Florida's new wild west gun law

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hmm, I guess I’m okay with this in trained hands, but don’t do it myself for a few reasons:
  1. It’s danged hard to breastfeed with a holster on!😃
  2. I think it’s too easy for a stranger to steal my car (read as 12 passenger van so it’ll hold all 9 of us! what putz kid would want to go cruisin’ in it?! More likely steal the mag stereo system hubby just had to put in it…😛 )
  3. I don’t carry a purse (7 kids = I have enough to carry!) and I think the time wasted digging a gun out of the diaper bag/book bag would be … well wasted.:o
  4. If at all possible you have a better chance of living if you leave the scene (even if he shoots you) than the risk taken fighting it out. Too many plusses n the aggressors side. The HUGE exception is if the aggressor is trying to take you. Fight like a wild cat with rabies then because you can bet he ain’t gonna bring you back in one piece. Again my goal wouldn’t be death, but that’ll work for me if it comes down to it. I’ll settle for popping an eye out or punching a windpipe though if it gets me far, far away from him.
again just an opinion from an american mommy…
vern humphrey:
In 1997, there were 250 murders in Arkansas. Since the state population was about 2,523,000, that’s almost 10 per 100,000.

By 2,000, there were only 168 murders, from a population of 2,673,400, or a bit less than 6 per 100,000.
Was the drop in murders attributed to the carry laws or perhaps to other factors?
BTW, you do know that those guards carry sub-machine guns don’t you. H&K MP4’s to be exact.
I thought that they carried 9mm Beretta pistols and that the heavier weapons were nearby and available. I was unaware that they openly carried the MGs. Learn something every day.
I am sure my wife would not want me to have my pistol strapped on when we go to our K of C formal dance,
get yourself a PPK, they go well with formal wear 😉
get yourself a PPK, they go well with formal wear 😉
While I admit that the nickel finish goes well with Platinum jewelry, I find the .380 cartridge a tad undersized for effective personal defense.
Was the drop in murders attributed to the carry laws or perhaps to other factors?
Oh, what fun!!

The number of murders went down, when according to the antis it should have gone UP.

Now, if you want to read the Lott study, covering every county in the US, feel free. But first answer the question – since it’s free (to the taxpayer), results in violent crime going DOWN, and has no bad side effects, WHY do you oppose it?
vern humphrey:
Oh, what fun!!

The number of murders went down, when according to the antis it should have gone UP.

Now, if you want to read the Lott study, covering every county in the US, feel free. But first answer the question – since it’s free (to the taxpayer), results in violent crime going DOWN, and has no bad side effects, WHY do you oppose it?
Because it has the name Lott associated with it, which means that it is tanted with the name of an avowed segregationalist sympathizer.
vern humphrey:
WHY do you oppose it?
Maybe I worry about where it will end. Carrying guns in the open like gunslingers? Folks with bootknives? Carrying shotguns openly? Seeing Little Rock turn into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City?
Liberals, Conservatives, and Southerners

How do you tell the difference between Liberals, Conservatives andSoutherners? Pose the following question:You’re walking down a deserted street with your wife and two smallchildren. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes aroundthe corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, andcharges. You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot. Youhave mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.What do you do?

**Liberal Answer:**Well, that’s not enough information to answer the question! Does the manlook poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that wouldinspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? Whatabout the kids? Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock theknife out of his hand? What does the law say about this situation? Doesthe Glock have an appropriate safety built into it? Why am I carrying aloaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society andto my children? Is it possible he’d be happy with killing just me? Doeshe definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while hewas stabbing me? Should I call 9-1-1? Why is this street so deserted? Weneed to raise taxes, and have a paint and weed day, and make this ahappier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior, This isall so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few daysand try to come to a consensus.

Conservative Answer:

**Southerner’s Answer:**BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!
Rackety-click? (Sounds of reloading)
Wife: “Hun, he looks like he’s still moving, whadda y’all kids think?”
Son: “Mama’s right Daddy, I saw it, too.”
Daughter: “Nice group, Daddy Were those the Winchester Silver Tips?”
Maybe I worry about where it will end. Carrying guns in the open like gunslingers? Folks with bootknives? Carrying shotguns openly? Seeing Little Rock turn into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City?
Well, let me see – Florida has had such a law for about 20 years and the State of Washington had such a law a bit earlier. They haven’t turned into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City!

Some 37 states now have such laws – and not one of them has turned into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City!

In fact, all that happens is that violent crime goes down – at no cost to the taxpayer.

So why do you oppose such laws?
Maybe I worry about where it will end. Carrying guns in the open like gunslingers? Folks with bootknives? Carrying shotguns openly? Seeing Little Rock turn into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City?
And the problem with that being? A skinned smoke-wagon can be quite the fashion accessory.
vern humphrey said:
-- Florida has had such a law for about 20 years and the State of Washington had such a law a bit earlier.

Vermont has had their since the early 1900’s

Wash. State enacted theirs in 1933, IIRC
Some 37 states now have such laws –
38 - Ohio enacted theirs last summer
vern humphrey:
Well, let me see – Florida has had such a law for about 20 years and the State of Washington had such a law a bit earlier. They haven’t turned into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City!
How many people there go packing? How many more might decide to?
Some 37 states now have such laws – and not one of them has turned into Tombstone or Abilene or Dodge City!
Same answer as above, and “not yet”.

But, what’s to argue about? There’s a carry law in Arkansas so you should be ever so pleased. No chance of repeal in this state. Enjoy.
How many people there go packing? How many more might decide to?

Same answer as above, and “not yet”.

But, what’s to argue about? There’s a carry law in Arkansas so you should be ever so pleased. No chance of repeal in this state. Enjoy.
But SOME day, mark my words, you’ll walk down Markham and see Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty come out of the Long Branch, with Chester hobbling along behind.

We’ll all be sorry then.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
Look, Moses brought down the 10 Commandments to the Jews, and they’ve been available ever since.

Did Moses say to God, “You know, Big Guy, maybe we’d better not start with these. After all, you don’t know how it’s going to end. Some people are going to look at these and go–hey, this sin looks like fun, I’m gonna try it! And even with these rules, you know SOME people are just going to break them. . .and that’ll mess up their self-esteem. And they’re going to argue over interpretations, or claim that things have changed and they’re no longer needed. . .so why bring them up in the FIRST place?”
vern humphrey:
see Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty come out of the Long Branch
The Long Branch? Certainly. That’s one of those saloons on Clinton Ave that keep going out of business and opening up again with another name. Eventually one will be named the Long Branch. 🙂
I’m pretty sure that there’s at least 2 long branch saloons in Alaska (One is just down the road from my house)…No shootouts there so far…
The real point of the Florida law is to make it legal to defend onerself in this state, not to allow us all to go wild west…which didn’t happen under the concealed carry laws and won’t happen this time either. This is to address a serious legal deficiency in Florida’s justice system where prisons have a great many guys who are there for just exactly what this law makes legal. This law is **long ** overdue.
Pax vobiscum,
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