kingdom of God on the Earth?
You see, we hate war, but we provide moral support to our troops who put themselves in harm’s way to help Iraqis have a better future. We hate injustice, such as the gassing of hundreds of thousands of Kurds, such as the insurgents who will not allow peace in Iraq. We feed the hungry, which is why we are appalled at the exploitation of the Oil for Food program. We give alms to the poor. We clothe the naked. We give drink to the thirsty. We pray for the suffering souls throughout the world.
But we also fight on a battlefield on which you fear to tread. We fight for the unborn, from zygote to a 10-trillion-celled 100-year-old. We fight for the disabled. We fight for the “unfit.” We fight for the sacred. That God’s holy covenant into which man and women enter be not profaned. When your politicians abandon their commitment to zygoticide, infanticide, ageism and spiritual homicide (endorsement of gay marriage), then they shall once again be worthy of our votes. Until then, our commitment to justice throughout the world obligates us to vote them down.
You accuse us of taking the low road. And yes, we do walk that low road. Don’t you know, a true follower of Christ walks down the low road to gather the sheep who cannot pick themselves up and lift them up? Don’t spend too much time on your high road…
“For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low, And that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, that Israel may advance secure in the glory of God.” Bar.5:7